Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • This post is deleted!

  • @i-am-male sorry dude. I accidentally posted the unfinished reply

  • @mahmood-bhatti said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    yes quran teach to kill unbelievers

    So are you muslim?

  • No of course not

  • @alexthealien i was clearly not talking to you

  • @thestrangest well that's good cuz I was talking to @Muslim :)

  • @alexthealien oh. K whatever

  • Yes, I do. Christianity and Islam are extremist religions

  • So this isn't an attempt to "tip the scales", but because exposure to both sides is important, here's something we should be conscious about:

  • stop copy and ast everything you found in the intrenet . and talk for your selfs . be open be smart.
    Lets vote how about that ?
    whos say's yes and who say's no .... ?

  • @muslim said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    stop copy and ast everything you found in the intrenet . and talk for your selfs . be open be smart.
    Lets vote how about that ?
    whos say's yes and who say's no .... ?

    How about no? This already happened and we know the answer, lol. It is stupid to do this without a "before and after":

  • The politics is terrorist America.. Israel..
    Support Assad and Syria

  • The answer is pretty simple, all religions are religions of terrorism. In each one of them there's been a lot of blood and a lot of dead people it only takes you a good analysis. Every religion is about human beings so I say none of them is worse or better than the others for we're all the same, everyone is free to believe in what they want but as anything that exists on this world everything has minuses along with pluses. If the majority of serial killers would be Christians would it turn the religion into a serial killer religion?


  • Nope, infact other religions have more terrorist attacks and activities then the entire muslim terrorists combined according to a US terrorist expert, but they are more highlighted cuz the media likes to blow it out of proportion to create a negative image of islam so it's citizen would hate it and support their killing which their country does by invading their homelands. Bush used 9/11 to further his plans. It was all a set up.

  • @muslim said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    tell me what do you think about islam from your point of view as a free thinker not what u hear from the media

    Well. I can only say. TERROR TERROR TERROR. And it's their own fault that i think like that.

    No respect for other rules in other cuntries than their own. Just because we won't slot your throat on public view. Well, maybe we should? Would that make you guys behave?

  • I love this topic!

    I used to be a Muslim. A convert, but I left. Not because Islam wasn't for me, but because I no longer was for Islam. I never was approached by anything radical. Never once. I had a good experience with the people.

    My one and only problem with Islam, it's not the terrorists...because frankly, that's not true Islam. My problem is the grown ass men marrying children! I gave Mohammed the pass because that was normal back than...but today those dirty son's a bitches should know better! It happens in America too, all over the world. I hope they all burn in hell, everyone who thinks sex with children is perfectly fine. i don't care if their parents give them away, i mean how much was their child really worth to them. it's just not ok. Some of these girls still play with dolls, they should be outside playing, not satisfying her husbands needs, idc if he takes care of her. that's our job, as grown ups we take care of children...not have sex with them! Hell has a special place for sick bastards like that...Muslim, Catholic Atheist, American - non American idc what religion or race you call yourself, burn! I had a conversation with a taxi driver about this. I told him it's disgusting. He thought he could argue with me,'re foul af to me and a despicable human if you are ok with this. I'm not saying you directly, anyone in general reading who thinks it's ok. I'm sure there's plenty of pedophiles on here, they are the ones i speak there not enough adults in the world, not enough ladies on the corners?

    anyways...that was my only problem with Islam...

  • @muslim I've been to Egypt.

  • @muslim I used to be Muslim. I no longer am. I actually had a pleasant experience with Muslims. Very lovely people.

    However, Islam holds a darkness I can not allow by my morals. I am not okay with grown men marrying little girls. Many of these girls haven't even hit puberty. It's not okay in Islam, it's not okay outside of Islam. It's not okay in the Middle East it's not okay in America. We have our disgusting foul excuses for humans who think sex with children is ok. If prison doesn't rape them up the ass, hell with burn it for them. Adults are supposed to protect children. I hate the way this world is to them. I often cry for all the children. This world is not fair to them. The Islamic belief "oh he will take care of her" it's all fair play as long as she is being taken care of...a seven year old bride, to be de-flowered...sick!

    this is an issue with humanity, not just Islam.

  • @muslim I used to be Muslim. I no longer am. I actually had a pleasant experience with Muslims. Very lovely people.

    However, Islam holds a darkness I can not allow by my morals. I am not okay with grown men marrying little girls. At 16, it's considerable but not without great jihad within myself. Many of these girls haven't even hit puberty. Seven year old brides, to be de-flowered SICK! ARE THERE NOT ENOUGH WOMAN???? The culture response "Oh he will take care of her" it's all fair play because he will take care of her...hmm isn't that what grown ups are supposed to do? We are supposed to love and protect children. Oh, but the parents have to okay it" well, they are just as guilty! if not more, parents are supposed to protect I will never ever be convinced that this is acceptable. It happens here in the US too, plenty of pedophiles here. I hope they all burn in hell, anyone who can do this to a child has no soul. When they get caught and go to prison. oh the mates have fun with the pedophiles. There is blood, and I have no compassion for them.
