• @TheGoldenMole When I was 6, I had a real nasty cold and knew my mom would force me to drink cough syrup before bed. So before she came upstairs, I dumped an entire bottle of it into my toy box. When she asked where it went, I claimed my 4-year-old brother drank it all. When he denied it, they didn't believe him. He then spent the entire night at the hospital drinking liquid charcoal and having his stomach pumped.
    :joy: :joy:

  • @Saloniii said in INSERT YOUR STORY HERE:

    @TheGoldenMole When I was 6, I had a real nasty cold and knew my mom would force me to drink cough syrup before bed. So before she came upstairs, I dumped an entire bottle of it into my toy box. When she asked where it went, I claimed my 4-year-old brother drank it all. When he denied it, they didn't believe him. He then spent the entire night at the hospital drinking liquid charcoal and having his stomach pumped.
    :joy: :joy:


  • @TheGoldenMole i was lol :joy:

  • ...Ah, GM. I'm not going to give you 'A' material for free, completely out of context. But here's ...let's just call it my twentieth best anecdote.

    About 25 years ago, a pal and I finished work for the week and decided to blow a large portion of our wages on Go-Karting. Y'know? Go-Karting - driving round and round a circuit in a tiny hi-speed buggy. Well, anyhow, we were luvvin' it, and we totally lost track of time. We must have had about twenty races, over the course of about three hours.

    The problem came when the time came to go home: we got back to my pal's car, and his driving reflex was so attuned to the controls of the tiny little go-kart (which raced round at about 60mph as standard), that he put his foot down and we drove STRAIGHT IN TO A TWENTY FOOT WALL MADE OF LORRY TYRES. The tyres bounced everywhere. But we didn't have the luxury of being able to go into shock, because the swarthy gypsies who ran the Go-Karting place ran towards us with murder in their hearts. We sped away. They gave chase in their own vehicle. They chased us for about half a mile, then gave up. By that point, I was laughing, but my mate was really terrified. Y'know that episode of Alan Partridge where he has to escape from a stalker across random countryside? It was that kinda vibe. At one point, our escape took us through a ford which gave a VERY dramatic splash.

    The moral? Don't dick around.

  • 2145326743854695709657463

  • @ะšara wow ... .actually speechless :speak_no_evil:

  • @Indrid-Cold
    I'll remember this after I finished my go-kart driving ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @Indrid-Cold If I didn't want to dick around before I definitely do now! Don't worry though, I already drive like I'm go kart racing ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @ะšara I agree, alcohol sucks! I don't think you ruined his birthday though, he saw a naked girl I think the last think he would do is complain ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @ะšara K, these anecdotes are great. And I hope I'd speak for everyone when I say that you're probably completely blameless for the alcohol episode; at that age, alcohol is a weird, unpredictable siren call.
    And the way you recount your mental 'switch flipping' is very cool, too. Not rushing to draw any conclusions, but at the same time not underplaying the significance of it. I've always been fascinated by stories of people recieving inhuman knowledge and inhuman drives. In a lot of ways, I think Joan of Arc is as interesting a story as The New Testament. And you've probably read it already, but 'Valis' by Philip K Dick, the autobiographical novel telling of his mystical interaction with an alien satelite โ€”what a book. But your story also reminds me a little bit of that classic novel โ€”I think maybe it was Childhood's End by Arthur C Clarke, where adolescents start to evolve intellectually and get much, much wiser, and the olderz get totally unnerved, but they know they can't complain. Or maybe it was something by John Wyndam. TRULY I AM A SCI FI NOVEL MISREMEBERER.

  • Once upon a time there was a dog....................... and he died.

    The End.
