@Indrid-Cold Indrid have you seen what he's pounding the bass drum with? 😁
Best posts made by Scottish
RE: General knowledge
RE: Thought on Weed
@mia1317 haha that's good to know Mia. I have some lovely skunk right now, smells and tastes amazing, that kinda fruity stuff. Always good to meet a fellow toker 😊
RE: Thought on Weed
@mia1317 eastern philosophy, the pro's and con's of capitalist society and the rise of arable farming and the effect it has ultimately had on the planet? Ok, i took a wild stab in the dark 😁
RE: Thought on Weed
@Jesse-But you from the uk? Just the words you use, southern England is my guess
RE: Thought on Weed
@Jesse-But thought so Jesse, i spent much of my life in Bristol and that's everyday language there but could equally be london, Brighton etc
RE: Thought on Weed
@MysteriousBibi kahina how can that happen? Was it psychosis or you injured yourself, I'm struggling to imagine what it could be
RE: No title,just vibes
@sky1234 I'm the same, it can drive you bananas can't it
RE: Life sucks 🙄🙄
@sky1234 you too sky? Feeling like that myself. It definitely sucks. What i do know is that we will bith be back on top, hopefully sooner than later
RE: Repent ye for the time is at hand
@Indrid-Cold spoiled for choice I'm afraid Indrid 😁😁
RE: Unrequited. (Again)
@Wedo hey, it's ok to be bi, i haven't had a girlfriend who wasn't for more than 20 years. It's also ok to be lesbian, gay, hetero, doesnt matter, as long as you're nice, that's all that matters. Maybe you should talk to your friend, who knows, she may feel the same. Is that where your fear of rejection comes from? Every relationship or admission of feelings is a risk of rejection ànd hurt. Still gotta go for it though, what else, sit in a dark room wondering? If that's how you feel with your sexuality then go for it. Even if your friend doesnt reciprocate there will be others who do.
RE: Im a mess. What should i do ?
@babyrxxx ride it out. It will pass good things and times will come. Just hold on until it happens. And it will
RE: i miss MY OLD friend here......
@Silly_Boi dude, belethor is still around, i spoke to him last week
RE: Looking for midgets
@fittz oh was i on it? Didn't notice, it was too small to make an impression.
RE: Looking for midgets
@Littlelion12 thankyou lol, at least i got an amusing anecdote, i salvaged something from the situation 😊