• So hey. I am new here. Boredom got me here. So i just need your general perception on this topic. Can a person live alone happily for an entire life. Or do we all need companions?

  • @fragile-soul I feel like we need a companion overall. Some people may go on with their lives alone and some don't, but the ones who do always wish they weren't alone in the end. I think no one wants to die alone or not be loved in the end. Some people are happy being alone but never forever imo.

  • @sky95 what if one cant deal with the pain togathernes brings? What if one cant take the pain and fights and emotional break downs love can bring?

  • @fragile-soul I would rather be alone than live "happily" in a trash relation with a companion. Both sides can have positive and negative things.

  • @what-is-this being alone i guess is alot more better.

  • @fragile-soul yes I know. Love and everything with it comes pain, but really should it? If the love you have for someone brings that much pain then maybe it's better to not love that person? Itll hurt no matter what but I would say being happy with yourself is what should matter the most. If that means being alone then so be it, but in the end do we really wanna die alone? What will you think in those last moments? Will you have regrets cause of it?

  • @fragile-soul said in Can people live happily alone? Or do we need a companion?:

    So hey. I am new here. Boredom got me here. So i just need your general perception on this topic. Can a person live alone happily for an entire life. Or do we all need companions?

    only companion you'll ever need is a dog

  • @fragile-soul said in Can people live happily alone? Or do we need a companion?:

    So hey. I am new here. Boredom got me here. So i just need your general perception on this topic. Can a person live alone happily for an entire life. Or do we all need companions?

    :thinking_face: Good question.
    I think that people can live on their own for a lifetime. Throughout that time it's not like you are never going to meet others. So depending on the type of person that you are, it may just be that the "companionship" of 3rd parties is enough.
    There are many many people out there that 'depend' on the company of others substantially more... bringing forward then 'need & requirement' to specifically live with and share a life with someone that can be considered a close companion.

    Personally I'm neither here nor there. I have in the past been happy to share my life and open myself up to the joys of a companion, but 'at my age' I have become colder to the ways of the world and find myself happy in my solitude. I am on here a fair amount, but if I had to stop it wouldn't make to much difference. I learned to love myself for who and what I am, so as a result I don't find the need to share myself anymore. This way I have no one else to answer to.

  • @fragile-soul ps. Welcome to the nuthouse ;)

  • @fragile-soul said in Can people live happily alone? Or do we need a companion?:

    So hey. I am new here. Boredom got me here. So i just need your general perception on this topic. Can a person live alone happily for an entire life. Or do we all need companions?

    I believe there's 2 types of ppl, the ones that can live and lead an happy life alone. This ppl are often very strong, can have fun on their own and they never have a "companion", rather they "go with the flow" and find happiness their own way. They are not a complicated bunch and tend to keep everything simple and free. Then there are the ppl that are more fragile, that need the approval, attention and affection of someone. They need to feel that someone out there, needs them and loves them unconditionally. This ppl tend to get really lonesome when they don't have a "companion" of their own or when their "companion" is away for some reason, making them often very devoted and clingy.

    I can say I'm in between these two, more inclined to the second type. I'll always give a shot to love, but I would rather be alone then someone that is constanly giving me stress, drama and head/heartaches. Every love is worth living, some is simply not worth fighting for. "It's better to be alone then poorly accompanied".

    Welcome to tws btw ^^

  • You can try to live happily alone but you will always want a friend.

  • @fragile-soul No man is an island, companions can be persons or animals..
