Spied on my fiancee feeling bad.

  • Although to add to all this I didn't eat or sleep for 3 days when I first read that stuff via the spying, she was at her moms house and I was miserable crushed beyond all belief, and now I just feel horrible for doing that. Guilty and sad.

  • Finally, some content on this dead zone! Making the relationship official with insecurities and a lie (not telling her) is quite a rough start. One should come clean about such things. You can keep it inside up until it eats you alive or confess to your fear. You might want to ask yourself why she would cheat on you or why you fear her leaving you. And if the morality of this is not enough of a motivator, do think that she might be hearing all of this from her ex.

  • Yeah was are talking it out, we have great communication and she is a wonderful woman whom I would die for without a thought, Just a comedy of errors I suspect that almost killed me,

  • After she calmed down, she cried a lot and apologized for not making it clear and being more open about it... I am not 100% to blame for everything but I do accept 99% of it.

  • I wont ever pick up her phone again, it's just not worth my sanity... I know everything I need to know when I look into her eyes.

  • I will also add when she fights, it's a bit bad (this was our very first fight ever in over a year of being together, we truly are wonderful together.) she tends to be very mean... When I fight I just say how I feel, and try to understand. Although she is the more aggressive of the two of us. I am a pacifist I don't like confrontation. I didn't even yell at her ex husband, in other circumstances we would have been friends. Found out he was born in the same state as me.

  • I am happy to hear that your relationship relies on traits such as honesty and communication at such levels. I can admit to having been chasing those for quite a while now. Are the remarks she is making during the fights taken out of proportions? While truth is often hard to bear, I suspect she adds more to it. As for your promise, picking up her phone is never going to entirely work. For all I know, you could very well not do that but eavesdrop, ask her friends about her whereabouts and so on. This event should he a reminder that she truly cares about what you two have and you are not this replaceable, ephemeral person in her life. Glad it got sorted out!

  • Yes she is making me feel secure again, and that's important to me, I don't want to feel like I can't trust her. She trusts me completely and she should my life is an open book. She can look at my phone at any time has all my passwords my email everything. I don't have any of those for her and I am fine with that, She is with me and I trust her, before the night she was texting her ex husband I had never seen her lie to me before. She did apologize for that and cried about it.

    When she was mad she was calling me names, really hurt when I was feeling already down about her flirting with an ex husband. That I would never have known about the flirting if I didn't do what I did. Frankly I don't care if she flirts only if it's something more. But as they say ignorance is bliss.

  • I guess out of all of it I am more upset that she lied to me than anything she actually did, but I am more upset with myself for invading her privacy. That's on me and I will have a hard time forgiving myself for that. I trust her and nothing can change that because in my heart I believe in her, she means everything to me and in the end that's what counts in my book.

  • @AmysMan You are not a man . From my pov.

  • get that guy's number and date him