• @rendezvous said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    You all should kys.
    You all apply so much brain in this stupid site and how it works. Just go and apply your wisdom in the stuff that actually matters.
    And actually, who gives a shit about being a mod.
    Its not really β€œ LEADERSHIP β€œ , its just a bunch of free jobless people working free for the cheap Website creators.
    So just chill and have fun on this site. No need to bring shit in here.


  • @Morf for Administrator. Make TWS Great Again! #MTGA


  • Global Veteran Banned

    Time to bury the hatchet, learn from these comments and adjust sails, be constructive and productive!
    and most of all don't hold a grudge against eachother for the things that have been said and done. Everyone here cares and wants TWS to be a better place.

    0_1532800383065_UPVOTE ZOEY.png

  • @barton said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @Morf for Administrator. Make TWS great again! #MTGA

    No thank you, sir. I know am definitely NOT a leader.

    I only try to help if someone needs it.

  • @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    Damn that is a long ass post. Btw i will answer your questions honestly and let users know why this happened;

    First i am thanking you for the response. Lets we talk about the old time when you first become a newbie administrator

    @odin said in UNDERSTANDING (DRAMA PART 2):

    let it be clear here, for catfishes who doesnt use their true identity or some of their true identity, either play cool without involving love affairs, let your partner know that you are not who he/she thinks is, just because you have personal reasons for hiding your identity OR dont involve your self in anything related to love. Or else you will be banned, the site cares for peoples, and when these peoples gets hurt it causes dramas and huge users left for the same reasons. As i am admin i wont let that happen.

    the site cares for peoples, and when these peoples gets hurt it causes dramas and huge users left for the same reasons. As i am admin i wont let that happen.

    Then i am gonna re-read all of LONG ASS COMMENTS ABOVE since too much people complaining your leadeship now. @Odin, i will publish the third letter if there is no solution here.

    Behavior, how close you are to spammers, how you handle problems e.t.c, it is hard to make a voting/poll process while.choosing a new moderator because any one will easly make fake accounts to upvote for yes. We as admin's knows whats best for users.

    About easily make fake accounts, that's why we need votes from several people here. If it is not about votes, they can comments something there and you can see how many people fully support that person.
    You said admin knows the best dude? With being silent all the time, with doing nothing when this @Willow unmod herself? What is happening with you dude?

    1. We need the professionalism and transparency in here.Β 
      We modded @Mr-H and @im-a-bae not because they are close as friends. No. But because we didnot have mods from ireland, or portugual. But we had 3 mods already from asia and that is why we did'nt mod @Bela after voting poll made by @G-A if i am not mistaken. I already pointed out how we appoint a mod. Its not based on friendship or any thing like that. @Captain_America is close friend of me but we modded @Mr-H instead of him even though @Mr-H decided to deny the job. We are still looking for a better user to replace him. So choosing a mod is not something "transparent" but we do find users according to how close they are to every one else and how good they are. How active they are and everything. After getting good candidates we then ask our @Global-Moderators to approve them. Also all @Global-Moderators most of them are friend of yours, so they can still choose better users. And we admins approve them after going through their files.

    Look, Rags, we wont feel like this if we believe you as well. You put Hugo and your gf rn as global mods. This is a biased decision, this is the first time i feel disappointed with your decision. I try to convince myself that this is the good effort you did but really rag, you have to do something about this. Let say, how can you trust someone as a global mods by his/her topics only? How can you say someone could handle everything very well then? What do you know about that person personality so that person has such qualifications like a global mods?

    But whoever wants to unmod her or himself, i was appointed for a reason. A mod can dm me and i will easly unmod them. So i dunno if you want a better way to unmod moderators. If i am not online then i made my personal account of instagram public, you can text me there instead.

    Lol, i said to you right, make an election. This site is continue growing right?
    Why dont you try to make a new feature about "someone who wants to be mods" and people can vote for that election? Like a poll but with a good feature like "that person hastag", "that person pictures" and "the new visions"?

    FYI i dont use FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM. I just use Line, Whatsapp and Telegram also Skype. :)

    But for voting/poll process will be hard to do it as anyone could easly make fakea and vote for themselves.

    Tell me how many people will do this crazy things? Do you think it is possible for someone do such things like @WtfJudith did here? No, make her as an ancient things that we should treat it well. Do you think all of people here is obsessed to be a global mods? Look Rags, dont limit yourself. You can easily see that person comments and how long that person been joined this site also the followers. Make it relevant.

  • @therisingsun said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    Time to bury the hatchet, learn from these comments and adjust sails, be constructive and productive!
    and most of all don't hold a grudge against eachother for the things that have been said and done. Everyone here cares and wants TWS to be a better place.

    100% agree. We all want this site to be better, fighting is only making it more toxic. We should work together to improve this site and help those who run and govern it. After all, they don't get paid, and they are here for us to help us, so why not help them in return when they need it? Damage has been done. Let's rebuild and be positive.

    @ODIN I want to publicly apologize for my extreme views and how harsh I was on you as seen in my previous posts. I also apologize to anybody else that feels that I may have bashed on them in here. We are all human and we are all entitled to make mistakes, it's part of learning and growing.

    @ODIN You were chosen for a reason, and we must have faith in that judgement as well as faith in your leadership for the future of this site. There are issues and changes that need to me made to make this site as great as it was a few months ago. If we can talk things out in a civil, respectful, positive manner, we as users can give our feedback and work with staff to help these issues be solved.

    @ODIN I am very sorry for wanting you replaced and the negativity that caused. I, and I'm sure many users here would like to see you step up to the challenge and prove me wrong on everything I said before. I believe in you @ODIN

    EDIT: P.S.- You won't believe this, but I actually logged on here just now to get away from drama, imagine that! LOL. Yeah, that's how bad it is at my house today! Hahahaha!

  • @morf said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @ODIN I want to publicly apologize for my extreme views and how harsh I was on you as seen in my previous posts. I also apologize to anybody else that feels that I may have bashed on them in here. We are all human and we are all entitled to make mistakes, it's part of learning and growing.

    A 5.000 words posts with 2.000 words to say apology @Bela @Willow and @Global-Moderators also @Captain_Rogers , how he will make this place a better place in 1.000 words and his new breaktrough in 2.000 words

  • @g-a said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    A 5.000 words posts with 2.000 words to say apology @Bela @Willow and @Global-Moderators also @Captain_Rogers , how he will make this place a better place in 1.000 words and his new breaktrough in 2.000 words

    I don't agree with this @G-A , sorry. I would rather someone speak from their heart and with their true feelings. It would make that more difficult if you add word count parameter variables. That is only my opinion though.

  • @g-a said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    Then i am gonna re-read all of LONG ASS COMMENTS ABOVE

    Yup yours are alot shorter. :joy: :joy: :joy:

  • @morf i did sarcasm lol

  • @therisingsun i dont like a short word :) long ass post is better

  • @g-a said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @morf i did sarcasm lol

    Does not compute. "Sarcasm" not in my data files. (robot voice)

  • @g-a said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @therisingsun i dont like a short word :) long ass post is better

    I thought you were being sarcastic on that one as well :laughing:

  • @willow said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @g-a said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @wtfjudith said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    I actually find that voting for mods sounds like a good idea. This could give us an idea of who users trust and look up to, then current moderators could check them over to see if they’re suitable for the position or just trollers. A new post could be made to replace admin’s old β€œlooking for moderators” topic or that one could be used too so that people who are willing to get the position could leave their name and explain why they think they’d be good for the site. Then a official voting poll could nominate the top three users people want and mods could eliminate the ones who wouldn’t be suited for the position.

    Idk, there might be flaws to this, but sounds like a good idea to me πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

    You always stole my attention honey, i love you 😘

    punches your balls


    Take willow hand' and say "Honey i love you :*"

  • @morf said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @g-a said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @morf i did sarcasm lol

    Does not compute. "Sarcasm" not in my data files. (robot voice)

    i wa n nna say th at i am br o ken now . .
    broken robot

  • @therisingsun said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @g-a said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @therisingsun i dont like a short word :) long ass post is better

    I thought you were being sarcastic on that one as well :laughing:

    well i miss the old time to be sarcastic :/

  • @g-a said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @morf said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @g-a said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @morf i did sarcasm lol

    Does not compute. "Sarcasm" not in my data files. (robot voice)

    i wa n nna say th at i am br o ken now . .
    broken robot

    That or you are William Shatner and speak with dramatic pauses in your dialogue :grin:

  • @morf nope @Willow voice's is growing in me :)

  • Movie Buff

    Well damn...