• @us-poet said in Time to choose. Part 3:

    @thestrangest I think we deserve prize money, especially after we loot the corpses.

    Yeah. The prize is the corpses 😈(necrophilia).

  • @us-poet lolol issa joke

  • SHOES- You wouldn't want to cross a jungle barefooted. Common sense is not so common.




    You can easily make shoes in the jungle... but not a trench coat jacket

  • 3>Shoes - i can skin other animals to make skirts ,fur as jacket .even plant leaves to make a hulu skirt . I cant make shoes .

  • BTW for anybody that chose a bow and arrow you do realise you can make that too:

    Infact with a good knife you can make anything

  • @thestrangest said in Time to choose. Part 3:

    You can easily make shoes in the jungle... but not a trench coat jacket

    Those shoes are gonna last 0.00001 sec and will cost your time and energy to be made.They aren't even comfortable for a walk, let alone running. What if you get chased by a bear or something?

    You are gonna make a fool out of yourself wearing that trench coat jacket in the middle of a forest. Wait.....going for an expedition to kill vampires lmao?Like BLADE

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sup hum. Good point, maybe shoes are better but still, you wouldn't have to worry about bug bites with a zipped trench coat, what's more uncomfortable than bug bites on 99% of your body? Idk. You're probably right about the shoes but i have one last thing to add, for the running part, i don't know man. I don't think your best strategy against a bear is to run:

    BUT WAIT. That second video is fake and in reality that biker would be dead meet:

    You can still outrun it if you start running whilst it is far away from you(meaning atleast 1km away lol) because humans have a lot more endurance and make A SHIT TON of sharp turns because bears have trouble turning but in reality your best chance is climbing a tree or something. But for chasing other animals I'm sure that having good shoes is helpful so you are right there, but if you can kill an animal with the bow you made with the knife(you can actually make it without a knife too btw) and get it's leather you can make better shoes too:


    Though it's hard to find leather that thick so you're right about the shoes

  • @thestrangest
    YEA. so that makes....shoes a better option than the jacket.

  • @sup you can still cut up the lower part of a big trench coat to make leather shoes like those in the photo and you'd have both shoes and a jacket

  • -delete-

  • @willoww
    He's a ___? What

  • @wtfjudith correct

  • Music Lovers

    @lucifer_ @WtfJudith I might just have to pick Lucifer, he's got some awesome gifs and memes

  • @sup Haha sorry fam

  • @layla said in Time to choose. Part 3:

    @lucifer_ @WtfJudith I might just have to pick Lucifer, he's got some awesome gifs and memes

    evil laugh

  • @evan-elderson Thanks man

  • @kat_15 ughhhh