• Lol you can be as random or blunt as you like I'm just a bored little silly sick of school and shit lmk if you wanna talk

  • Random shit you say, how about that we live in a time where every single one of us are monitored, things that you say privately using your voice, search on the internet, are collected and analysed, we observe that from the targeted ads that we receive on web daily(facebook....), now remember that does are just companies, imagine what our governments collect on us, they know exactly when you wake up, when u sleep, when u take a shit, how often do you shower, what are your opinions on something, how do you think and ...etc, and with that they may predict how will you behave in the near futur, it becomes easy really to predict behaviours when you have such large data on previous people, every place you go there are cameras with face recognition features, voice recorders.... , and it's not about money alone, never. It's about total control over human race, promote ones with desired opinions, censoring and shut ones with opposite mindset, thus shifting humanity from it's purpose in life, fulfilling desires of the 2 greatest devils in the world, satan the demon and the antichrist the human, executing the world longest and greatest plan, which they succeed, the plan to establish a secular world order and performing the zionist steps to summon the antichrist who is the supreme king of secular order (recapturing Jerusalem, rebuilding the temple, slaughtering the red cow....) check the one dollar bill for that one all seeing eye and the latin words near it and compare the eye to the description of the dajjal (false messiah, impostor messiah), shit i wrote too much and i still have much to say, but who cares, probably only the intelligence agencies will read and no else would give a damn lol
