• I don't believe in god. There is no scientific proof that God is real and created everything. The Big Bang Theory, which I'm currently studying, was a NATURAL REACTION and created what we now know, our universe, our stars, and our planets. Not to be offensive, but this is just my belief. I honestly hate when people use the "bible" for scientific reasoning.

  • If there is a God his/her name is synonymous with Love =)

  • @winter The Big Bang was not a "reaction". It started with a small singularity. Inflated over 13 Billion years.

  • God is real no question about it.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @itzmehhhh321 said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    God is real no question about it.

    Prove it? Until you prove it i don't believe you

  • first, you can't have a definitive answer on this question. So many theories about God and so many definitions of God. For instance, Ellon Musk has an argument that we are living in a simulation therefore our God could've been a more advanced being, according to him; using syllogisms by Aristotle, If God exists, God would not allow evil, there is evil, therefore, God does not exist; second, to prove an existence of God (is it a 100% fiction or real) with scientific method of course it will cost a lot of time and capital, if you want an explanation and or prove of God not by scientific method (alternative explanation) you could try learning religion. third, well we live in the vast universe where our advanced nation like UA, Rusia, Deutschland ΓΌber alles, ΓΌber alles in der Welt, etc didn't found any explanation about the existence of God but a mysteries in this or these universe. my advice to you, just believe what you believe even the non-believer said that God is not exist they can't prove it that God is not exist, and even the believer said that God is exist they cant prove it that God is exist too.

  • @topics27 said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    I wish to have an open minded discussion that is also meaningful

    Yes, I am real.

  • @apple1 HA! That's a very nice take on the topic,, but i am pretty sure @Ragnar-Lothbrok would consider that blasphemy..

  • @lucifer_ said in Is god real? Your thoughts:


    lmao, XD seriously??

  • @ragnar-lothbrok ANSWER MY FUCKING QUESTION this is the 3rd time i ask it and you just ignore it

  • @alwaysstranger dude what question mybe i ddnt saw it...sorry.

  • @ragnar-lothbrok do you know Stephen Hawking

  • @alwaysstranger yep i knw him former Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge and author of A Brief History of Time which was an international bestseller.

  • @sarah said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    Yes I think god is real because how can we exist without our creator


    who created god?Saying nobody created the universe isn't illogical according to science since space and time started at the big bang therefore there was no time before the big bang but saying god did it is illogical since there was no time before the big bang

    Here is stephen hawking explaining why the belief in a god is unjustified/that god doesn't exist:

    (long version)

    (last 3 min of the 35 min documentary)

  • @alwaysstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @sarah said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    Yes I think god is real because how can we exist without our creator


    who created god?Saying nobody created the universe isn't illogical according to science since space and time started at the big bang therefore there was no time before the big bang but saying god did it is illogical since there was no time before the big bang

    Here is stephen hawking explaining why the belief in a god is unjustified/that god doesn't exist:

    (long version)

    (last 3 min of the 35 min documentary)

    well,this prove nothing to me and stephen is wrong about God.
    What stumped me the most about Hawking saying that there is no God, is that he makes a mistake that only newbie or uninformed atheists make.

    When you talk with atheists, and you ask them to prove that there’s no God, most will tell you that it’s logically impossible to prove that God doesn’t exist.

    And they are absolutely correct!

    No one can prove, using logic, that something or someone that’s invisible doesn’t exist. That’s because it would require absolute knowledge.
    and no one has absolute knowledge exept God him self.

    You Can’t Measure God Through Science
    Science is the study of the physical and natural world.

    But God, by definition, is not limited to the physical and natural world.

    In fact, God lives outside of time and space.
    Therefore, a physical detection of God using scientific measurement isn’t possible.

  • The latest research lead by 3 atheist scientist with other team members, about the creation of the universe, states that, the creation of the universe is not possible without a God or some diety controlling it.

    The initial big bang theory has been rejected.

    New factors and research states that without external control, our universe could never had been created.

  • Music Lovers

    @alwaysstranger ok andwho created your parents your grandparents and who created them and so on.... now tell me who created the first person on the planet answer me this question who created the first person on this planet.

  • @talkwithstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger ok and you created your parents your grandparents and who created and so on not tell me who created the first person on the planet answer me this question who created the first person on this planet

    u better ask him, stephenhawking is just a human being like us how can he prove that God doesn't exist?. matter of fact science cant prove the existence of GOD, tell him

  • @talkwithstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger ok andwho created your parents your grandparents and who created them and so on.... now tell me who created the first person on the planet answer me this question who created the first person on this planet.