• @loonsiie Stunning

  • Music Lovers


    @rendezvous you arent completely weird ig

    @zoob you dont smell that bad ig

    @Alive_WtfJudith i love you bb

    @obviouslylucifer youre a smart hooman/fallen angel/weird guywho likes to roleplay as the devil. You have more wisdom than people twice your senior. So ye

    @G.A you arent completely unattractive

    @Mr-H you has nice muskles

    @__hazard__ (the motherfrigging untaggable bitch) you have nice eyes (brown is stille better) they suit you well

    @Captain-America you has browz for days. So noice :)

    @Vampire_Queen you are my baby. I love you. You hawt piece of as. YES KWEEN YES.

    @kat_15 i fuck wit you, you weirdo :).

    @odin the goblin. This isnt a compliment for you. Im just letting you know Im coming to steal @im.a.bae from you. Thx :)

    @azriel youre pretty dope
    P.S. you have good music taste
    P.P.S you give good hugs
    P.P.P.S i love your drawings

    @bela as much as I see you as competition (yeah see there, I admitted it) youre really nice and seem super super smart. Love the confidence bitch, keep it up.

    @Evan-Elderson why hello there mister mentally stable and wise old fucker. Tis me...youre super smart...now send me n00dz

    @morf look dude I have so much to say to you but imma keep it short. Thx so much for being a good friend and the nicest person I have met here in awhile. And not believing rumors so quickly. Love you man.

    @sunshinef thanks for being a good critic who doesnt just talk shit behind people’s backs. And actually brings your issues with me to my face. Ig Im tryna say, I admire that youre not petty. So yeh (thisone was pretty hard to admit aloud too, Im not going to lie)

    @therisingsun you have good meme tastes. Send bunny pics. Thx

    @liliputian sweet motherfucker hugs send me more cheesey pickup lines. Thx for all the times you made me smile :) youre a hilarious hooman, dont change for anyone.

    @Sara-f cant forget TWS’s latest best topic maker!!!!! Youre a sweet person and I wish I was as cool and chill as you are.

    @albertolok hugs i know its against best friend code to say thank you or Im sorry. So im not going to.
    Jk....youre epic and thank you for coming back for me

    @stranger_danger fans self you hot piece of ass....I love you😘

    There. Compliments complete

    drops mic

    Im out

  • @willow

    P.S. meeeeehhh~~

  • @willow said in Complimenting Center!:

    @obviouslylucifer youre a smart hooman/fallen angel/weird guywho likes to roleplay as the devil. You have more wisdom than people twice your senior. So ye

    alt text

    I am pretty wisdomous..


  • -deleted-

  • @willow said in Complimenting Center!:


    @rendezvous you arent completely weird ig

    @zoob you dont smell that bad ig

    @Alive_WtfJudith i love you bb

    @obviouslylucifer youre a smart hooman/fallen angel/weird guywho likes to roleplay as the devil. You have more wisdom than people twice your senior. So ye

    @G.A you arent completely unattractive

    @Mr-H you has nice muskles

    @__hazard__ (the motherfrigging untaggable bitch) you have nice eyes (brown is stille better) they suit you well

    @Captain-America you has browz for days. So noice :)

    @Vampire_Queen you are my baby. I love you. You hawt piece of as. YES KWEEN YES.

    @kat_15 i fuck wit you, you weirdo :).

    @odin the goblin. This isnt a compliment for you. Im just letting you know Im coming to steal @im.a.bae from you. Thx :)

    @azriel youre pretty dope
    P.S. you have good music taste
    P.P.S you give good hugs
    P.P.P.S i love your drawings

    @bela as much as I see you as competition (yeah see there, I admitted it) youre really nice and seem super super smart. Love the confidence bitch, keep it up.

    @Evan-Elderson why hello there mister mentally stable and wise old fucker. Tis me...youre super smart...now send me n00dz

    @morf look dude I have so much to say to you but imma keep it short. Thx so much for being a good friend and the nicest person I have met here in awhile. And not believing rumors so quickly. Love you man.

    @sunshinef thanks for being a good critic who doesnt just talk shit behind people’s backs. And actually brings your issues with me to my face. Ig Im tryna say, I admire that youre not petty. So yeh (thisone was pretty hard to admit aloud too, Im not going to lie)

    @therisingsun you have good meme tastes. Send bunny pics. Thx

    @liliputian sweet motherfucker hugs send me more cheesey pickup lines. Thx for all the times you made me smile :) youre a hilarious hooman, dont change for anyone.

    @Sara-f cant forget TWS’s latest best topic maker!!!!! Youre a sweet person and I wish I was as cool and chill as you are.

    @albertolok hugs i know its against best friend code to say thank you or Im sorry. So im not going to.
    Jk....youre epic and thank you for coming back for me

    @stranger_danger fans self you hot piece of ass....I love you😘

    There. Compliments complete

    drops mic

    Im out

    I am completely weird bitch.

  • -deleted-

  • Music Lovers

    @evan-elderson said in Complimenting Center!:


    Also, as a policy I only give nudes once I have recieved nudes. Consider it a deposit you won't get back 😁.

    Check your pm’s ;)

  • -deleted-

  • This post is deleted!