• Could be alot worse so I won't complain

  • @sarah_the_magpie baby sis, I'm happy and I'm grateful for that, it's not always the case but it seems to be more of a prevailing feeling as life goes on. I think child me would fucking love me, that's based on my relationships with my kids,but be slightly disappointed i don't pick me up from school in the millennium falcon. How about you? Would child Sarah dig responsible adult Sarah? She ought to, you're the best person on here and there are lots of dope people here, it's an achievement 😊

  • @mASHter what are you ashamed of? You're brilliant!

  • @TheRisingSun love this comment, damn right man, educate those little devils sooner, they can take it

  • @Scottish
    aww thanks :D i think child me would be quite proud, or at least i'd hope so. could've done a whole lot worse, all things considered~

  • @sarah_the_magpie you're doing just fine Sarah. Child you would be slightly pissed that adult you has such good taste in music that they couldn't rebel against it lol,but she would love you for it

  • @Scottish
    Ikr. But there is a thing. I'm not trying to make u curious. But u know people do really dumb thing n they realized it after doing that. N they regret for it. N u know that kind of feeling

  • @sarah_the_magpie Finally. A topic that offers one the chance to think, self-reflect, use some cognition. Thank you for posting. Yes, currently happy. Yes, smooth sailing, for the most part. Future seems bright. I think younger me would be thrilled with how his older self turned out, in many ways. Not sure if kid me would be "proud" of current me, but I think he'd think I/we became someone who he could look up to. I'd hope kid me in this scenario wouldn't be in any hurry to grow up. I'd want to be able to tell him/me to just left life unfold, in its own way and at its own pace. He's/we're getting there.

    As John Lennon once said: "Life is what happens when you were busy making other plans."

  • @sarah_the_magpie Oh, by the way kid me would be glad to know I/we accomplished as much as we did, in music, but TEEN me would be disappointed I haven't learned to play Sitar, as yet. Someday. :om:

  • @sarah_the_magpie This is a great way of looking at it. I think whether or not my kid-self would be impressed by my present-day-self would be offset by my telling him about the Internet, hundreds of TV channels compared to the four we had in the 80's, PS4, 3D films, all the Β£ I've earned (he wouldn't care whether I had a sell-out job or not). He didn't have a sophisticated enough mind to worry about the things I do, like the state of the economy, the state of the NHS, etc. The little jerk.