• Watch Anime Eyes

    @Batman oh this is what you want me to reply to. K

    The reason why I WILL NOT WATCH ANY VIDEOS OR READ ANY ARTICLES THAT ANYBODY SENDS is to enhance the debating experience, you will have to summarise what the videos/articles say WITH TEXT so i can respond WITH TEXT so other people can read what we're saying and join in. That's not it. In fact i already watched the vids but the point is that i am not gonna respond to a vid/article. You have to summarise or express naturally what's in the vid so i can respond to it. The reason is that

    1st people can read what the person said and when i respond understand what i am rebuking and talking about

    2nd sometimes people send articles/videos when they themselves don't understand what's in the video/article so it helps if they skip a step and just write their interpretation

    3rd this makes it easier to avoid gish gallop FALLACIES, look up what a gish gallop FALLACY is.

    4th I'll allow sending of videos if the person who is sending them is also summarising what's in the videos/articles by text and rendering the videos/articles optional ๐Ÿ˜Š

    That's what I'll be doing

    @vahid-0 said in What is you imagination about god?:

    @batman thx bro for ur replying,,,i got that u r not believed in god existance but i say then who create this universe?

    Your English sux so I'll reformulate what you said then respond to it

    @batman bro, thanks for replying,,,i got that you are an atheist, if you don't believe god exists then who created this universe?

    1st you have no reason to think that the thing that caused the universe to exist is a WHO(a conscious being) rather than a WHAT(a material thing)

    2nd you have no right to make up an answer to a question if we don't have one yet(This goes for humanity, when know humans evolved from earlier specifies, same for the pyramids and how people say aliens) made them, we don't know what/who created the universe but the most probably theory right now is the multiverse but we also know that the universe doesn't necessarily need a cause.

    Extremely small explanation: adding matter and anti-matter gives us nothing and we can reverse that process to get matter and anti-matter from nothing

    So you can understand what professor Lawrence Krauss's book talks about, you even have the whole book here:

    Ok some more shit

    there is no good reason to believe in a god. If you can say that everything has to have a cause except god, i can say everything needs to have a cause except the universe and none of us would have gotten any closer to any truth. Most atheists are agnostic(a-(meaning not or lack)gnostic(having knowledge of)) atheists(a- theist(belief in god)) meaning they do not know for certain if there is a god or not but still do not believe because they've yet to find a good reason to. Point is that until science(the field of astrophysics in this case) has a SCIENTIFIC theory(theory means something completely different in science than otherwhere)

    explaining the origins of the universe then no one knows and YOU don't get to give made up answers like "god" which you can't even clearly define for all we care. It's funny how the 2 fields of science(Astrophysics and Biology) that most focus on origins of things are the most atheist, i wonder why... because there is no proof for your made up answers

    Any questions?

  • @sammy said in What is you imagination about god?:

    There's a video showing the entire process of how we were created and also.. how that 1st living being came into existence!

    The 1st living being was actually single cellular life, after that came into existence there wasn't really a "1st" of any species, this is a good video explanation:

  • As some may know, I believe in God. My belief is based on personal revelation and personal witness. I have not met God in person. To describe someone or something you haven't interacted with is near impossible.
    However, if I were to attempt a description, I would that God is a celetially evolved being of flesh and bone in the form of a human adult.

  • @pinkfloyd most, if not all, atheists only claim to not know for sure if God exists. They may err on the side of "probably not" and science gives conceivable answers to many of life's questions. Purpose, morality, connection are all subjective and therefore unreliable in debate. If you believe in God, hold to that. For someone to not agree is not the end of the world.

  • @vahid-0 said in What is you imagination about god?:

    @shutup its really admirable that u don't accept something without evidence,,,but u know from the big bang until now millions of peoples have lived,millions killed,millions have married,millions have divorced,millions have fallen in love,....and finally millions have died....

    And 0 of them have provided a single good reason to believe in god

    If life is only this why are we living..if there is no goal for life why are we wasting our time,,,,

    what's the purpose of an afterlife if there is no afterafterlife? Saying that life wouldn't be worth living without a reward of an afterlife is retarded, life is it's own reward

    everything has a creator and god created us,,,

    No, evolution created us, as far as we know god doesn't exist

    if u say that god has a creator too i can say that ur god's creator has creator too

    Yeah, exactly, so why not just admit that your circular logic doesn't answer the question and raises more questions than answers

    and its a false turn thats confusing,,,,

    Dude, saying that everything needs a creator except god is a SPECIAL PLEADING FALLACY

    if there is no god then who created love,,,,

    Love is just a hormone(serotonin, adrenalin and dopamine) level risein your brain ๐Ÿ˜‘, you can't have love without brains and specifically brains that use dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline... to feel love otherwise you can't have love and since single cellular life started 3.8 billion years ago and eventually evolved to create neuronal synapses that can transmit chemical hormones around 850 million years ago and then those hormones started to include the love hormones after a couple million years passed(i don't feel like looking up exactly when but it's before our ancestors evolved 380 million years ago). So no god didn't create love, love is pretty recent compared to the 14 billion year old universe and we know how it came into existence and it will be gone once we are extinct

    Moving on. Stupid things dont matter. Get yourself a loving life man.

    True everyone needs that

    We don't believe in God for his good, he doesnt need our belief

    Oh cool that's why if you don't believe in him you apparently burn alive forever

    who created tears,,,,who sends prophets,,,

    Crying is the result of a bunch of glands in your head. The lacrimalย gland, which supplies tears to the cornea of the eye;ย salivaryย glands (sublingual,ย submandibular, and parotid glands), which produce saliva; and nasal mucous glands, whichย secreteย mucus throughout the nasal air passages.

    Oh and Prophets are all fake

    We can't say there is no god when throughout history people who were trying to find him and make people believe in him caused many wars which resulted in many innocent people being killed,,

    Uhm... dude that's why religion sucks, it has caused more deaths in history than anything else for no good reason

  • @jacob55 you already know what i have to say so i won't say a lot

    P.S. man wasn't created in god's image, god was created in man's image

  • @thestrangest i see u everywhere in god like topics XD.....

  • @ragnar โคโค yes that sammyโคโค
    That is islam, we believe in only one god,he is the only one, neither he born nor he gave birth to anyone, and no one is equivalent to him....he is unseen, nobody have/had seen him, he is not human, the power that control the whole universe, we call him as Allah(God), God means Allah in arabic....
    We believe on unseen god, we were like @TheStrangest too before, Totally unaware.....then he sent prophet to us, that prophet told us about allah (god), the unseen power who is the creator of universe and everything!!!
    So we only & only pray to that unseen god :)

  • @pinkfloyd said in What is you imagination about god?:

    if there is no god then why are we even living?

    Because life is it's own award

  • @thestrangest According to man. What better way to manipulate than to have people believe that they are insignificant? If man created God than we are creatures with self appointed purpose existing on a blue planet somewhere in a universe of energy.
    If man is created by God, than we are all sons and daughters of a superior being with a divine purpose to inherit all that God has.
    But that's just a theory, I suppose.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @pinkfloyd said in What is you imagination about god?:

    @vahid-0 i feel there is a god every second of the day. knowing that a tiny detail is controlling our existence like ex. how far is Earth from the sun and knowing that a slight difference may burn us or freeze us. its just that every thing is accurately done

    Oh great the fine tuning argument, the most beat to death argument that never makes sense. Look 1st life could've come to existence without god, proof? We know how life came to life, evolution. Aslong as there was a 1st single cellular life then life is very likely to evolve and if the earth was different and our kind of life couldn't evolve and survive then guess what? A type of life that can survive on this different earth would evolve, life isn't that improbable in the universe but even if it was that wouldn't mean god caused it not to mention that 99% of all species that have ever existed have gone extinct and that this isn't really a world fine tuned for life

    and i dont think it is done by its own or that only a great explosion led to this somehow
    i am pretty sure something bigger who is above all of this

    Welp you'd be wrong, what? You're literally not believing in proven(the big bang and evolution) things so that you can believe in religious bullshit on faith

    You can disbelieve in the scientific method if you want but


    a lot of religious people don't believe in Evolution nor the Big Bang which if we go back in their past far enough, eventually we'll find that they don't because of a lack of understanding and belief in the scientific method. You can't just say that you don't believe in something in science because you don't understand it, that's an argument from incredulity fallacy. The scientific method is why science works, it is why we can believe science without faith(read this hidden explanation of the scientific method later when feel like it) :

    The scientific method is a process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions. Does this mean all scientists follow exactly this process? No. Some areas of science can be more easily tested than others. For example, scientists studying how stars change as they age or how dinosaurs digested their food cannot fast-forward a star's life by a million years or run medical exams on feeding dinosaurs to test their hypotheses. When direct experimentation is not possible, scientists modify the scientific method. In fact, there are probably as many versions of the scientific method as there are scientists! But even when modified, the goal remains the same: to discover cause and effect relationships by asking questions, carefully gathering and examining the evidence, and seeing if all the available information can be combined in to a logical answer.

    Steps of the Scientific Method:

    1.Ask a Question: The scientific method starts when you ask a question about something that you observe: How, What, When, Who, Which, Why, or Where?
    For a science fair project some teachers require that the question be something you can measure, preferably with a number.

    2.Do Background Research: Rather than starting from scratch in putting together a plan for answering your question, you want to be a savvy scientist using library and Internet research to help you find the best way to do things and insure that you don't repeat mistakes from the past.

    3.Construct a Hypothesis: A hypothesis is an educated guess about how things work. It is an attempt to answer your question with an explanation that can be tested. A good hypothesis allows you to then make a prediction:
    "If _____[I do this] _____, then [this] will happen."
    State both your hypothesis and the resulting prediction you will be testing. Predictions must be easy to measure.

    4.Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment: Your experiment tests whether your prediction is accurate and thus your hypothesis is supported or not. It is important for your experiment to be a fair test. You conduct a fair test by making sure that you change only one factor at a time while keeping all other conditions the same.
    You should also repeat your experiments several times to make sure that the first results weren't just an accident.

    5.Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion: Once your experiment is complete, you collect your measurements and analyze them to see if they support your hypothesis or not.
    Scientists often find that their predictions were not accurate and their hypothesis was not supported, and in such cases they will communicate the results of their experiment and then go back and construct a new hypothesis and prediction based on the information they learned during their experiment. This starts much of the process of the scientific method over again. Even if they find that their hypothesis was supported, they may want to test it again in a new way.

    6.Communicate Your Results: To complete your science fair project you will communicate your results to others in a final report and/or a display board. Professional scientists do almost exactly the same thing by publishing their final report in a scientific journal or by presenting their results on a poster or during a talk at a scientific meeting. In a science fair, judges are interested in your findings regardless of whether or not they support your original hypothesis

    Btw are you suggesting that somehow faith can be used at the same time as alternative fact?

    When we use the 2nd meaning(from the definition of faith in the dictionary):strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.

    Do you NEED faith to believe in your religion, as in, can you believe in your religion without faith?

    Usually the answer is no

    i didn't chose to be an atheist, it happened because i saw no sufficient evidence behind the religious claims, if there was evidence i would believe and of course faith is not a reliable pathway to truth since it can lead you to true and wrong conclusions with incredible inaccuracy so using it is useless

    Why use an UNRELIABLE PATHWAY TO TRUTH to believe that something is TRUE. I don't thank that's a good idea

    and if someone can proove and convince me i that there is no god and that we are all living with no purpose then i think i will kill my self as it wont really matter what to do with my life

    Welp then

    1st the burden of proof is on the theist and not the atheist, you're the one making the claim therefore the burden is on you.


    Person1 : <<i have 10 tons of gold at my house>>

    Person2 : <<woh that's unlikely, i don't believe you because i see no proof for your claim>>

    Person1 : <<prove that they don't exist >>

    Person2 : <<dafuq that's not how this works>>

    Just replace "10 tons of gold" with "god"

    2nd oh boohoo you're gonna kill yourself if it turns out god doesn't exist


    if god doesn't exist that doesn't mean life is meaningless, are you really living this life waiting for death so you can pass onto the next one? That's sad because last time i checked you can create your own purpose in this world, you don't need an afterlife when life can be it's own award. Even if you will stay a theist i think these 3 vids can REALLY help you if that's the case:

  • @jacob55 said in What is you imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest According to man. What better way to manipulate than to have people believe that they are insignificant?

    What better way to manipulate than to have people think that if they won't do something then they won't have a good afterlife?

    If man created God than we are creatures with self appointed purpose existing on a blue planet somewhere in a universe of energy.

    Yeah and what's wrong with that?

    If man is created by God, than we are all sons and daughters of a superior being with a divine purpose to inherit all that God has.

    Oh right, because a loving father would put his children in hell for nor praising him. In any case, if the belief in god is used that doesn't make it true, no proof of god=no good reason to believe in god. How is believing you're going to have a 2nd shot at life going to make you live this one better?

    Answer: it won't

    But that's just a theory, I suppose.

    Dude there's no point debating you, you've set your mind to something and nothing will change it, same for 99% of people i debate but i do it anyways to improve my debating skills

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @ragnar noice thoughts m8 but there's still 0 proof of that, just a reminder

  • @thestrangest dude u r ditching the problem,,,,there r lots of evidence that says god exist

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @vahid-0 said in What is you imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest dude u r ditching the problem,,,,there r lots of evidence that says god exist

    Oh really? Like what?

  • @thestrangest all of your long text,,,,,if there is no god then what we r living?
    Pls say one simple reason that why u believe there is no god

  • @vahid-0 said in What is you imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest all of your long text,,,,,if there is no god then what we r living?

    Uhm your English sucks and i don't understand your question. Uses google translate and translate it from another language

    Pls say one simple reason that why u believe there is no god

    I don't believe there is no god, i don't believe there is a good reason to believe a god exists, there's a difference

  • @pinkfloyd you ok there m8?

  • @thestrangest all of your long text,,,,,if there is no god then what we r living?
    Pls say one simple reason that why u believe there is no god
    One important reason is lots of innocent people that r killed everyday,,"they have no right for living?who can give them hope in this world.

  • @vahid-0 said in What is you imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest all of your long text,,,,,if there is no god then what we r living?

    DUDE, you just repeated yourself. I don't understand. Use google translate or some shit

    Pls say one simple reason that why u believe there is no god

    There not having proof is a good reason to not believe in anything

    One important reason is lots of innocent people that r killed everyday,,"they have no right for living?who can give them hope in this world.

    So you're saying that innocent people who are getting killed everyday need to believe in god for hope? Most of the time they're getting killed in the name of someone's god, solve that dilemma. Look here dude i don't feel like debating with you, just read what i said and don't respond to it