• Do you find that?
    I sit here, on me todd with not much to do except peruse the net while doing one of two things, playing poker or watching Netflix (to be true, sometimes both) ... and you start looking at the things you love, for me music .... looking, looking some more and eventually you spend.... spend the money that should go on better things you might need elsewhere....
    They say boardum's a killer but I think it's a bank buster

    What's it like for you?

    • do you have the same afflictions?
    • do you spend lots of time shopping online??
    • do you really give a s@!*e???

    Why not let me know? cause ya spending monet I bet! hahaha

  • @shaun-durwin I spend a lot on shopping 😐 buy clothes n accessories i dont even need. I do feel guilty but end up buyin them anyway

  • @wildwallflower
    hehehe , same , but I buy cheaper clothes so I can spend more on Poker and Music ;)