• Music Lovers

    @pe7erpark3r I am scared now!
    Most probably they won't but there are chances they can do it.

  • @Kakashi Knowing all the answers is an immortal reason, coz you can never know everything!

  • Interesting idea to throw in wealth and a purpose to fill your immortal life with! I feel humbly touched, that you would find me inspiring.

    To be honest if I have as much time as I decide to have, then it is very tempting.

    Of course I would try to accquire knowledge – for which youth is actually quite important, because our minds work best when we are young – just like @ChaosKing since you need knowledge to make the world a better place. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge however or being a knowledgable person is just as meaningless as money for the sake of money.

    Also I would absolutely have to acquire much more discipline than I have, because if not I'd just waste all the time I have and that would be hell!

    Then, through knowledge I would figure out how I personally could help make the world a better place. But I would always try to stay humble and not believe I have a solution for the big problems (since whatever solution I might come up with might create much bigger problems...). Instead I will help others to grow to their greatest potential, because two minds are better than one and because I just cannot solve all problems, no matter how much time I have.

  • As I wrote it would be tempting, but if I am completely honest, it would be wrong. I don't know wether I could resist the temptation, but I sure believe I should. The reason for that is the following:

    For everything we do, we should look to the past. Think of the people that have had the greatest influence and have done the greatest good. Names like Ghandi come to mind, or Mother Theresa. Did they have more time than moste of us? Did they have money, good looks, or youth?

    And yet they let the most meaningful lives you can imagine. Would I settle for a less meaningful youthful and long (but not eternal) life? Maybe. But I shouldn't. None of us should. We all should choose the most meaningful life we can think of (and change our idea about whats meaningful as we progress).

    And if we talk about the most influential person who ever lived on the planet: he only lived for about 33 years. Yes, no matter if you like it or not, Jesus has influenced more people than anybody else who ever lived. I'm just talking facts and numbers, nothing else. In the end he sacrificed his life for those he loved (that's what he believed so much is for sure). He did the most meaningful thing imaginable, something a true mother and a true father would always do for their children. Even if he hadn't influenced so many people, his sacrifice would have not been any less meaningful.

    Anyways what I am trying to say is: Real love is not a thing you feel or believe in, real love is something you do and that costs you, maybe even your life. And if you cannot give your life anymore – cause you are immortal – you have already lost the most precious thing you could ever give to somebody.

  • @Kana “immortality,” umm.. somehow I just know I'm gonna have the feeling that I’d discover it’s not the sort of immortality I’d want. (Perhaps I’ve watched too many Marvel and AI movies)
    What if there’s a mass extinction event.. am I gonna be alone forever? I certainly don’t want to fall into this trap of being a million physical years old xD

  • @Kana nah , i'd rather DIE INSTANTLY

  • @ChaosKing said in If you were offered immortality with youth, would you take it?:

    @Kana Who will not take immortality with youth? I definitely would!
    I wanna know, know everything. It will give me enough time to study bout the universe and know new and cool stuff. I will be able to see every advancement in tech!
    Live will be so much amazing!

    that is stupid , if you were immortal you would eventually go crazy and try to die in every single way but it wouldn't succeed , leading to infinite suffering

  • @JessicaGrant

    that is stupid , if you were immortal you would eventually go crazy and try to die in every single way but it wouldn't succeed , leading to infinite suffering

    We can die when we choose to. Immortality doesn't have to be a sad existence. We can make our life better.

  • @pe7erpark3r said in If you were offered immortality with youth, would you take it?:

    As I wrote it would be tempting, but if I am completely honest, it would be wrong. I don't know wether I could resist the temptation, but I sure believe I should. The reason for that is the following:

    For everything we do, we should look to the past. Think of the people that have had the greatest influence and have done the greatest good. Names like Ghandi come to mind, or Mother Theresa. Did they have more time than moste of us? Did they have money, good looks, or youth?

    And yet they let the most meaningful lives you can imagine. Would I settle for a less meaningful youthful and long (but not eternal) life? Maybe. But I shouldn't. None of us should. We all should choose the most meaningful life we can think of (and change our idea about whats meaningful as we progress).

    It's up to us to make our life meaningful. Don't think that the standards previously set can not be overcome. We are capable of so much good, with or without a long life, or wealth, or youth.
    But do you care enough to follow that path to good, that is the question.

    And if we talk about the most influential person who ever lived on the planet: he only lived for about 33 years. Yes, no matter if you like it or not, Jesus has influenced more people than anybody else who ever lived. I'm just talking facts and numbers, nothing else. In the end he sacrificed his life for those he loved (that's what he believed so much is for sure). He did the most meaningful thing imaginable, something a true mother and a true father would always do for their children. Even if he hadn't influenced so many people, his sacrifice would have not been any less meaningful.

    Anyways what I am trying to say is: Real love is not a thing you feel or believe in, real love is something you do and that costs you, maybe even your life. And if you cannot give your life anymore – cause you are immortal – you have already lost the most precious thing you could ever give to somebody.

    Tbh i disagree with you here. Speaking relevant to the modern world, we don't need to give our lives to prove our love.
    What would work for the betterment of this world is a smart brain with a good heart, and not a life sacrificed.
    What we pay with here, is hardwork and dedication. If not, you're doomed to eternal misery in a wasteful long life if you did choose immortality.

  • @Kana said in If you were offered immortality with youth, would you take it?:

    We might think we've had enough of this dumb world with all it's stupid problems. But if you were given a choice, would you rather age and die, or would you stay young for a looong time (any time period you want) and work on some master plan you may be having.
    What you can keep in mind:
    -You'll have lived a long time and will have lots of experience and wisdom.
    -You can amass wealth in abundance.

    Some(like me) may think like this: they might want to live on and try to make this world a better place with all the resources we can have in all this time.

    Others may have some shady reasons to want to live long.

    So yeah, would you take immortality with youth, and why?

    Yea ofc lol, what stupid person wouldn’t?

  • @Rendezvous

    Yea ofc lol, what stupid person wouldn’t?

    Read below to know if you wish. The reasons definitely aren't stupid for declining the offer. You may notice something you did not think of before answering.

    P.S. now my Mr. Grinch tag makes sense 😂

  • @Kana said in If you were offered immortality with youth, would you take it?:

    Tbh i disagree with you here. Speaking relevant to the modern world, we don't need to give our lives to prove our love.
    What would work for the betterment of this world is a smart brain with a good heart, and not a life sacrificed.
    What we pay with here, is hardwork and dedication. If not, you're doomed to eternal misery in a wasteful long life if you did choose immortality.

    You are right, you don't have to necessarily give your life to love, as long as what you give costs you.

    If it does not cost you, then it might be betterment for the world, but can it really be called love? And if you are forced to decide, and you would decide to not give your life, how great is your love...

    People are forced today, maybe more than ever before (talking numbers again), just not where we lucky chums are living.

    And let me ask you this: what has more worth: A mother who spends her youthful years with her child, or an immortal being who does the same. The mother's youth won't return. Her time will have been a present to her child. The immortal might not get the same time/moments back, but there is always more. I think immortality definitely makes life less meaningful.

  • @pe7erpark3r

    You are right, you don't have to necessarily give your life to love, as long as what you give costs you.

    If it does not cost you, then it might be betterment for the world, but can it really be called love? And if you are forced to decide, and you would decide to not give your life, how great is your love...

    Why does it sound like you mean love cannot be without sacrifice. That's sentimental talk imo.
    How i see it: you care; you work for betterment. We don't need big sacrifices here do we?

    And let me ask you this: what has more worth: A mother who spends her youthful years with her child, or an immortal being who does the same. The mother's youth won't return. Her time will have been a present to her child. The immortal might not get the same time/moments back, but there is always more.

    I think it's joyful that the mother can stay with her child forever if they both wish for that.

    I think immortality definitely makes life less meaningful.

    Depends on what we choose to make of our time. It has infinite potential for growth and also for detriment.

  • "Zindagi lambi nahi, badi honi Chahiye"

    Translation: "Life shouldn't be long , it should be large"

  • @Kana said in If you were offered immortality with youth, would you take it?:

    Why does it sound like you mean love cannot be without sacrifice. That's sentimental talk imo.

    It sounds like that, because that is what I truly believe. I mean I obviously know you can have positive feelings toward another and wish him well. But I believe that this in not truly love. My father always had this kind of attitude for me, but if he would have had to renounce on something he wanted to give me what I wanted, I sure as hell wouldn't get a cent. Maybe I do see it this way, because I have experienced what is no love.

    How i see it: you care; you work for betterment. We don't need big sacrifices here do we?

    I would call work a sacrifice unless working makes you feel good all the time (or alternatively unless work is your kind of drug). For me work can be hard sometimes, even if it is rewarding.

    I think it's joyful that the mother can stay with her child forever if they both wish for that.

    Nothing to say against that. Just saying something that costs you has more value, that's all. Isn't that the definition of "value", that it "costs"?

    I think immortality definitely makes life less meaningful.

    Depends on what we choose to make of our time. It has infinite potential for growth and also for detriment.

    What you say is true. Just saying, limited time is even more valueable and meaningful, than unlimited. Somewhat like money: If you have 1.000.000$ it doesn't matter that you buy a new CD player and don't ever use it. You just don't worry about it and get on with your life. If however you only have 20$ you will damn well worry about that CD player, while you go hungry...

  • @monies said in If you were offered immortality with youth, would you take it?:

    If I was immortal, then I would've procrastinated to eternity.

    I would’ve prostituted to eternity

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @spaceboy said in If you were offered immortality with youth, would you take it?:

    @spaceboy Hmm.. Strange.. But I don't remember that I wrote it..

    You wrote it before you were lobotomized 🤯