
    LGBT is in no way deceit

    Yes it is. It is an artificial and a hedonistic way of life. It is akin to spitting in the face of all that is natural.

    Now, I am not personally interested in a crusade against gay people - if you've chosen to live in sin, it does not concern me personally. However, your constant attempts to force your beliefs upon other users on this site forces me to take a stand, and I stand on the side of normal human sexuality.

    Tell me, is being gay all you have going on for you? Must you define yourself through your wickedness? Do you not have any depth as a person?

  • @Div said in Interfaith Conversations!:

    @pe7erpark3r said in Interfaith Conversations!:

    @Div said in Interfaith Conversations!:

    @pe7erpark3r said in Interfaith Conversations!:

    First I'll have to add a disclaimer. I'm only an expert on catholicism, so I only corrected the first column. However I assume that the other columns, especially the christian and judeism columns need fixing too. I have no idea what Zoroastrianism says about this topic. And I do know that in hinduism everyone can get into heaven. Is there even hell in hinduism?

    This is a great summary!
    Aham brahmasami
    And let me tag the elephant in the room, which shared the given meme in the first place and who should read this beautiful explanation, @TagUjjwal there ya go!

    Thanks bud... Is there really supposed to be a place where all tha brahmans then live? or was that krishna again?

    I dont know? 😕

    We are trying to understand the unimaginable with our current extremely limited knowledge of nature. If I try to explain you the world after death of the body in terms of mass, I wouldn't be able to. Because this mass we see and experience is nothing but Higgs bosons interacting with the Higgs field, now can you see a field directly? No right, we can just experience it with our limited senses. And Einstein's equation clearly also says that mass is nothing more than condensed energy, right. I dont know how energy is like, none of us do.
    Now if we try to understand the afterlife in terms of time. Then, what is time but a relative measurement of the distance traveled by the speed of light. Again, it is relative to energy.
    The more science you read, the more you'll understand that all we are learning is just application of that single concept. The single concept, which I can not explain, I'm sorry. 😕

    Yeah, I get that I won't get that :joy:

    However you might be able to explain the concept to me, that was expressed in the video. The video depicted an unimaginable world into which the Brahman's will all go one day, when they have lived enough lives. My question is not how this unimaginable world looks like or what it means. I just want to know wether that is the actual idea.

    Or is the idea rather, that a Brahman will live it's billions of years lifetime, then return to the one god, only to be reborn when god wants to remake the world?

    Or are there actually different teachings about this?

  • @Silhouette said in Interfaith Conversations!:


    LGBT is in no way deceit

    Yes it is. It is an artificial and a hedonistic way of life. It is akin to spitting in the face of all that is natural.

    Now, I am not personally interested in a crusade against gay people - if you've chosen to live in sin, it does not concern me personally. However, your constant attempts to force your beliefs upon other users on this site forces me to take a stand, and I stand on the side of normal human sexuality.

    Tell me, is being gay all you have going on for you? Must you define yourself through your wickedness? Do you not have any depth as a person?

    Don't take our poor gay troll to seriously dude :joy:

  • Islamic Signs of the End Times

    In Islam, a number of major and minor signs foretell the end of days. There is debate over whether they could occur concurrently or must be at different points in time, although Islamic scholars typically divide them into three major periods.

    1. Sexual immorality appears among people to such an extent that they commit it openly, except that they will be afflicted by plagues and diseases unknown to their forefathers;

    Both are true today.

    General concerns: Every culture in the last 3000 years that was not wiped out by war, but died by itself, showed loss of sexual morality as one of it's symptoms of it's close death. There have always appeared plagues and diseases unknown to previous generations.

    Biblical parallels: The old testament is full of instances where sinful behaviour leads to plagues and diseases. The new testament profecies sexual immorality at the end times as well as plagues and diseases.

    1. People cheat in weights and measures (business, trades, etc.) and are stricken with famine, calamity, and oppression as a result;

    Both are true today.

    General concerns: People have always cheated in weights and measures.

    Biblical parallels: In Amos 8, God speaks against the people who cheat in weights and measures. He threatens them with calamity, famine, thirst, death.

    1. They withhold charity and hoard their wealth, and rain is withheld from the sky from them; there is rain only for animals;

    Those sins are being commited today. Droughts are getting more frequent with global warming. However animals are not excepted.

    General concerns: People have always withheld their charity and hoarded their weath. There have always been droughts around the world.

    Biblical parallels: In Jeremiah 14 God threatens His people with drought, famine, sword (war) due to their sins.

    1. They break their covenant with God and His Messenger and God enables their enemies to overpower them and take some of what is in their hands;

    Biblical parallels: Whenever isreal breaks the covenant with God (many many times in OT), they are as a result overpowered by their enemies, and some (if not most) of what is in their hands is taken away.

    1. God causes those who do not live according to His book to fight among themselves.

    General concerns: Those who do not live morally tend to fight (more) among themselves (than those who try to live a moral life). In fact people fight among themselves, period.

    Major Signs

    Following the second period, the third will be marked by the ten major signs known as alamatu's-sa'ah al-kubra (the major signs of the end).[note 2] They are as follows:

    None of the major signs have happened yet. So this is true for them all.

    1. The false messiah—anti-Christ, Masih ad-Dajjal—shall appear with great powers as a one-eyed man with his right eye blind and deformed like a grape. Although believers will not be deceived, he will claim to be God, to hold the keys to heaven and hell, and will lead many astray.[16] In reality, his heaven is hell, and his hell is heaven. The Dajjal will be followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan wearing Persian shawls.[note 3]

    Biblical parallels: The anti christ is a biblical concept. The bible says he'll appear at the end of times, and will lead many astray. He will claim to be God, and lead many to hell.

    1. The return of Isa (Jesus), from the fourth sky, to kill Dajjal.[17]

    Bilical parallels: At the end of times Jesus will return, as he left, on the clouds of the sky.

    1. Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj (Gog and Magog), a Japhetic tribe of vicious beings who had been imprisoned by Dhul-Qarnayn, will break out. They will ravage the earth, drink all the water of Lake Tiberias, and kill all believers in their way. Isa, Imam Al-Mahdi, and the believers with them will go to the top of a mountain and pray for the destruction of Gog and Magog. God eventually will send disease and worms to wipe them out.[note 4][18]


    1. A huge black cloud of smoke will cover the earth.[note 5]

    Biblical parallels: Mt 24:29 "Immediately after the distress of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken."

    1. The Dabbat al-ard, or Beast of the Earth, will come out of the ground to talk to people.[note 6]

    Biblical parallels: Revelation 13:11 "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon."

    1. The sun will rise from the west.[19][20]


    1. Three sinkings of the earth, one in the east,[note 7] one in the west,[note 8] and one in Arabia.[note 9]


    1. The second blow of the trumpet will be sounded, the dead will return to life, and a fire will come out of Yemen that shall gather all to Mahshar Al Qiy'amah (The Gathering for Judgment).[21]

    Biblical parallels: In the book of revelation the trumpets that are sounded by the angels ring in the different phases of the apocalypse. Including the resurrection of the dead. Fire is one of the profeciesed things to happen.

    Minor Signs

    1. The coming of fitna (tribulations) and removal of khushoo' (fearfulness of God, taqwah, reverence, etc.)[note 10]

    Biblical parallels: The bible predicts that in the end times the fearfullness of God would diminish, faith would diminish, tribulations would come.

    1. The coming of Dajjal, presuming himself as an apostle of God.[note 11][jargon]

    Biblical parallels: we have already seen that the anti christ is a biblical concept.

    1. A person passing by a grave might say to another the following: "I wish it were my abode."[note 12]

    Biblical parallels:

    Ecclesiastes 4:2 "I envy those who are dead and gone; they are better off than those who are still alive."

    Revelation 6:12-17 "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, see, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every slave, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"

    1. The loss of honesty, as well as authority put in the hands of those who do not deserve it.[note 13]

    True today.

    General concerns: Rise of immorality has always preceded the fall of every society. This includes loss of honesty, corrupt leaders. There has been an innumerable amount of leaders who do not deserve to have authority throughout all of history.

    1. The loss of knowledge and the prevalence of religious ignorance.[note 14]

    True today, especially in the christian world.

    Biblical parallels: Luke 18:8 However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"

    1. Frequent, sudden, and unexpected deaths.[note 15]

    True today.

    General concerns: As it was always. Sometimes more often, sometimes less often. People are at war since the beginning of time.

    This might still lay in the future though.

    1. Increase in pointless killings.[note 16]

    Seemingly true today.

    General concerns: Is there a single war in human history that was not pointless? Is it true, that relatively more people die today, or are there simply more people and thus more are killed?

    This might still lay in the future though.

    1. Acceleration of time.[note 17]

    Not true today. What might it mean?

    1. Rejection of Hadith.[note 18]

    According to the video this is true today.

    General concerns: It is very much to be expected that tradition will be rejected at one point in history. Things like that eventually happen.

    Biblical parallels: Luke 18:8 However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"

    1. The spread of riba (usury, interest), zina (adultery, fornication), and the drinking of alcohol.[note 19]

    True today.

    The first one is something that indeed is reserved to the last 300 years. This profecy is notable.

    The second one is to be expected, as noted above. The third one was always the case in the western world, but it might become true in the muslim world.

    1. Widespread acceptance of music.[note 20]

    This is true, and according to the video it is especially true for the islamic world.

    General concerns: There was already a widespread acceptance of music at muhammad's time. Just not where he lived. Any realist might have said that.

    1. Pride and competition in the decoration of mosques.[note 21]

    Certainly came true.

    General concerns: This is the way of people. Greed, wealth, it's what we do. I would call anybody naive who would not have expected this.

    1. Women will increase in number and men will decrease in number so much so that fifty women will be looked after by one man.[note 22]

    Has not (yet) happened.

    1. Abundance of earthquakes.[note 23]

    Earthquakes have not increased statistically AFAIK (yet).

    Biblical parallels: Rev 6 "and every mountain and island were moved out of their places"

    Isaiah 29:6 From the LORD of hosts you will be punished with thunder and earthquake and loud noise, With whirlwind and tempest and the flame of a consuming fire.

    1. Frequent occurrences of disgrace, distortion, and defamation.[note 24]

    True today.

    General concerns: This has always been rather popular :joy:

    1. When people wish to die because of the severe trials and tribulations that they are suffering.[note 25]

    True today.

    Biblical parallels: Revelation 6:16f "And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every slave, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"

    1. Jews fighting Muslims.[note 26]

    True today.

    General concerns: ... as it was in the time of muhammad himself...

    1. When paying charity becomes a burden.[note 27]

    True today, especially in the western world. Any kind of commitment without pay is in decline.

    General concerns: As noted above, every society in history that died by itself, did first lose it's morals, including of course charitable works.

    1. Nomads will compete in the construction of very tall buildings.[note 28]

    This one is indeed remarkable, as it is today more true than ever before.

    General concerns: People have always tried to build the highest temples/churches/palaces, higher than all the times before them.

    Biblical parallels: The tower of babel was built by peoples who were nomads before. So this profecy has even become true thousands of years before it was spoken...

    1. Women will appear naked despite their being dressed.[note 29]

    True today.

    General concerns: Looking at belly dancers today, one must imagine, that even in muhammad's times there were women who appeared naked despite their being dressed.

    1. People will seek knowledge from misguided and straying scholars.[note 30]

    True today. Maybe, just maybe a bit more than in past times.

    General concerns: This has always been true.

    Biblical parallels: Matthew 15:14 "Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit."

    1. Liars will be believed, honest people disbelieved, and faithful people called traitors.[note 31]

    True today. Especially in the Christian world.

    Biblical parallels: Mt 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    1. The death of righteous, knowledgeable people.[note 32]

    True today.

    General concerns: All people die. The righteous were murdered throughout all centuries, before muhammad and after muhammad.

    1. The emergence of indecency (obscenity) and enmity among relatives and neighbours.[note 33]

    True today.

    General concerns: Same point as above: all societies in history died out when morality dropped.

    1. The rise of idolatry and polytheists in the community.[note 34]

    True today, especially if you consider modern idols like money, fame, sex, power. Also a rise of esotericism.

    Biblical parallels: Rev 13:4 And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”

    1. The Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold.[note 35]

    Has not happened (yet) to my knowledge.

    1. The land of the Arabs will return to being a land of rivers and fields.[note 36]

    Was it that before? Is it now? Maybe it will :shrug:

    1. People will increasingly earn money by unlawful (Haram) ways.[note 37]

    Morality rises and falls throughout history, before and after muhammad. And as noted above, every society in history died through declining morals.

    1. There will be much rain but little vegetation.[note 38]

    True today in some places. Due to deforestation.

    General concerns: The romans deforested the mediteranean see. These effects were well known long before the time of muhammad.

    1. Evil people will be expelled from Al-Madinah.[note 39]

    Is this happening?

    1. Wild animals will communicate with humans, and humans will communicate with objects.[note 40]

    These are the actual words:

    "By the One in whose hand is my soul, the Hour will not commence until predators speak to people, and until the tip of a man’s whip and the straps on his sandals speak to him, and his thigh informs him of what occurred with his family after he left."

    Which is being interpreted by people as technology decoding animal's noises and shoes having sensors. Of course this happens. Thus this one is in a way notable.

    General concerns: My thighs will never inform me of what occurred with my family. This kind of technology makes no sense. But, there might be something, that could be interpreted in this way one day, as it is being does with the other parts of this profecy.

    1. Lightning and thunder will become more prevalent.[note 41]

    Biblical parallels: Revelation 8:5 Then the angel took the censer and filled it with the fire of the altar, and threw it to the earth; and there followed peals of thunder and sounds and flashes of lightning and an earthquake.

    1. There will be a special greeting for people of distinction.[note 42]

    True today.

    General concerns: Has always been the case, even in the times and region of muhammad.

    1. Trade will become so widespread that a woman will help her husband in business.[note 43]

    True today.

    1. No truly honest man will remain and no one will be trusted.[note 44]

    Not yet come true IMHO.

    1. Only the worst people will be left; they will not know any good nor forbid any evil (i.e. No one will say there is no god but Allah).[note 45]

    Has not come true yet IMHO.

    1. Nations will call each other to destroy Islam by any and every means.[note 46]

    Crucades. However the point of the crusades was not to destroy islam but to free the Holy Land. Maybe it will still happen?

    1. Islamic knowledge will be passed on, but no one will follow it correctly.[note 47]

    Might still happen.

    1. Muslim rulers will come who do not follow the guidance and tradition of the Sunnah. Some of their men will have the hearts of devils in a human body.[note 48]

    True today.

    General concerns: Any realist would expect that to happen eventually.

    1. Stinginess will become more widespread and honorable people will perish.[note 49]

    I'm getting tired :yawn:

    1. A man will obey his wife and disobey his mother, and treat his friend kindly while shunning his father.[note 50]

    There were always people who did that. Is it more widespread today?

    1. Voices will be raised in the mosques.[note 51]

    Despite being forbidden, this seems to happen these days.

    1. The leader of a people will be the worst of them.[note 52]

    True in many places today. Has happened countless times in history before and after muhammad.

    1. People will treat a man with respect because they fear the evil he could do.[note 53]

    True. Has always been true.

    1. Much wine will be drunk.[note 54]

    True. Has always been true, except in the islamic world.

    1. Muslims shall fight against a nation who wear shoes made of hair and with faces like hammered shields, with red complexions and small eyes.[note 55]

    Has not happened as to my knowledge. Will they fight american indians? What might "faces like hammered shields" mean?

    1. The emergence of the Sufyani within the Syria region.[note 56]

    No idea.

    1. The truce and joint Roman-Muslim campaign against a common enemy, followed by al-Malhama al-Kubra (Armageddon), a Roman vs. Muslim war.[note 57]

    Has this happened? If not it will not, for the romans are no more :shrug:

    1. The Black Standard will come from Khorasan, (see Hadith of black flags) nothing shall turn them back until it is planted in Jerusalem.[note 58]

    People who know this will do this, when they get the opportunity.

    1. There will be disagreement concerning succession.

    There has been a disagreement concerning succession since muhammad's death. Shiites vs. Sunites.

    1. Then a man will emerge from Madina. He will hurry to Makkah, and the people of Makkah will come out to him and urge him and try to force him to accept the Bai'aa.[note 59]

    Has this happened?

    1. Mecca will be attacked and the Kaaba will be destroyed.[note 60]

    Might happen still.

    1. Emergence of an army, from Yemen, that will make Islam dominant.[note 61][22]

    Might happen still.

    One of the last of the minor signs, and which will signal the coming of the 10 Major signs
    54. The appearance of the Mahdi.[23][24][25][26]

    Apparently has happened at least 10 times. But yeah, any great islamic leader might fit the role.

    In summary there are many predictions that any realist would have made. Then there are lots of predictions which are parallels to the much older bible. And then there are predictions that seem rather notable:

    • the communication with objects and animals
    • the spread of riba (usury, interest)
    • the construction of high buildings by (former) nomadic peoples

    Well... nobody would expect communication with objects and animals. This one is the oddest. The other two might be something a realist could expect.

    But I must admit, that now I know about something that could convince people of the truth of islam.

    I kind of like the fact, that muslims expect Jesus to come back. For, when Jesus comes back, he will certainly be able to tell us beyond any doubt, wether islam was right or christianity :joy:

  • Let me quote part of an article that explained some predictions of muhammad coming true:

    Only the Creator of time, as we know it, is not restricted by it. Only God has full access to the forgotten past and unseen future. Supposed psychics and fortune-tellers either speak in ways that carry a thousand potential interpretations (from which the most “accurate” is claimed after the fact) or get exposed as frauds over time (as eventually, their guesses are more often wrong than right). As for predicting specifics about the future while never erring, that is only possible for the Knower of the Unseen, and whoever He may grant partial access to the unseen world. “[He is] Knower of the unseen, and He does not disclose His [knowledge of the] unseen to anyone—except whom He has approved of messengers…” [al-Jinn 72: 26-27] Al-Qāḍi ‘Eyāḍ (d. 1149) says, “The hadith(s) in this regard are a bottomless ocean and an unending stream. They are one of his miracles which are undeniably established, transmitted to us by tawâtur (abundant recurrence), due to their many narrators and the concordance of their meanings, all corroborating the fact that he ﷺ was privy to [some of] the unseen.”[1] In this paper, we will take a dive into this bottomless ocean, exploring its wonders, namely some of the events foretold by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ which are among the greatest testimonies to his prophethood.

    According to islam muhammad was the last prophet. So there should not be any true profecy after him. However the children of fatima apparently predicted WWI and many of the events preceding and following. And TLIG predicted the fall of the world trade center. Or am I misunderstanding islam here? Is authentic profecy after muhammad compatible with islam?

  • @pe7erpark3r He attacked me, so I attacked back. If he's a troll, he's an exceptionally unfunny troll.

  • Banned

    This post is deleted!

    @AllAboutGay Fine. I'm done arguing with you, nutcase.

  • @Silhouette said in Interfaith Conversations!:

    @pe7erpark3r He attacked me, so I attacked back. If he's a troll, he's an exceptionally unfunny troll.

    Why can't you look through the trolling, overstylized, gay facade? You shouldn't fell attacked by somebody who is caricaturing gayness... Also he's clearly muslim. He might be gay too, but I think the account once named AllAboutHetero is also his...

  • @AllAboutGay said in Interfaith Conversations!:

    @Silhouette said in Interfaith Conversations!:


    LGBT is in no way deceit

    Yes it is. It is an artificial and a hedonistic way of life. It is akin to spitting in the face of all that is natural.

    Now, I am not personally interested in a crusade against gay people - if you've chosen to live in sin, it does not concern me personally. However, your constant attempts to force your beliefs upon other users on this site forces me to take a stand, and I stand on the side of normal human sexuality.

    @Silhouette This is not a fight of unnatural sexuality vs. natural sexuality. Homosexuality is something that happens to you, if you are gay. You have no choice in it. The choice is only in what you do, not what you are attracted to. And more importantly, homosexuals are being used to drive a political agenda. They are just as much the victims in this, if not even more, as the rest of society. You need to start looking at the big picture. The people and organizations spreading LGBT in a serious way (unlike allaboutgay who's clearly caricaturing it) are not even personally LGBT for the most part. Don't let yourself be used by fighting against the gays, who did not actually choose the crazy ideologues to be their spokespersons. Fight the ideologues by acting rationally, and by unveiling their tricks.

    alt text

    Being gay is neither a crime nor a sin. Indeed. Any rational thinker must arrive at this. Gayness is not whickedness, at least according to the teachings of the catholic church. Any sin must be action, serious action, to be sin, for sin requires choice. Being homosexual is not a choice. And even for the ones who are seemingly cured – no idea if this is real or not – it is certainly not a simple choice but a painful process. So don't fight the victims. Fight the actual crime (ideologies).

    LGBT=Universal love❤. Spreading love is not wickedness

    LGBT is not universal love, just like the 68ers did not spread love. They spread an ideology, just like those who are using the LGBT members are doing today. In fact the 68ers spread a destructive ideology, from which people are suffering even today. Gay people are being used to drive a political agenda. LGBT ideologues are not spreading love, they are fighting against the system, trying to tear it down, trying to gain power. And let me repeat again that most of the LGBT ideologues are not LGBT themselves.

  • @AllAboutGay said in Interfaith Conversations!:

    @pe7erpark3r I dont know much about any religion except LGBT. I still have a lot to know about Islam, Christianity etc.
    The Islamic prophecies by Prophet Muhammad that have been fulfilled(or is about to be fulfilled) according to some people are:(The two playlists that I shared contains a lot of prophecies in an organized way)

    ❤Rise of the Turks

    Can you give me the actual profecy?

    ❤Increase in obesity

    Interesting. To be expected if you expect wealth to grow. Wealthy people were always fat in the old times :joy:

    ❤The killer will have no idea why he is killing and the killed will have no idea why he is being killed. For example, mass shootings in USA

    That is a good example.

    ❤Deserts turning green

    Always happens. And as a matter of fact, deserts are not decreasing but increasing globally.

    ❤Widespread usury

    This one is notable as I said.

    ❤Musical instruments and music are at present way more widespread than any time because of modern technology

    To be expected if you expect wealth to grow. Rich people always had music in the old times. But yeah, music is indeed more widespread than ever.

    ❤Bird flying over warzones will fall(which may indicate nuclear or chemical wars) which was unimaginable in ancient times

    Can you give me the actual words of the profecy?

    ❤People will imitate the Romans and the Persians. Western culture is probably largely influenced by the Romans. Western culture has now spread throughout the whole world. Many muslim cultures are influenced by Persian culture

    A vague interpretation but one that makes sense.

    ❤"Acceleration of time" may mean that at present we can do a lot of things within a very short period of time because of unbelievable development in communication and technology

    Does fit yeah.

    ❤"Nations opposing muslims..." doesnt probably indicate the crusades. This may indicate:
    Many Indian muslims who are actually Indian citizens may lose their citizenship because of lack of documents because many poor people dont preserve documents
    And also: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Register_of_Citizens

    Rise of anti-muslim cultural nationalism. For example, the pioneers of the very popular Hindu nationalism directly said that muslims are their greatest enemy. They also have some anti-Christian elements

    Anti-muslim sentiments at present which is very natural because of recent political events. For example,a meme found in social media:

    True, that this could mean that. But, of course nations would oppose muslims. Any nation ever has been opposed by nations. Any big religious group ever has been opposed by nations. Anybody smart enough would have predicted this. This is not notable.

    As a true gay, I believe in love and I am not blaming or demonizing anyone. I am just trying to understand prophecies.

    To my knowledge, according to Islam, Prophet Muhammad is the last Naabi(the one sent by the lord to
    mankind) and also the last Raasul(the messenger sent by lord who received some holy books like Torah,Quran etc). All Raasuls are Naabi. The word "Prophet" is used as a translation of "Naabi". I dont think any prophecies except the ones by the Quran and Prophet Muhammad are Islamic prophecies. All the Hadiths are not considered equally authentic by Islamic scholars. Islam doesn't say that Christian and Jewish scriptures cannot have true prophecies. From an Islamic perspective, it is possible that Christian and Jewish prophecies are true

    The prophecies I mentioned are from the 20th century. They were spoken 1400 years after muhammad's death. And IMHO they certainly came true. Which means there are actual prophets predicting future events and living hundreds of years after muhammad's death. Is this compatible with islam?

    The god who created the gays knows the best❤

    Thank you for your intricate knowledge of islamic prophecy.

  • I read the bagavat Gita a while ago now... And I wonder about a certain difference between christianity and hinduism. Please correct me about any false notions about hinduism...

    So, in the Gita, Arjuna is asked to do his duty on the battlefield, which means killing his friends. At first he doesn't want to, but in the end he is being convinced by Krishna, that serving Krishna in duing his duty is more important than not killing his friends. Also he realizes, that it was Krishnas providence all along, that decided that those people would be killed on this battlefield and he – Arjuna – is just the "tool" in a way, that fulfills its purpose as a warrier.

    The highest value in Hinduism seems to be thus, to love Krishna (= the Godhead) and to not have any preference or love of any way to anything else, to be indifferent to even family members, and treat every living thing with the same kindness, no matter who or what it is.

    Christianity is very similar to Hinduism in the following: its highest value is to love Christ (God) above all else, and put Him before all people. And just as important is to love thy neighbour as you should love yourself.

    It is different however in what that means. For in fact in the christian faith you are not at all to be indifferent to the people around you. You are to love them, just below God. However christianity seemingly knows a kind of indifference: if you put God above the people around you, you will often follow Him, do what He wants and not what people want.

    Let's take St. Nicholas of Flüe. When his oldest sons where old enough to take care of the house, he left his wife and kids. They owned a farm, which meant in that time, that they were rich people, so it's not like he left them to poverty and death, quite the contrary. He on the other hand chose to live very poorly.

    And in truth, he did not stop caring about his children or his wife. As a true christian he loved them more and more. But how, if he doesn't do anything for them you ask? Prolly he prayed for them, but that's not the actual point. The actual point is, that not only we as christians care about those we love, our God cares too, infinitely more than any one of us. This means, that as a christian you follow God trusting, that He will take care of those you love. We have a God who is no bit indifferent, because our God is not all of those people (in contrast to Krishna who is everything and everyone really), and they will not one day become one with Him again. Instead, we are distinct from God and He loves us to madness.

    And He tells us, to love each other, or rather specifically: our neighbour. Christianity does not tell you to love every one of those 7.5 billion people the same, it tells you to love those around you. Family, friends, enemies. Christianity does not tell you to love them all alike, it tells you to love each and everyone in just the way, that your relationship with them is meant to be by God. You love and honor your wife/husband in one way, and your children in another, your friends in yet another, and your enemies too. I mean you don't invite your enemies for tea do you? That would sound like mockery in their ears really.

    And you pray for them all, because we christians have a God who cares and acts, and thus prayers have power. Not in and of themselves. Prayers are simply talking to God, living your relationship with Christ. And He who loves you more than you can ever understand, answers, talks back (in various ways, usually not in words), and he fulfills those prayers, when the people who you are praying for are ready to receive the gifts we ask for them...

    Well and that means in the end, that fulfilling your duty a warrier is not something you should do. In fact as a christian Arjuna might have sacrificed his life in an effort to stop the war. He would have not chosen to be indifferent, and he would have trusted God, that his sacrifice would not have been in vain – even if it would not have been enough to stop the war.