• I am an atheist. And I think not. It is not enough to know that God exists .. you must have faith .. otherwise you are just a follower, not a faithful one

  • Science can prove his existence, it's right in front of them. But what scientists are trying to do is- they are trying to fit god according to their own concoctions. But, science does leads to spirituality. You can't expect to perform experiment on table top of everything you need to believe in. In fact, there are so many things which are inconceivable according to our senses and tiny brain but still we have tools like mathematics on which we do believe, and hence we believe on its result. From centuries this is what's happening! Say, mind! No one can see mind and no technology can probe it..but it's there. We all are like frogs in a well and trying to imagine the vastness of Pacific Ocean in terms of our tiny - "well". Normally, people today believe what they hear from authority - scientists. They say , we believe. We need to search and experience that on our own, any sane person can arrive at the conclusion that god does exist. Ofcourse one doesn't blindly follow it, but isn't it more reasonable that you search first?

  • @Achal99 said in QUESTION FOR ATHEISTS:

    Science can prove his existence, it's right in front of them. But what scientists are trying to do is- they are trying to fit god according to their own concoctions. But, science does leads to spirituality. You can't expect to perform experiment on table top of everything you need to believe in. In fact, there are so many things which are inconceivable according to our senses and tiny brain but still we have tools like mathematics on which we do believe, and hence we believe on its result. From centuries this is what's happening! Say, mind! No one can see mind and no technology can probe it..but it's there. We all are like frogs in a well and trying to imagine the vastness of Pacific Ocean in terms of our tiny - "well". Normally, people today believe what they hear from authority - scientists. They say , we believe. We need to search and experience that on our own, any sane person can arrive at the conclusion that god does exist. Ofcourse one doesn't blindly follow it, but isn't it more reasonable that you search first?

    really interesting in your point of view :)

  • @Shardana hope that really helps you. So, still a non believer? 😄

  • @Achal99 said in QUESTION FOR ATHEISTS:

    @Shardana hope that really helps you. So, still a non believer? 😄

    I confirm that I find your reasoning interesting. I share it in several places .. but as I wrote you need faith .. it's something that I don't have. Still not a believer in God.

  • @Shardana we develop faith through reasoning-it's like when we seek, we find!! ..moreover, faith comes through direct experience of a higher reality or through the company of those who have attained that faith.

  • @Achal99 said in QUESTION FOR ATHEISTS:

    we develop faith through reasoning-it's like when we seek, we find!! ..moreover, faith comes through direct experience of a higher reality or through the company of those who have attained that faith.

    I see faith as a seed ..
    in some fields it grows luxuriantly in others it dies. Here I am the example of a seed that has not germinated

  • let's just say your seed wasn't nurtured properly, but with experience it might fructify too. It's just that we don't have the name, address, identity of god.. because we don't see him roaming on streets everyday. people usually believe on what they see! but lot of things are there which we can't see and perceive and yet we talk about them with such ease, thanks to the authority we have. when you were in school, you were told about electrons right? you wouldn't have doubted that or when you were taught history or when you were told that 1+1=2, because we rely on the authority and when we have proper insights, those things starts making sense isn't it? But this is not the same with God, people usually think this to be some common topic on which everyone can give their own concocted philosophies... it's like children trying to make sense of college mathematics.. point being, isn't it also obvious that to gain knowledge about higher stuffs we need to approach a person who knows about such stuffs or one who can give us insights? just like we have professor for science and don't think the seed won't germinate, I have met people who after gaining the right knowledge turned from a staunch faithless to monks. yeah! that's right. All you need is a authoritative source. does it makes sense? or am I pushing it too far?😅

  • You know I had a Catholic upbringing. So I know the basics of catechism. I gave up, I don't feel adequate ... or maybe I just saw too much hypocrisy passed off as true faith .. I don't know and I don't want to judge (Catholics love to do it). I am a sterile field ..
    About what you can see or not. I don't even see the hidden face of the moon but I know it exists. How do I know that there is a lot of talk about religion or faith, but how many have it? Experience leads me to say that I have never gained faith

  • I agree what you say about hypocrisy and stuffs.. it's every where. Someone says ABC, others say xyz😂 that was reason I also hated it. faith and religion is something which changes..today I'm Christian, in future I can change it to muslim. An year ago, I came across the highest and most authoritative source on this planet( literally). It's scientific and it kind of United everything and changed my perspective about it. It says that it's not about religion, people fight on the basis of their religion, colour, creed, nationality etc but essentially we are not this body, we are soul! No matter what you are, we all are soul and related to each other. It also says, the only purpose of spirituality is to reestablish that inner connection and to attain the love of God head. I also read something very interesting, I would like to quote that- "A dog will recognize his master in whatever way he dresses. The master may dress in robes, suit and tie, or stand naked, but the dog will always recognize his master. If we cannot recognize God, our beloved master, when he comes in a different dress from another religion, then we are less than that dog" ..when I read this, I was like this is it! If you feel like knowing about it, if you do, let me know..I have a link to a free book on "science of self realisation". You read a lot right, so give it a try...

  • Exciting the story of the dog .. which I share. I gladly accept the link .. I would be happy to discuss it again with you. Confrontation opens the mind and heart.
    Unfortunately, people use religion as a scapegoat to bring out their failures and ours. The conquests, the crusades, are an example of this. Even today, many think they are doing God's will, with wars and brutality. I repeat .. hypocrisy.
    As the Dog recognizes his master despite his clothing and appearance, we will have to see God, in others .. I think God is much more human if only we could see Him in others .. unfortunately we have always been a blind society.
    The realization of "Ourself" very often starts from the destruction of the other.

  • @Shardana people in the name of God's will doing all kind of nonsense and heinous activities are cheaters. They pose to be made of some high moral fibres..
    Anyways, I will share the link..you go through -3 sub chapters of 1st chapter. Go though them, tell me how you feel about it. And if you feel like reading the rest of it, please do!

  • @Γαητα yeah, why not!🚶🏌️🤷

  • @Achal99 Thank you a lot
    I downloaded it .. I'll start reading it this week :)


  • You know,even Satan's a god🐥 b
