• @fascfavy Niiiiice

  • @Lazz I think masks should be worn but there’s far to many exceptions allowed to actually make it mandatory.

  • @Lunamaria Well said. I can get behind that opinion. :mask:

  • @Lazz I know where I live if you are playing sports or have certain medical conditions you can’t be forced to wear a mask.

  • @Lunamaria That sounds reasonable. Our local Governor has been talking about a state-wide mandate here, and I can predict at least some "push-back" to that, if it even comes to passing. Mandatory masks in all public places

  • I hate wearing masks, but I always wear one in public, cuz they do work. It depends what kind of mask we're talking about though. I use a KN95 myself.

  • @RexGreeley :mask::+1: Good deal. Protect self AND others. Way to go!

  • @Lazz I just don’t see any way to really mandate it cause anyone can claim a medical condition. Or some exemption such as religion. Idk if a mandate could really work.

  • @Lunamaria I don't think even a state-wide mandate could actually happen. Just saying it has been talked about by our local Gov. here, in the "news" :thinking:

  • States that have mask "mandates" haven't really had a whole lot of trouble with them, from what I've seen.

  • @RexGreeley Not picking sides, just saying this has been in the news, lately, too:

    Screenshot_2020-11-13 MSN Outlook, Office, Skype, Bing, Breaking News, and Latest Videos.png

  • @Lazz said in Mandatory Mask Mandate??:

    @Lunamaria I don't think even a state-wide mandate could actually happen. Just saying it has been talked about by our local Gov. here, in the "news" :thinking:

    I am pretty sure my state still has a state wide mandate.... I am not sure if it is lifted but I don't think so since every shop has a sign that says no mask no service.

    Ok just looked and the order is in place with exceptions for people with certain disabilities and young children

  • See, Biden can't really do that - it's up to the states, but he can set an example on federal land or in federal buildings.

  • @Sassygirl @Lunamaria said about the same, where she is. Here, too. BUT regardless of whether or there's a MANDATORY mask mandate there are those who still choose not to, with seemingly no real consequence.

  • All I know it is better to be safe than sorry... I hate masks but would rather people wear them and social distance then bury friends and family....

  • @Lazz said in Mandatory Mask Mandate??:

    @Sassygirl @Lunamaria said about the same, where she is. Here, too. BUT regardless of whether or there's a MANDATORY mask mandate there are those who still choose not to, with seemingly no real consequence.

    Right but I have seen stores escort people not wearing masks, without a "doctor's note" , out of stores for the safety of others .... and yes it is very easy to get a note from a doctor if you have a medical condition that harms you for not wearing a mask.

  • @RexGreeley Exactly!

  • @Sassygirl Many places here aren't allowed to do that. A manager can point out it's required to wear a mask, and if a customer refuses, well... that's the end of it, right there. Seems pointless, and somewhat dangerous.

  • @Lazz said in Mandatory Mask Mandate??:

    @Sassygirl Many places here aren't allowed to do that. A manager can point out it's required to wear a mask, and if a customer refuses, well... that's the end of it, right there. Seems pointless, and somewhat dangerous.

    why not allowed?

    Businesses have the right to refuse service for pretty much any reason.... ya know other than race, sex etc

  • @Sassygirl I don't really know. It makes no sense to me. Most retailers COULD have certain customers removed, some time ago, but not anymore. :thinking: