Any moment in life that made you think this life is not real?

  • @wildwallflower I'm deeply saddened to hear about your losses.

  • @agent-peanut woah damn!

  • hmm yeah. I went through a lot of nightmares in my life.. I even think I'm the miss-unlucky-one haha :D well, those things made me realize a lot of things in life. The presence of that hard-to-believe-it-happened-thingy is vital and inevitable no matter what. All we have to do is to accept and embrace that it happened, and try to look life in binoculars of possibilities.

  • @cjko true that

  • @wildwallflower yeah indeed. I'm sorry to hear about your friend and aunt. :) (Indian wave)

  • @wildwallflower said in Any moment in life that made you think this life is not real?:

    When i lost my aunt 8 years ago, it was a huge shock and earthquake incidence for me. And recently lost a dear friend which had almost the same effect. It's times like these i find it hard to believe that it's true, i wish its not true, n i wish that when i wake up next morning everything will be back to normal and whatever bad happened was just a nightmare.

    Sorry to hear about you aunt and your friend. It's never easy to cope with. I lost my brother some time ago. This contributed to my mother falling ill and eventually passing...Still have mums number on my phone :(

  • @agent-peanut sorry for your losses Mr.P 😢
    After the passing away of my aunt my grandfather fell ill, he was the one who was shaken the most and passed away 3 months later... Life can be cruel to the core sometimes

  • @wildwallflower indeed it can. But it's all part of the trials or test we are put through.
    Just makes us stronger

  • @agent-peanut true! It did make us all stronger.

  • @wildwallflower @Agent-Peanut

    I'm sorry to hear about your losses. Love is beautiful but can also be a curse. It's fascinating and dark how a human can wither to the point of dying when they lost a loved one.
    There is someone that is VERY VERY VERY dear to me, that has been between life and death many times. I dunno what it would do to me if I knew that person was dead, but I always had a feeling that person would die old and wrinkly in a bed in a very long time.


    I always shared @cjko 's view in being the "unlucky" one but that's partially my fault. Life fucked me over oh so many times and when it does, my 1st impulse is look for a reason on why that happens and I often find myself thinking I wasn't good enough and that's why X or Y happened. When such situation happens it's like a nightmare, I hope that I fall asleep and that it will be gone, but when reality strikes you once more, it's like you took a punch i your guts.

    Life can be both beautiful and a gift but dark and a curse, it's up to us to know how to follow teh right path!

  • @mr-h for some of us it seems unfare how life can be like a bad breakup. You get so used to thinking it’s the ‘norm’ that when things do arrive for the better you end up questioning it, sometimes to the point of missing out.

  • @mr-h I too believed that only old ppl died or ppl die when they get old. How i wish that's how it was.
    And don't worry about silly things.. Nothing bad will happen to that important person in ur life. The one who dies is free, its always harder for ppl who stay behind to go on with life. But life doesn't end there, think of the things they did for u, it will be an insult to their efforts if you dont stay strong.

  • @wildwallflower said in Any moment in life that made you think this life is not real?:

    I too believed that only old ppl died or ppl die when they get old. How i wish that's how it was.

    It's just this particular case, I know and I've seen younger ppl die and I know that happens, but it's a feeling I have in this particular case!

  • @mr-h said in Any moment in life that made you think this life is not real?:

    @wildwallflower @Agent-Peanut

    I'm sorry to hear about your losses. Love is beautiful but can also be a curse. It's fascinating and dark how a human can wither to the point of dying when they lost a loved one.
    There is someone that is VERY VERY VERY dear to me, that has been between life and death many times. I dunno what it would do to me if I knew that person was dead, but I always had a feeling that person would die old and wrinkly in a bed in a very long time.


    I always shared @cjko 's view in being the "unlucky" one but that's partially my fault. Life fucked me over oh so many times and when it does, my 1st impulse is look for a reason on why that happens and I often find myself thinking I wasn't good enough and that's why X or Y happened. When such situation happens it's like a nightmare, I hope that I fall asleep and that it will be gone, but when reality strikes you once more, it's like you took a punch i your guts.

    Life can be both beautiful and a gift but dark and a curse, it's up to us to know how to follow teh right path!

    @Mr-H rolling in the deep. :D

  • @mr-h i know...I'm sayin it'd be a shame if you don't stay strong, think of how they helped u and why, also there're other ppl who'd get hurt to see u weak.. Nothing i say is gonna change ur mind, I'm just sayin what i feel.