What are your thoughts on Marriage Equality ?

  • @madih14 said in What are your thoughts on Marriage Equality ?:

    @ragnar-lothbrok This is true. Im an atheist so i dont believe in God. but I dont insult peoples religion like that by saying god is an asshole or evil. Thats just wrong.

    I ddnt call anyone an asshole tho, he just called me that

  • @madih14 said in What are your thoughts on Marriage Equality ?:

    @ragnar-lothbrok Honestly I tried to defend you but you go and say that we need "special treatment?" this isnt a disease or a diagnosis. Loving the same sex shouldnt be wrong and in my opinion its not, just like a man loving a woman is not wrong. People try to fix things that are considered wrong but who is it hurting for a man to love a man and a woman to love a woman? Believing this really your only hurting yourself. Let people be who they are and there is no "becoming normal" this is who they are and you cant change that and is the same for someone trying to change the gender which you love

    Thats beyond nature dude, u was born as a man, with somethin between yo legs then you better show some respect to that gender, God created you like that for a reason. Oh my Bad you are not believing in him.

  • Gamers

    You're saying god didn't create homosexuals... he created EVERYTHING...except them? How convenient. Who died and made you king of deciding what is natural and what is not?

  • I dont have anything against the LGBT. However they should still follow the highest authority which is God....

  • @alwaysstranger Its not what i mean.... We can't have everything in this world.... I cant speak for other people if ever they might have oppressed the LGBT community....What i just mean is we should yield to the higher authority... I am speaking as a Christian..... I dont mean to hurt them....

  • @alwaysstranger what? Now your an expert about life.... I just give my honest opinion... Dont make a puss about it..... I did not insult anybody....

  • @alwaysstranger your really haughty... you think your so smart

  • @alwaysstranger ok i'm sorry..... I got carried away.... Forget what i said about you.....

  • Movie Buff

    I don't get why people have problem with same gender marriage, it's not like the lgbt community is doing anything to you, why not spend that hatred on people who deserve it?

  • @sarah I think it should. Who are we to deny someone happiness.

  • This post is deleted!

  • one for all and all for one

  • Music Lovers

    Of course. Love is love.

  • Considering the fact that I'm bi and would like to be able to marry the person I love, I'd say it should be allowed.
    I just don't get what's the whole fuss about it, it's not as if by authorizing same sex marriage you're going against straight marriages.
    I personally don't care what people think about same sex couples, as long as they don't start trying to hinder those kind of relationships. It's not hurting anyone, so people should just mind their own business.

  • @layla you seem to be debating the same topics i have been on this site for a long time. You might want to know that my previous account was named @AlwaysStranger... yeah read through this same post and see people responding to @AlwaysStranger 7 months ago. I changed a bit since back then but yeah you might enjoy reading some of my old arguments

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @layla oh wow my posts were deleted, i remember my responses being specifically clever too, awwww too bad. You can even see that i made a girl take back things she said after only 3 replies right below. I wonder who did that.... @RAGNAR you can still suck my dick. Fuck you dickhead. I can't believe you're still a mod. @TalkWithStranger yeah you guys can go fuck yourselves too for just letting him continue being a mod after deleting 400 posts of mine specifically from debates. Yeah i still fucking remember

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @layla this site is run by retards just to let you know. All of them are retarded theists who don't believe in Evolution and shit like that. The account @TalkWithStranger literally used to reply to me with idiotic statements during debates and kept a guy as mod after letting him delete 400 of my posts from debates. That's why i deleted my previous account and made a new one because i was planning on leaving from how frustrated i got. @RAGNAR and @TalkWithStranger go fuck yourselves

  • @thestrangest I'm sorry to hear that. If you are having problems with TWS, you can report it to the admin or one of the moderators.

  • @thestrangest Try to refrain from using such language though.

  • @layla you do fucking realise @TalkWithStranger are the people who created the fucking site, they are the admins and they chose the moderators