• @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r It's noyb 😎.

    nosy parker
    an overly inquisitive person

    What's in a name πŸ’©

    Funny that you should care to answer then :yum:

    I replied, yet didn't answer 😎

    Funny then, that you should reply yet again :sunglasses:

    third time's a charm πŸ–•

    Indeed, funny that this exchange should go on, even though you say you don't care :yum:

    You really are starting to believe you are a woman. Putting words in my mouth now hmm.

    Show me where i said i didn't care ladyboy

    Aww so you do care :heart:

    I'll give you one thing, you'd do great as a woman. I wouldn't be surprised if you won the competition.

  • @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r It's noyb 😎.

    nosy parker
    an overly inquisitive person

    What's in a name πŸ’©

    Funny that you should care to answer then :yum:

    I replied, yet didn't answer 😎

    Funny then, that you should reply yet again :sunglasses:

    third time's a charm πŸ–•

    Indeed, funny that this exchange should go on, even though you say you don't care :yum:

    You really are starting to believe you are a woman. Putting words in my mouth now hmm.

    Show me where i said i didn't care ladyboy

    Aww so you do care :heart:

    I'll give you one thing, you'd do great as a woman. I wouldn't be surprised if you won the competition.

    I'll win alright :joy:

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r It's noyb 😎.

    nosy parker
    an overly inquisitive person

    What's in a name πŸ’©

    Funny that you should care to answer then :yum:

    I replied, yet didn't answer 😎

    Funny then, that you should reply yet again :sunglasses:

    third time's a charm πŸ–•

    Indeed, funny that this exchange should go on, even though you say you don't care :yum:

    You really are starting to believe you are a woman. Putting words in my mouth now hmm.

    Show me where i said i didn't care ladyboy

    Aww so you do care :heart:

    I'll give you one thing, you'd do great as a woman. I wouldn't be surprised if you won the competition.

    I'll win alright :joy:


    And the biggest sissy award goes to...

  • Veteran Mods One Woman Army

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    When do you get up?

    At 5am doesnt matter what day it is.

    What do you do first?

    I brush my teeth.

    What do you work on / spend most of your time with?


    What's after work?


    What do you enjoy most about your days?

    The part where I get to play football.

    What do you hate about em?

    My days are too short for me to do everything.

  • @Sup said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    What do you hate about em?

    My days are too short for me to do everything.

    Uh yeah, I hate that too :triumph:

  • @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    @TheRisingSun said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r It's noyb 😎.

    nosy parker
    an overly inquisitive person

    What's in a name πŸ’©

    Funny that you should care to answer then :yum:

    I replied, yet didn't answer 😎

    Funny then, that you should reply yet again :sunglasses:

    third time's a charm πŸ–•

    Indeed, funny that this exchange should go on, even though you say you don't care :yum:

    You really are starting to believe you are a woman. Putting words in my mouth now hmm.

    Show me where i said i didn't care ladyboy

    Aww so you do care :heart:

    I'll give you one thing, you'd do great as a woman. I wouldn't be surprised if you won the competition.

    I'll win alright :joy:


    And the biggest sissy award goes to...

    Dude that is definitely not me. My boobs definitely aint that small. They are at least D. Waay to heavy and big. Never know what to do with em :shrug:

  • When do you get up?

    I have alarms set at 5:30, 5:35........6:00 :alarm_clock:

    So the alarm which makes me feel more guilty does the job!

    What do you do first?

    Curse the phone for ringing the alarm!

    What do you work on / spend most of your time with?

    Study or watch series.
    Loved stranger things season 3!!

    What's after work?

    Drive home, most of the times in rain these days.

    What do you enjoy most about your days?

    The peace, the silence, no one disturbs me in the library.

    What do you hate about em?

    That end up too quickly and night brings the dread that the day will start again tomorrow :sob:

  • @ObviouslyLucifer said in Tell me about your days...:

    When do you get up?

    I have alarms set at 5:30, 5:35........6:00 :alarm_clock:

    So the alarm which makes me feel more guilty does the job!

    What do you do first?

    Curse the phone for ringing the alarm!

    What do you work on / spend most of your time with?

    Study or watch series.
    Loved stranger things season 3!!

    What's after work?

    Drive home, most of the times in rain these days.

    What do you enjoy most about your days?

    The peace, the silence, no one disturbs me in the library.

    What do you hate about em?

    That end up too quickly and night brings the dread that the day will start again tomorrow :sob:

    A seldom guest! I love libraries too :heart:. Recently I just wake up around 6. No alarm, nothing. Miraculously. What is it you're studying?

  • One Woman Army Banned



  • @prisoner wow, that sure is detailed. interesting life you got. a bit roo much alkohol for my taste though :sweat_smile:.

  • @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    How do you usually spend your days? Maybe tell me about your week and your weekend.

    When do you get up?
    What do you do first?
    What do you work on / spend most of your time with?
    What's after work?
    What do you enjoy most about your days?
    What do you hate about em?

    These are the questions I ask myself because my memory is so bad 😩

  • My days are being pushed into a corner by the world, and left to observe my thoughts confirming which ones are terrible, and hoping to God they are outside entities, and I am merely at war to make my thoughts more obedient. I don't assume as the world that every voice I hear, or every image that is put in my mind is in fact me, or that spiritual forces don't exist. I know demons are real, and believe they can be cast out, but what I don't believe is a carnal being other than Christ who will aid me against the darkness. My days are resisting and often failing, while the ones who supposedly love me would rather I remain silent and do, or give to them like an obedient pup. My days are resenting my dads oppression, and being tempted to covet woman when none would ever marry a mess like me. Everyone just wants to play games, and get off on dirty humor. I'm hated. Yes my days are being hated, and striving to not wish for death

  • @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    When do you get up?

    Usually 10 am but sometimes I wake up cuz I miss her and I need to know how she is doing.

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    What do you do first?

    Pee :joy:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    What do you work on / spend most of your time with?

    As off lately i'm developing a new online portfolio, so that's what I've been doing lately.

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    What's after work?

    Workout :muscle:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    What do you enjoy most about your days?

    When I get to see her

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    What do you hate about em?

    I don't really hate em lately, some are just more depressive or boring but overal they are ok so nothing really makes me hate em :shrug:

  • @DAD_ said in Tell me about your days...:


    Wow, that's some plan you got there. Do you manage to follow it more than 80%? (Cause that would mean, you're doin it right).

    I don't understand everything on it though :joy:

    About the exercise, I have one advice (Unless I interpret corrective exercises wrong :sweat_smile:) Less is more. As you might know muscles need at least 48% to heal from a workout. This obviously includes the heart. The healing phase == the growth / strengthen phase. It might be the most important part of exercising. So concrete application would be to only exercise every second day, and at best to exercise every muscle group only every 4 days then. Cardio also only every second day (e.g. the days you don't work out). The result will be faster progress at whatever your goal is (build up, strengthen, increase endurance, and so on).

  • @steelfirehawk said in Tell me about your days...:

    My days are being pushed into a corner by the world, and left to observe my thoughts confirming which ones are terrible, and hoping to God they are outside entities, and I am merely at war to make my thoughts more obedient. I don't assume as the world that every voice I hear, or every image that is put in my mind is in fact me, or that spiritual forces don't exist. I know demons are real, and believe they can be cast out, but what I don't believe is a carnal being other than Christ who will aid me against the darkness.

    It's more about understanding your thoughts, not so much about fighting them. We have a lot of evil in ourselves, but still no right to blame us. Also there is actually nothing wrong with being tempted you know? What matters is what you do.

    Stop worrying to much about your thoughts. Look around you, and see what you could make better. Maybe start by cleaning up your room. Honestly. Just look around and define for yourself what you could do better. Than do one thing better every day than the day before.

    My days are resisting and often failing, while the ones who supposedly love me would rather I remain silent and do, or give to them like an obedient pup. My days are resenting my dads oppression, and being tempted to covet woman when none would ever marry a mess like me. Everyone just wants to play games, and get off on dirty humor. I'm hated. Yes my days are being hated, and striving to not wish for death

    That sounds like there is a lot you could do to better your life. Stop listening to "Everyone". There are also sane people in the world. Strive for something greater. If you don't have a goal, you cannot possibly orient yourself. You need an ideal. And it must be an ideal, e.g. something you can never reach, but always can get just a step closer to. And then you can make small goals to reach, to actually change your life. For the actual change don't strive to high. The ideal should be high, but it is enough if you're only 1% better than yesterday. Just the one thing. And you'll change your life. It's about consistency, not about doing great things.

  • @Lurker said in Tell me about your days...:

    @petrapark3r said in Tell me about your days...:

    What do you hate about em?

    I don't really hate em lately, some are just more depressive or boring but overal they are ok so nothing really makes me hate em :shrug:

    I'm honestly glad to hear :smile:
