• Freedom Writers

    I'm going through my day where it feels like the norm,
    waking up to the same old alarm,
    that's when you first say hey,
    and I already feel that my day will be OK,
    because I've already been met with the most pleasant of distractions.
    I continue to get ready through my normal actions,
    as I get ready to be on my way to work,
    getting ready to shower,
    to that drive that takes an hour,
    making my lunch,
    having that normal rush,
    of throwing on my clothing in the clutch,
    of heading out the door,
    when I hear from you again so I know,
    I'm going to be spending more time with my most pleasant of distractions.
    Driving in I know I shouldn't be sending my reactions,
    to what you're sending me as I should be paying attention,
    but it's all in vain since all I want is a continuation,
    of our back and forth so I take the risk,
    as I go through traffic making sure I miss,
    the other vehicles while my brain is partially occupied,
    and it's just so hard for me to hide,
    how nice this has all been,
    since my day has only started to begin,
    and so I'm continue to be met with the most pleasant of distractions.
    Going in as we continue the communication,
    I'm on my way up to get settled into my cubicle,
    and I'm already filling a bit whimsical,
    since the conversation is on it's continuation,
    and all of this is making me know,
    that when I sit down this will continue to go,
    and I start everything up,
    but I'm already feeling on top,
    as you fade away for a bit,
    and I sit,
    getting some work started,
    soon after you've departed,
    but the work starts and it's just a bit tedious,
    and I start to become a bit oblivious,
    to my surroundings,
    as I'm finding,
    that my day will just drag on,
    it's not long,
    until I'm met with the most pleasant of distractions.
    I couldn't imagine,
    that there'd be this many times,
    for me to feel this aligned,
    with getting out a bit out of my routine,
    just to be able to see,
    some more warmth coming from your direction,
    as I look internally for an inspection,
    of where I'm at at this moment,
    I know it's all worth it,
    since I'm nothing but smiles,
    for that little while,
    we are continuing the dialogue,
    and I feel like I hog,
    up all of your attention,
    but the feeling is mutual as you're also engaged in our session,
    as we both have a predilection,
    towards the other in our rapport,
    and all I want is some more,
    time with my most pleasant of distractions.
    Against my own satisfaction,
    a meeting comes up to take me away from the action,
    and so I take my leave to deal with my responsibilities,
    but in the middle I attempt some flexibility,
    of continuing to get some more in,
    those moments that make me grin,
    although some things still precedence,
    as this requires my attendance,
    and so my attention is still split,
    but I have to admit,
    one thing is on my mind more,
    and that's just that I get to look forward,
    to the next time with my most pleasant of distractions.
    The day comes to an end where I think I'm done,
    but there's the ride home,
    and as I'm weaving in and out again,
    you check in on how I've been,
    so the ride is already going great,
    as I know I'm getting home late,
    but my thoughts are elsewhere,
    as it's hard to care,
    about anything other that what's going back and forth,
    waiting to be done with this transport,
    but I can already tell I'm going to be spending all night,
    doing what just feels so right,
    and that's just spending some more time while I only get a fraction,
    of the sleep I need but I'm with the most pleasant of distractions.
