• @thestrangest All wonderful points that decimate conventional theism with testing, logic, and reason. I am grateful for the input and information you have provided and I'm really impressed with how detailed you are. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as sarcastic, I don't want to. I have questioned my faith many times. Believe it or not, I have. Indoctrination is only as good an argument if someone hasn't questioned and sought other answers. Out of all my options, out of all the information I can be provided, it wasn't a book that proved to me that God is real. Not an invisible sky daddy, but a real personage. I'm not here to convince anybody of anything. If you know God isn't real, good. People are good and people are bad regardless of God. That, I'm sure, we at least agree. Thank you again for not ripping my ass apart.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @jacob55 said in What do you think will happen after we die?:

    @thestrangest All wonderful points that decimate conventional theism with testing, logic, and reason. I am grateful for the input and information you have provided and I'm really impressed with how detailed you are. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as sarcastic, I don't want to. I have questioned my faith many times. Believe it or not, I have. Indoctrination is only as good an argument if someone hasn't questioned and sought other answers. Out of all my options, out of all the information I can be provided, it wasn't a book that proved to me that God is real. Not an invisible sky daddy, but a real personage.

    A real person? Go on...

    I'm not here to convince anybody of anything. If you know God isn't real, good.

    Nobody can know if god is real or not, that's crazy.

    I'm an agnostic atheist/anti-theist

    Knowledge and belief are completely different

    1st question, do you believe in god?

    Possible answers(I'm...): a theist; an atheist

    Theism=the belief in god. Atheism=the lack of belief in a god

    2nd question, do you know that god exists or doesn't exist?

    Possible answers(I'm...): a gnostic ;an agnostic

    Gnosticism=having full knowledge of something. Agnosticism=not knowing 100% that something is true

    Anti-theism=being against religion and the belief in a god.

    All this when put together means that when i say i am an agnostic atheist/anti-theist i am saying that from what I've seen religion is harmful so i am against it (anti-theist) i do not know 100%(agnostic) that god doesn't exist but since there is no proof i automatically disbelieve in god(atheist)

    People are good and people are bad regardless of God.

    I'm sure that if ISIS or Osama Bin Laden didn't believe in Allah, the westboro baptist church didn't believe in god, Hitler didn't believe god was on his side... that would have been pretty nice but sure

    That, I'm sure, we at least agree.

    😑😑😑 uhm, ok.

    Thank you again for not ripping my ass apart.

    You're welcome? I'm not that type of person, don't get me wrong, I'm not homophobic like Leviticus 20:13 :


    But I'm not gay.

    In all seriousness i wouldn't ever go out of my way make someone go out of their way to debate them on religion and god. I just personally believe that religion is nothing but poison to everything it comes across but i wouldn't bother anyone IRL to explain to them such a thing. I almost never talk about these things offline

  • @jacob55 thanks for being an agreeable(i hope I'm using this word correctly) person btw.

  • @thestrangest I feel the same. Hey, I've got no proof but my own experiences that I'm inadequate at expressing or sharing. I really appreciate our discussion. And thank @layla for such an awesome subject!

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    @jacob55 yeah @layla is pretty cool. I'd just like to add one last thing. When it comes to your self perceived sufficient revelation which I'd argue adds no validity to your beliefs even from your own perspective because people from all religions, which most of them are considered by you to be wrong(because you believe in a very specific form of god), claim to have had the same experiences meaning that even according to you such experiences do not equal a good reason to believe, now ignoring all of that i want to say that revelation is 1st person exclusive, which means that it might be good enough to convince you but until someone else goes through that experience it can not be asserted as a reason for any other person to believe, i think you already believe or even have said this in your own way but i just wanted to leave off at that.

  • @jacob55 most importantly even though everyone has the right to offend and be offended because to discuss any controversial topic you have to risk offending people, thank you for not getting offended and taking my criticisms in such a chillaxed manner

  • @thestrangest To be fair, I said I believe in God. I didn't say my God. I will not ever denounce anyone's deity. As you pointed out, my evidence is insufficient at best to prove anything, or at the very least to change your mind. Allah, Odin, Zeus, Jupiter (Italian Zeus), Jesus, Ellohim, Yahweh, and the list goes on... God, to me, is Heavenly Father. What the name or who follows that name can be extremely different but just as valid as my convictions. Because it is their personal revelation. I belong to a religion (I know, shame on me haha) and my faith and understanding of God are my own, separate even from my parents. I'm flawed, but I strive to be my best self.

  • @thestrangest no worries. :) I'm just a chillax kinda guy.

  • @jacob55 Thats quite worldly & mature of you.
    You have my salute,good sir.
    Live & let live ..

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @jacob55 said in What do you think will happen after we die?:

    @thestrangest To be fair, I said I believe in God. I didn't say my God. I will not ever denounce anyone's deity. As you pointed out, my evidence is insufficient at best to prove anything, or at the very least to change your mind. Allah, Odin, Zeus, Jupiter (Italian Zeus), Jesus, Ellohim, Yahweh, and the list goes on...

    Roman zeus*

    God, to me, is Heavenly Father. What the name or who follows that name can be extremely different but just as valid as my convictions. Because it is their personal revelation. I belong to a religion (I know, shame on me haha) and my faith and understanding of God are my own, separate even from my parents. I'm flawed, but I strive to be my best self.

    Hmmmmm, ok I'll just stop talking now because I've been rambling for long enough but yeah. I think you already know what i think of believing in things without evidence, oh i didn't tell you already? Ok

    Here's my question...

    When we use the 2nd meaning(from the definition of faith in the dictionary):strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.

    Do you NEED faith to believe in your religion, as in, can you believe in your religion without faith?

    Usually the answer is no

    i didn't chose to be an atheist, it happened because i saw no sufficient evidence behind the religious claims, if there was evidence i would believe and of course faith is not a reliable pathway to truth since it can lead you to true and wrong conclusions with incredible inaccuracy so using it is useless

    Why use an UNRELIABLE PATHWAY TO TRUTH to believe that something is TRUE. I don't think that's a good idea

    I think you got my point. I'll stop talking now i think I've said enough, i could talk for days about this topic so i think i should wait for the next challenger. I'm going to sleep, good day/night/whatever

  • Sounds good, eh?

  • @layla Being dead is like being in a deep, dreamless sleep from which it is impossible to wake up.

  • @hephaestus so how is having sex with Aphrodite working out for ya?

  • @thestrangest Ares is cuckolding him.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @stranger_danger said in What do you think will happen after we die?:

    @thestrangest Ares is cuckolding him.

    For him this situation must suck, just like Aphrodite sucks off Ares. Lolol, ok i should stop. Though it was cool when Hephaistos made a trap for both of them and shamed them infront of all the gods, what a legend

  • @thestrangest Aphrodite cucked me with Ares. Fucking bitch.

  • @thestrangest Thanks.

  • @wojta Sounds more like Hell to me.

  • Will we born again?
