• Movie Buff

    way i see women in these days is competition.
    the way their dress showing their stomach, yoga pants, cut short jeans
    make herself an hot looking girl against the girls wear properly well dressed(less slut)
    we lived in society based on materialism we needed. to make us feel better. for example,
    i think the girl who got new iphone and the other girl has old iphone. i think the
    girl who has old one feels little bummed down. she wanted new iphone b/c she wants to impressed her friend. im pretty sure that happened everyday.

    fuck, i cant think other ones that i have a problem with women. oh yeah,
    toxic relationships, gold-diggers.

    you can disagree with me. i hope you understand what I've said. i took time
    to reply this. that's how i see women in today.

  • @im-bored said in Women and respect:

    way i see women in these days is competition.
    the way their dress showing their stomach, yoga pants, cut short jeans
    make herself an hot looking girl against the girls wear properly well dressed(less slut)
    we lived in society based on materialism we needed. to make us feel better. for example,
    i think the girl who got new iphone and the other girl has old iphone. i think the
    girl who has old one feels little bummed down. she wanted new iphone b/c she wants to impressed her friend. im pretty sure that happened everyday.

    fuck, i cant think other ones that i have a problem with women. oh yeah,
    toxic relationships, gold-diggers.

    you can disagree with me. i hope you understand what I've said. i took time
    to reply this. that's how i see women in today.

    Girls who are properly dressed are less slut? Wow.

  • @rendezvous I usually go for the quiet guy/girl

  • @mindoverbeauty Oh well, I was talking about the general thing you know.

  • @rendezvous yeah it can also be because women see bad boys as being more dominant while good guys are seen as sensitive. A sensitive man is stronger. A bad boy can't even see past his own fake personality

  • @mindoverbeauty said in Women and respect:

    @rendezvous yeah it can also be because women see bad boys as being more dominant while good guys are seen as sensitive. A sensitive man is stronger. A bad boy can't even see past his own fake personality

    Yep true. AgreedโœŒ๏ธ

  • Hi i need to practise my english for exam somebody want to talk?

  • @rendezvous a so called bad boy is nothing but an insecure man trying to cover up that he is insecure so demeaning strong women makes him feel more dominant a so called nice guy you( know the one that's always stuck in the friend zone) already See's women as his equal with no problem discussing his feeling's. A nice guy doesn't see the need to act like a jackass to attract a woman.

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  • Music Lovers

    @im-bored said in Women and respect:

    way i see women in these days is competition.
    the way their dress showing their stomach, yoga pants, cut short jeans
    make herself an hot looking girl against the girls wear properly well dressed(less slut)

    This post was all about how women are slut shamed for showing more skin. They are not more or less of sluts based on the way they dress
    Just because they show more stomach, does not mean they have slept with more guys. Like seriously???
    In atlanta, the city I live near, I am exposed to so many different fashion styles and โ€œtrendsโ€.
    Art students wear crazy shirts and patterned pants, handmade sandals, tie dye shirts. Gangstas wear hats and really low set jeans. Baggy shirts.
    But there is also just normal people. Floating in between it all. Because guess what? Our clothes dont define us. It expresses what we feel. What we want to show the world.

    In other words, If showing skin makes me โ€œmore slutโ€ then I have slept with a lot of men.
    Yet. i can count them all on one hand.

    we lived in society based on materialism we needed. to make us feel better. for example,
    i think the girl who got new iphone and the other girl has old iphone. i think the
    girl who has old one feels little bummed down. she wanted new iphone b/c she wants to impressed her friend. im pretty sure that happened everyday.

    This made me laught because I actually dont own a phone
    I have an iPod and i am quite happy with it lel.

    fuck, i cant think other ones that i have a problem with women. oh yeah,
    toxic relationships, gold-diggers.

    Im really trying to understand your post. But I feel like some of these things are so wrong that Im misinterpreting them.
    Are you generalizing that all women create toxic relationships and are gold diggers?
    If it is okay for you to say that alll of them are gold diggers, then I say it is okay to say all men are rapists. see the problem? Its not okay to say that at all

    you can disagree with me. i hope you understand what I've said.

    I tried

  • @mindoverbeauty

    I blame it on how narrow-minded society is.
    I believe this topic reaches out to more then slut shaming or rivalry between women.

    If you are a guy that dies your hair, society will look at you as weird.
    If you are a girl that shows more skin then the "acceptable" you are a slut.

    WHO THE FUCK did this rules? Why can't we dress the way we feel more confortable without having to hear bullshit from others? I like to wear really tight, ripped jeens and usually dress in all black. The older ppl at the place I work in always make the same kind of joke... They walk up to me and hand me a cent and joke how I can buy jeens that aren't old and ripped. Obviously I don't get triggered by this, but if this joke is a common thing, I can imagine what goes tho their mind to other topics.
    Another story that happened the other day, one of my collegues brought a long board to work, so she could use it on our lunch break. Obviously, a random guy at the company yelled "Who the fuck brings a skateboard to work?".

    Sometimes I wish society knew that a mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.

    Hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings, toodles! ;)

  • @willow this is the most ignorant thing!!! ๐Ÿ™„ Thank you for responding to this in such a well mannered way

  • @rendezvous said in Women and respect:

    @mindoverbeauty said in Women and respect:

    @rendezvous yeah it can also be because women see bad boys as being more dominant while good guys are seen as sensitive. A sensitive man is stronger. A bad boy can't even see past his own fake personality

    Yep true. AgreedโœŒ๏ธ

    Okay. I take it as a compliment @Rendezvous :D

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