• TOPIC OF THE CENTURY, now alot of us are going to act like we have the perfect life but wait what are you doing over here then ? ffs would like to hear truth coming from different parts of the world, Personally i'm here spending lot of time, should be enough to denote that i meet amazing people over the virtual world then irl ! irl money and greed are taking over, that's just how it's at my place wby ??

  • @Adyyan i tend to find that the two worlds (marix and not) are very similar...
    in both worlds you come across some profound and interesting people, willing to share knowledge and experiences... this is one of the greatest ways to grow as a hooman... experience counts for lots, but what it doesnt others contribute to.
    Then you have the numbnutz, idiots and fakers .... they are there in both orlds, playing part in also helping us to grow and develop, and lets face it.... if these people were not there to teach how we shouldnt be, how would we learn? What would this world be like? Pretty fekking boring if you ask me!
    So for me, both worls are equal, they both have their pluses and their minuses. :joy:
    takes care whilst climbing down from soap box
    arrgghh fek i fell :grin:
    styles it out

  • @Durwin i hope you fell on your face hahaha, thanks for taking part, seems like you've been enjoying both it's a draw for you in this scale ?

  • @Adyyan said in do you find people interesting over internet or irl ?:

    @Durwin i hope you fell on your face hahaha, thanks for taking part, seems like you've been enjoying both it's a draw for you in this scale ?

    Matirx or real world, life is all about learning my friend πŸ€™πŸ»

  • This is a good one.

    Being in this world of felt distance I actually feel more comfortable to be honest about my inner world. So there are definitely parts of me that you guys get to see more clearly than most people I interact with in real life.

    You know this feeling when you wish you didn't know what to say or said something stupid in a conversation and afterwards a great idea hits you? Here you have the time to think and thus – as long as you are trying to be honest – can say things more clearly and be more yourself.

    I must say I had some really interesting conversations with others over the internet already and I do believe that they actually shared something meaningful with me. Thus I do believe the internet really has advantages. But...

    If two of us manage to have a real, honest and meaningful conversation irl – if we succeed in overcoming all the barriers and fears – it will be soo much deeper face to face.

  • I also want to encourage everyone here, to take the opportunity that this community gives you (maybe if need be even create a new account ;-) if that makes you feel safer) – and share with us things you wouldn't share otherwise. Try to be as honest as you can be. This way we can all learn something about life from you and with you.

  • @Adyyan

    In all honesty I believe online world changed so much in the past years.
    We used to go into chatrooms, to create characters and just roleplay all around it.
    Even in games, they were meant to be someone u weren't IRL, a new persona.

    With the arrival of social media, online and IRL started to merge more and more, which brings us to the reality we are in now. Even in TWS, which is supposed to be a place you talk with "strangers" became an open plataform where everyone knows each other in a deep way, and they present themselves as their "real" them.

    Personally the ppl I met online are as important then the ones I have IRL cuz they are all part of the thing I call LIFE.

  • @Adyyan both r great but I like ppl virtual world more..I'm not close to ppl in irl as much as I m to ppl in TWS.. explains why @Bela-Hella is my sis in here..have never loved any of my sisters like I love her <3

  • @DarkIce said in do you find people interesting over internet or irl ?:

    @Adyyan both r great but I like ppl virtual world more..I'm not close to ppl in irl as much as I m to ppl in TWS.. explains why @Bela-Hella is my sis in here..have never loved any of my sisters like I love her <3

    A love I found in you, sisterly love..you are always love by me,my little darkazana.. :-)

  • @Adyyan Finally not the typical TWS topic. Depends, I've met interesting people on both sides. I would always choose a real conversation over an internet one but the diversity of the internet gives you the opportunity to find people with common interests, plus it costs less money and time to do so.

    @pe7erpark3r Facial expressions always betray people, to me it's much easier to associate an attribute to someone whom I get to talk to in person, still good point, if only it was called "real life" so people would be real. Also, you should try making some topics, I'm done seeing all these "it's so cold I can't take a bath" or "he has AIDS" topics.

  • Thanks @Spoofer I appreciate that.

    Yeah the face is not everything, especially because people tend to try to hide their real feelings. But the closer you get to your own emotions the clearer you just get the feeling of the other person.

    Maybe we should start a social network that rewards anonymity in name/age/looks but focuses on being real in all the ways where it really matters...

    Topics become interesting if enough people contribute. To get people to contribute requires getting people to notice first. I only have 2 followers so I fear that what I write won't get noticed. I wonder if that's just my insecurity talking?

  • @pe7erpark3r Do not fear of it being left unread, and followers are not truly important here, if you are friendly, you get plenty of them. Also, topics don't really need more participants, just a good topic, think of it as being a blog, all you would need is a good idea. And enough time haha.
    The social networking would work, but in order to do so, you would have invite people rather than them finding the community.

  • @Adyyan People over the internet just appear to be more instresting because they put up a facade, people irl can’t do that and we’re able to see right through them. I think both ways has some people that are interesting and people that are not, you just have to know how to pick them out

  • @pe7erpark3r that's just your insecurity if your topic is optimistically amusing enough it will surely get noticed ! it doesn't have to rely on followers ! really appreciate your views tho thank you always for taking part in topics i post :D :grin:

  • I find it harder connecting with people irl, probably because Im so insecure I find it hard to be myself.

  • @Sofie-Eggersfelt and how about virtual world ?

  • hmm it depends really..
    nice and awesome people are everywhere. You just have to be one, to get one! :)

  • @Sofie-Eggersfelt I think I understand you.... You're an introvert.. You probably don't like to confront things that you don't approve to people in real life.... Because it's kind of too much work for... Am I sounding close to how you feel.?

  • For me it’s sometimes both but then you also have the boring ones lol

  • @Adyyan said in do you find people interesting over internet or irl ?:

    TOPIC OF THE CENTURY, now alot of us are going to act like we have the perfect life but wait what are you doing over here then?

    My thoughts exactly. Normal people instagram and tweet. Not "tws". Tho exceptions are there.

    Ffs would like to hear truth coming from different parts of the world, Personally i'm here spending lot of time, should be enough to denote that i meet amazing people over the virtual world then irl!

    I think it's because people can express themselves better with well thought out answers online. And we don't have the same kind of conversations irl that we do on here.
    That's what brings out a different side of the person to light in chats.
    Also, introverts, who are smart and cool people (usually) can be found here and hence this increases our probability of finding interesting people online.

    irl money and greed are taking over, that's just how it's at my place wby ??

    You talk as if people offline and people online are different somehow. People will be people. We can't generalize.

    So yeah interesting people can be found anywhere. For an introvert like me, I find them online.
