• You know those "CAPTCHA" things used to check folk using apps and websites are actually real people?

    You know how they always make you check a box to say "I'm not a robot"?

    Oughtn't they really say "To the best of my knowledge, I am not a robot"?

    Millions of us could be being forced to lie through no fault of our own, and I wouldn't want to get blacklisted from anywhere on account of someone else's laziness.

  • @Matt_Aranha said in Thought for the day:

    You know those "CAPTCHA" things used to check folk using apps and websites are actually real people?

    You know how they always make you check a box to say "I'm not a robot"?

    Oughtn't they really say "To the best of my knowledge, I am not a robot"?

    Millions of us could be being forced to lie through no fault of our own, and I wouldn't want to get blacklisted from anywhere on account of someone else's laziness.

    So you're saying... erm... i don't get what you're saying, except that you suspect you might be a robot :joy:

  • @petrapark3r said in Thought for the day:

    So you're saying... erm... i don't get what you're saying, except that you suspect you might be a robot :joy:

    Highly implausible... more a hypothetical musing for a potential future πŸ˜‚

  • Pretty soon those bellend hipster web administrators will be giving us full on Voight Kampf tests (which I wouldn't mind, because the one on Bladerunner 2049 looks like tremendous fun, almost like jazz scat).
