Old Global, New Global, Spammers, Rules, Mods: Information and Discussion

  • Hi all. I'll try to explain our stand on this.

    First of all, the most important thing first. @pe7erpark3r and all the new/active members who were most affected by the data loss issue. I want to apologize on behalf of all our tech team who even though tried their best for a whole week to recover the posts from the corrupted database but unfortunately couldn't and had to revert to an earlier backup. We sincerely feel for you and assure you our backup retention has been set to daily for now.

    @Morf @Barton @HotPursuit @TheRisingSun
    Regarding Discord. Issue and the user @LittPudding. Actually this is not a new problem, we face this issue more than you'd think. There are people who'd try to get the users to migrate to some other platform for whatever objective. Some spam it obscenely, some do it with better tactics. We don't have anything against discord, however we do have a policy against spam and links that are intentional to hurting the community. Which we also noticed ourselves after users reported us about that. Hence a warning was given to this guy as well, but he carried on in the public chat.


    You can get an idea with a quick view of user profile (topics) to see their intention of staying on TWS.

    Our @Global-Moderators have been communicating to us around the lack of voice chat and bots here, being an attraction towards discord. We are working on groups (improvements) and voice chat for TWS community as I write this. And before I forget there indeed is a bot in https://chat.talkwithstranger.com/direct/tws recently added that can be improved to do whatever community comes up with. Please don't hesitate to reach out with ideas regarding bot to these two https://chat.talkwithstranger.com/direct/TalkWithStranger and https://chat.talkwithstranger.com/direct/dev

    At the end I'll repeat, we are here to listen and improve based on YOUR suggestions, try doing this to big companies like, whatsapp, discord or instagram :)

  • I think ppl are missing the point...
    It's not about TWS being dead or dying, it's just the way ppl are using tws as a recruitment platform which clearly goes against tos.
    You break a tos you get banned, simple as that.

    I'm not with or against anyone, I couldn't care less what happens next, I just think ppl should get their heads out of the sand :shrug:

  • @King-Kadak actually nothing is secure in the wide web. There is a risk of identity exposure in all forms/types of social media accounts. If you don't want to be known and afraid of exposing your identity, then don't use any social media account at all!

    I think what we can do here at this stage is to let everyone know that TWS is worth staying for. No need to blame others for fishing users. It is just so immature.

  • @Kiss_My_Axe I'm not blaming any one guy, I'm just against that thefts who stealing tws users to dis cord and this guy littpudding is one of them. It is big concern to your privacy if you give your ip to a random stranger, Your isp is easily found by knowing your IP address. When you connect to discord this is available to be seen.
    Today almost everything is a social network. Everything is connecting everyone to a point of "OverConnection".

    Every social networking site has it’s own reason of existence and rightly so and hence better for some and not for someone else.

    If i rephrase the question to β€˜Is tws a way better and safe community than discord ’, then Yes for me its better but regarding safety I'm not that sure. Even in tws your ip is available,The only real way to protect this type of information is to use a proxy or VPN service. That will allow you to bounce your connection through another location or even another country. .

    But overall The quality of content that is created (questioned and answered) and engaged in TWS (upvoted, followed) is quite sane considering it is an open community than dis cord.

  • Hey @TalkWithStranger , if you are online could you DM me please?
    Thank you!

  • Thanks for this.

  • @Global-Moderators @TalkWithStranger hey.. theres a spammer in old global.. he's spamming for more than 3 hours now. If anyone can ban him, please do so.. We cant chat there peacefully. lol thanks

  • @SunshineF They really should make it so you have to have an account to use global chat. Then they could have some sort of security on who's there to really chat or not. It would also be useful in getting perverts out too.

  • @Rupin That's what Modern Chat is. When Modern Chat first launched, it was called "New Global Chat".

  • @Morf So they're just gonna close down the old global chat at some point?

  • @Rupin It wont be removed. TWS said old global will stay as long as it has users.

  • @Rupin No. @TalkWithStranger himself said they are changing the logo and Global Chat will continue as long as there are users. There are no plans to shut it down nor should there be concern of the non-existent matter. So no worries, bud.

  • @SunshineF @Morf But more than half of the users are just people with sexual intentions or spammers who ruin the chats.

  • @Rupin Doesn't TWS know this?

  • @SunshineF Hej frennie,I know my reply might sound cyber bullying but as the saying goes if u can't beat,then join..Spam like he/she did anyways we have done it before at old global.. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ˆ

  • @Rupin And yet there are still users there. People who meet and become friends, regular Global users, etc. Global being no login required, you cannot expect that stuff to not be there. It is what it is. It doesn't mean Global isn't a good place though.

  • @Bela-Hella Is that a challenge? Sagot! Put up your dukes! Let's fight! :joy:

  • You're gonna spam now?

  • @Morf Duel morf? Haha

  • @Rupin said in This thread died:

    @SunshineF @Morf But more than half of the users are just people with sexual intentions or spammers who ruin the chats.

    you have the statistics? Even if there are people who go there have sexual intentions, it doesnt matter. There are alot of people who are nice too even if we dont know them well. As far as I know thre are two people who are spamming the chatroom. If global chat is not good, there would be always dead chat.. but these past few weeks or maybe months, i havent seen dead chat at all. I only see regular people who are nice and friendly. These very few spammers are worse than pervs who go there. We can just literally ignore pervs but spammers ruins good chat. and what do spammers gain from spamming?
