• Ok well....
    @Abby-83 You are the best gf anyone could ask for, and you are the best person ever, and I still cant believe I get to call you mine, love you beautiful! 😘
    @football_m29 You have helped me with a lot of shit, and you have helped me with keeping that drive alive! Thanks man!
    @Willoww You are literally the fricking best! Like even tho we fight sometimes, you helped me thru some really hard stuff, and for that thank you.
    @RAGNAR thanks for being here man, like if I had problems or anything you always helped and helped to cheer me up. Thanks man!
    @Zazzles Thanks for everything! You were like my very first best friend, and you actually took the time to listen to my problems, and you helped me meet new people, and you have the funniest stories sometimes! And you also help cheer me up.
    So thank y'all for everything! Like seriously, I can never tell y'all how much you mean to me, and thank you for actually talking to me, I've had enough rejection in my life, amd y'all honestly showed me what true real love is. Thank y'all very much! Wow, ok now I'm outta breath, lol.

  • Music Lovers

    @football_m29 @BOOTS22 sniffles im not crying, you are

    @RAGNAR is the bestest, hottest, sexiest, most caring, kind, and smart man I know. I love you babes. Baby. Daddy. Mi amor. My infinity. Forever and always. I love you more than all the money in the world, more than the earth, stars, moons, and other planets. I love you more than i love myself. And im the luckiest bitch in the world to have as great as a person as you. Err always tells me how wonderful of a friend you are. Err one always saying how lucky we are. Because its true. You are perfect. And that makes err thing in my world...perfect. Congrats on becoming a manager. And congrats for being the coolest TwS user i can think of ;). Keep up alllll the great work.
    @football_m29 you listed me first again!!! You really are my bestest bestie a girl could ever need. You always give the best advice, and even when you are down, you try to be positive for those around you.
    @BOOTS22 okay mah smol bean, even tho sometimes you complain about not being as wonderful as i think, screw your opinion. Im glad to have you to have stupid convos with. Im glad to meme share and laugh with at stupid vids. That chick is lucky to have you, you deserve the world.
    @Lucifer_ ya know, i hate how you are always right sometimes. You state the best solution for every decision. Hell, you are the most logical person i know. And you are definitely someone I now consider my bruddah. Much love Nikki Minaj!
    @Sammy yooooo sissy. I know we barely talk to each other privately, but someone needed to say how wonderful you are. I love how real you are on your instagram. Your funny stories, perfect tws replies, and dope personality makes you very lovable. Stay dopeee
    @sup yehhhhhhh boiii. Heard you passed the exams so imma keep you!!! Tbh, maybe...MAYBE....you have better memes than me. Maybe....okay yesss. You have a great sense of humor and i was honestly shocked by how cool you were the first time i REALLY actually talked to you. Thx for being awesome.
    @tehkotak mahh Saint Bobbbyyyy. Youre a sweet and kind person. And i was nervous when I first met you of what to expect. You were shy, but once I got to know you, i realized how damn lucky i was to have a friend like you. Muchas gracias mi amiga
    @Laura-Anderson you are most definitely the coolest person I can think of in the pub chat. Everything lightens up when you message it feels like. And tbh, I am jealous of how pretty you are. And im lucky as hell to be able to call you my sister. Even tho sometimes (okay all the time) we disagree, we still manage to joke around and share a laugh. Thx for having the ability to make people smile ;).
    @Anti-Cute or whatever your name is these days lol. Thx for taking my advice and keeping that dope ass dp. Its fantabulous. Thx for giving an old tree like me acknowledgment in the public chat. I feel like youre someone who I could go to for anything. I wanna specifically compliment your logical approach to err situation. Ans mentioning perspectives most others would ignore.
    @emilyyyyyy Id like to just thank you. You didnt know it/realize it. But you made some of my bad days pretty damn good. And I thank you for bringing some (somewhat) pure humor and smiles to my world. You mah fav alien.
    @TheStrangest i knowwww you sometimes check on TWS (admit it :p) but Id like to thank you for the time you gave me while here. You were a dope friend. Although hard on the outside, you are actually really kind. I like your no-care attitude and you are fearless when it comes to sharing your opinion. Also ps, thanks for those fighting vids, im watching some rnow.
    @Black_Beetle is a dope ass bish. She always makes me laugh with her strange GIFs and perfect timing in every instagram convo. Much love sista

  • @willoww aww thanks! I know I'm sorry, I've just never had any one say that to me. And I know I am so fucking lucky! She's is the best! And I love you bish! As a friend just so you know.

  • Gamers

    @willoww said in Let’s spread some love on TWS:

    @Laura-Anderson And tbh, I am jealous of how pretty you are.

    omegalol, i actually laughed so hard at that, when did you get pretty @Laura-Anderson
    alt text

  • @jynextremist stfu and get yo ass outta here before I whoop it into the Pacific Ocean with the sharks

  • Gamers

    @willoww she is not prettyyyyyyyyyyyy :p now i need to go run awaayyyyyyyy
    alt text

  • @jynextremist who are you to talk tho? Ive seen your picture, and ewwwww

  • Gamers

    @willoww yess i know :'(

  • @jynextremist there. Now you know how it feels. Suffer bish sufferrrrr.
    But fr, you guys are both beautiful in your own way

  • Gamers

    @willoww lol, of course we are :p btw you have every right to be jealous of her :D

  • @jynextremist i think i just got called ugly....
    reads again

  • Gamers

    @willoww no, not ugly its just.... she is prettier i think, so be jealous etc etc :DD
    alt text

  • @jynextremist so yes, im ugly.

    Thats fine. I knew it anyways

  • Gamers

    @willoww oh no nooooooo, you are pretty, veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy pretty, plz dont cry :3
    alt text

  • @jynextremist i told you... im f-f-fine

  • Gamers

    @willoww alt text

  • @willoww willow, this was sooooo beautiful!!! Fuck i am crying!😭😭😭😭😭 i love you my elder sister! You never made me feel that i don't have a sister irl. I love fighting with you tbh :P And shhhh, you're even more beautiful than me!! Prettiest girl here!

  • @willoww besties 5 life

  • @football_m29 You guys don't even have that "Till death do us apart" thing!

  • @lucifer_ calm down Mr. obvious lmao it’s just a gif don’t get your hellfire panties in a bunch