• @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest my bosom friend,,my field is Atomic and molecular physics and want to continue it in particle physics---i am just curious about other beliefs in god...
    Asking is half of knowledge.

    For somebody who studies physics you suck immeasurably at metaphysics, you ask extremely ignorant metaphysical questions for a physicist, you need to watch that, and yes "understanding is half the solution"

  • @vahid-0 we are but our own gods...

  • @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @princessjodi but who has sent all prophets-

    No one, there's no such thing as a literal prophet unless god is proven to exist, saying that god exists because of prophets and prophets because of god is circular logic (a fallacy).

  • True u gotta watch that. Lol. Ur colleagues will blame a variance in the background microwave radiation on ya? But yeah 13.5 billion years to the wall. Looks at ceiling n says โ€œ nice wallโ€

  • @tilly1234 ,,,,?

  • @vahid-0

    God is merciful but give us the hardest way in life.
    God is good and kind to help us but he also enjoys our sadnees and loneliness.
    God is listening and granting our prays in unexpected ways, events moreover unpleasant things.
    God is something bringing you up when you re down, make you a human when you re despicable, give you a wonderful and joyful life while you re vulnerable.
    God is cruel but in the same time he is an angel.

  • @g-a im not completely agree with you----god is always kind not cruel---we r bad and cruel-

  • @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @g-a im not completely agree with you----god is always kind not cruel---we r bad and cruel-

    It depends on your perspective dude. If you ever had a bad experience, you will definetely understand what i mean with "God is Cruel but in the same time HE IS AN ANGEL".
    Have you ever been fired because of something that you did not know the reason? I was in that time, like i completely disagree i got fired since i know i did not do any mistakes in my jobs. It was unfortunate things, i was blaming him all the time because he was so cruel. I almost got my permanent job and he took it away from me. Then, suddenly i figured out, he saved me from dangerous things, because if i were in my permanent job, i would not exist here and text this.

  • @g-a life is tough,,it doesn't have any relation to god,,we should solve our problems--

  • @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @g-a life is tough,,it doesn't have any relation to god,,we should solve our problems--

    If you said so, it means you dont believe god at all. We have to solve our problem by ourselves but again, everything in this life is happening because of god. If you deny it, it means you re not believe him at all

  • Some one with warmth alwyse smiling at u pushing u into troubles to figure it by yourself but never leaves u alone..though Ur convinced Ur alone when he's silent while u take the test... The one who likes to catch butter flies with u and do the crazy dance with you when u. Are happy...

  • -What is God? - you might ask.
    The first thing we need to know is that is he real. It seems hes real if we read a holy Bible, but would the God even be if we wouldnt bealive that he is real?
    -I think, NO. - we need to know what is nothingnes, someone might say that nothingnes is something, but it isnt. Nothingnes is - when you dont hear, feel, see, smell... ext.
    -Can God be nothingnes? mabe God was "created" by churches to earn more money?
    If God where nothingnes we wouldnt ever hear anything about him, or write, or feel that we dont bealive or bealive in him.
    If we would read a Bible we would see ... he and his son didnt rly like money.
    Bible tells future and the past. If future will bealive in past it will be easier to advance and understand that God is real (Isreal) :)

  • there was talk that a Christian scientist proved that there was something or someone before the big bang. It's true the elements were there waiting to be blown up, but somebody had to light the match to get it started....and at the church I go to we prayed over a man who was really sick. He was dying. In literally a month after praying all month, the doctors were stunned that he was healing and getting better. I'm not kidding. I never believed any of this miracle stuff, but seeing it happen was amazing. I don't call that a coincidence, because he was told he only had a few more months. Now he's much better and slowly healing...I could go on and on about my personal encounters with what I believe were angels or acts of God, but I'll leave it for a PM or something. Don't want haters coming at me.

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  • @humanbean89 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    there was talk that a Christian scientist proved that there was something or someone before the big bang.

    That's a lie, someone lied to you

    It's true the elements were there waiting to be blown up, but somebody had to light the match to get it started....

    Why someone and not a something? That's a big unjustified jump

    and at the church I go to we prayed over a man who was really sick. He was dying. In literally a month after praying all month, the doctors were stunned that he was healing and getting better.

    Oh really?

    You do realise there has never been a documented case of miracle? Prayer doesn't work either, it exists in all religions just like this healing BS exists in all religions and it is all bullshit, let's say that it wasn't, if your religion is the right one then why do all other religions also report "faith healing"?

    Your English seems good enough to understand this song:

    I REALLY recommend it

    I'm not kidding. I never believed any of this miracle stuff, but seeing it happen was amazing.

    Oh fuck my life

    I don't call that a coincidence

    Oh it is, it fucking is, prayer has been PROVEN to not work or to even make things worse because of performance anxiety

  • ฤฐ think that whom we call god has no body like us, it is rather a vast amount of energy (positive for god and negative for evil) revolving all arund us always watching over us,
    Does anyone agree?

  • @coolbud i agree but not completely

  • Music Lovers

    In the beginning there was nothing. And that exploded.

  • @meagain EXCELLENT!