• @Morf

    hows that supposed to work?
    theres plenty of problems with your method here,buddy

    1. how do you ensure that EVERYONE receives the message?

    2. do you think just saying
      'hey,you got reprimanded' in a PLAYFUL manner will make someone correct their behavior?

    3. why hasnt you gone deep and psychoanalyze them for being an entitled brats whos throwing a tantrum and being obnoxious and spiteful in public forum?

    4. do you think a conversation this brief(if that is even a conversation) will lead to any changes at all in their behavior?

    why do i get this feeling that youre making light of this situation?
    ive already given you a SIMPLE solution,didnt i?

    just copy and paste what you wrote to me,and put their name in that comments.

    thats all.

    if you do that,then,im a satisfied customer,buddy!
    you can do that,right?

  • @Morf

    let me help you


    dont be a dick.
    dont go around and start attacking people unprovoked.
    be level headed and calm.
    start acting your age.
    dont escalate confrontation.
    stop letting your emotion dictates what you said.staying cool and calm will very much be more efficient to get a point across or to spread the information you wish.
    bla bla bla bla bla(you can add anything else you wanted to say)

    see? i did all the job for you.
    now,all you need to do is to make a new thread with the title

    'can we all get along in peace?'

    and paste this comment,and i will be a happy customer.
    you can do that,right??

  • @ssll-sg just ignore this cunt.

  • @Morf

    @FluffyCookie said in mr @Morf,where art thou???:

    just ignore this cunt.

    would you look at that!
    do you STILL think that your half baked castigation works?
    now,why dont you be a good boy and follow my previous instruction?
    you need to accept the fact that i seemed to possess more common sense compared to you.

    thanks for proving my point, @FluffyCookie,you semi literate simian!


  • @ssll-sg
    "Hypocrisy is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another or the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. In moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one's own expressed moral rules and principles."

    Why even bother coming with a list of protocols/rules that you yourself fail to follow? If I were you, I would stop this "who said what" game, you're simply making a fool out of yourself. Break out of your delusional world where ad-hominems actually help you prove a point.
    Even the audacity to compare your common sense and (il)literacy to someone's else. You've just edited a post (and deleted it) 3 times already, are you certain that feelings aren't the catalyst of this manner? Thanks for letting me know how stuttering happens through texting.
    "You need to accept the fact that" - another trait of hypocrisy, failure of accepting one's perspective.

    As a side note, this is the pettiest thing I've witnessed in quite some time. Breaking the rules, being held accountable and all I see is throwing the responsibility away. "They did it too", we are not 5 anymore. Just because someone breaks the so-called rules, it doesn't give you any immunity. It simply shows a toxic behavior, you truly strike me as someone that would snitch out on his friends just because you got caught doing something illegal. From my point of view, I couldn't care less if you or others would be punished - this whole whining scene that you do is pathetic.

    TL:DR: Own your shit and don't take it on others.

  • This post is deleted!
  • Global Veteran Banned

    @ssll-sg I made it to the list 🤭

  • @TheRisingSun

    its my fault for forgetting about you.
    youre just unmemorable and boring.
    lets strive to make our legion of assholes to be the strongest in this site,k?

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @ssll-sg said in mr @Morf,where art thou???:


    its my fault for forgetting about you.
    youre just unmemorable and boring.
    lets strive to make our legion of assholes to be the strongest in this site,k?

    Thank you!! I'm so unmemorable It only took 1 comment to make you remember to add me to your little blacklist 😏.
    You're just making lists because you're so forgetfull, silly big chungus 🤗.

    Do you make friendslists aswell?
    Bet it looks like this:


  • @TheRisingSun said in mr @Morf,where art thou???:

    'm so unmemorable It only took 1 comment to make you remember to add me to your little blacklist

    its not that difficult,boy!
    all i need to do is to look at all the list of people in the notification section and your name was tucked nicely among the assholes who replies to me.unfortunately,i cant really remember who you are,because,again,youre too unmemorable.

    BTW,what do you mean ' only 1 comment'? im pretty sure your comments amounted to at least half a dozen.have you gone senile as well,boy?

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @ssll-sg <-- The small pp energy is strong with this one.
    Dance for us little monkey, dance :face_with_tears_of_joy:

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Morf phew so many big words, what's wrong with the good old STFU GOATFUCKER, go back to your moldy stinking niggerhut and have a nice hot cup of hyenapiss to calm your tits ?

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