how to deal with my avoidant partner in a long distance relationship

  • we have been together for a year , at first she had a completely anxious attachment style
    I liked it , i loved her because of that
    but suddenly she acts completely avoidant
    maybe i am overthinking , or maybe she is playing with my feelings , i don't know anymore

    I have a lot of details and i don't know what to say or when to start
    I literally can't focus on anything else , i can't work can't sleep can't

    I still love her , despite she recently hurt me a lot ,ignored and disrespected me many times (she was completely the opposite before)

    I care about her and worry why she changed more than my own feelings that have been ignored or hurt

    I told her many times that i notice her change and i know she is not alright , she keep replaying in cold dry conv and saying she is fine and i don't have to worry about it

    I don't know if she just lost interest or she is going through a lot