@janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly

  • @Morf

    you know what?
    lets just stick to this place.
    ive been dealing with plenty of people,and it tends to cause confusion.

    this is my point

    1. do you think just saying
      'hey,you got reprimanded' in a PLAYFUL manner will make someone correct their behavior?

    2. since you love to give a long winded lecture to people about having decorum,being polite,and not to be rude,i asked you to do the same to the list of people that ive provided to you.

    ive even given you a template on what you can say to show your 'sincerity' in making your friends a better person.


    dont be a dick.
    dont go around and start attacking people unprovoked.
    be level headed and calm.
    start acting your age.
    dont escalate confrontation.
    stop letting your emotion dictates what you said.staying cool and calm will very much be more efficient to get a point across or to spread the information you wish.
    bla bla bla bla bla(you can add anything else you wanted to say)

    see? i did all the job for you.
    now,all you need to do is to make a new thread with the title

    'can we all get along in peace?'

    do you get what im trying to say here?

  • @ssll-sg said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:


    you know what?
    lets just stick to this place.

    Yeah, we went over that in the last post, we're sticking to topics. I respect your wishes to remain passive-aggressive. But I'm asking which thread in particular. :thinking:

    1. do you think just saying
      'hey,you got reprimanded' in a PLAYFUL manner will make someone correct their behavior?

    Well, I wasn't playing. If they thought I was, well, that's just what they think, not me. I only did as you asked of me. What are buddies for, right? Glad I could do ya a solid! :smile:

    1. since you love to give a long winded lecture to people about having decorum,being polite,and not to be rude

    :arrow_up: Correct, this is what I did.
    :arrow_down: Thank you for understanding what my original purpose was, glad I could be of help! :)

    dont be a dick.
    dont go around and start attacking people unprovoked.
    be level headed and calm.
    start acting your age.
    dont escalate confrontation.

    see? i did all the job for you.

    Thanks, best buddy! :)

    'can we all get along in peace?'

    I'm happy you finally understand what I've been saying this whole time. That my initial responses to you about civil dialogue and courtesy are finally sinking in and you now wish to get along. This makes me very happy. I'm proud of you! :thumbs_up:

    do you get what im tryingg to say here?

    Sure! I got it. Thanks, best buddyyyyyyy! :) :wave:

  • @Morf

    awww..in the end,you refuses to give a formal long winded lectures to the 9 assholes,eh?

    too bad.

    it hurts me to call you a deceitful hypocrite,but,you are indeed acting like one

    youre supposed to be the chosen one!!!!!!

    :crying_face: :crying_face: :crying_face: :crying_face: :crying_face: :crying_face:

  • @ssll-sg said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:


    awww..in the end,you refuses to give a formal long winded lectures to the 9 assholes,eh?

    too bad.

    I dunno, I never read that book. Is it any good?

    it hurts me to call you a deceitful hypocrite,but,you are indeed acting like one

    Don't hurt yourself. I'll have to help you out even more if self-harm begins. But I guess that's what buddies are for. I'm there for ya! :heart:

    youre supposed to be the chosen one!!!!!!

    gasp :astonished_face: You bestow me too much honor! :blush:

  • @Morf said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    I dunno, I never read that book. Is it any good?

    what book?ive never mentioned anything about a book.are you confused again,buddy?

    @Morf said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    gasp You bestow me too much honor!

    in the end,youre just another asshole.
    fear not,for we,the legion of 12 assholes takes care of each other!
    long live the legion!
    welcome to the club,buddy!

  • @ssll-sg If you don't consider calling someone "Boy" an Insult or underestimation , you wouldn't delete the sentece after editing It .Lets bring an end to this circus already by calling and concluding that you are the lil boy here BOY .. You are the lil kid screaming for attention which you will not get šŸ˜‚ we are replying just for the followers of this post to show them that the world includes arses that type and chat šŸ¤£ lol don't get me right I'm not saying ur an ass ok my as..shshh šŸ¤«

  • @The-Mods said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    You are the lil kid screaming for attention which you will not get

    and yet,here you are,giving me attention.
    you really didnt think twiice before you write anything,eh,boy?

    well,thats for sure,coming from the composer who comes up with the legendary insult

    'read this my ass'!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    salutation to you,o great poet!

    :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy:

  • @ssll-sg ooooh that's Pathetic !! You don't only edit posts but you don't read but only what u want from others comments ! I pitty you at this point . Take this šŸ¼šŸ˜‚

  • @The-Mods said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    You don't only edit posts but you don't read but only what u want from others comments !

    i have no idea what are trying to say here,boy!

    me no speak stooopid.
    can youuuuuu speak english?

  • @ssll-sg mmm Fap ! Fap ! Fap! Fap! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I gave u this šŸ¼ It's empty go fill It BOY Fap! Fap! Fap ! Hahahaha now It's getting more funny my game time boy .

  • @The-Mods

    my bad,
    we are competing who talks the most nonsense,right??

    i cant possibly goes against your magnum opus

    READ THIS MY ASS!!!!!!!!!

    its your win.
    i bow to the master!

  • @ssll-sg Did you even doubt ? BOY šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜‚

  • @The-Mods

    The jittery user risks into the demanding notice.
    It was then the kind trick met the weak call.
    What if the droopy base ate the village?
    The familiar teach jokes into the condescending politics.
    Did the complete active really snatch the classroom?
    The well-informed dark can't knock the stuff.

  • @ssll-sg Stand up ur sitting on something btw !! IT'S A TM Cock šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  • @The-Mods

    The electronic pension flows into the combative discipline.

  • @ssll-sg šŸ„±šŸ¤ šŸ˜Š

  • @The-Mods said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    Stand up ur sitting on something btw !! IT'S A TM Cock

    youre gay/homosexuals?
    well,its cool.
    i have no problem with homosexuals.
    however,im concerned with your fetish of someone sitting on your dick.
    dont you think its painful?
    be careful,ok?
    make sure you wear condom or tell your partner to wear condom all the time.STD is no joke.

  • @ssll-sg When It comes to ur sexy ass yes Im homo šŸ˜‚ no need for condom I would like to see for the 1st time in history an ass getting pregnant šŸ˜‚

  • @The-Mods

    aww,im flattered.but,i dont swing that way,buddy.

    you really like people to step on your penis,eh?

    well,its your body.do whatever you want,buddy.

    ermm,you can try and ask @Morf about hooking up.he seemed like a nice guy,albeit a big hypocrite.who knows.he might like you back!

    good for you for not being ashamed of your sexuality. we need more people like you in this world!!!!!!!


  • @The-Mods

    oh yeah.youre from lebanon.that backward ass country loves discriminating LGBTQ like you,right?

    well,word of advice,buddy.
    dont come out of the closet yet.youre going to be ostracized by your friend and your family member.its just not worth the risk.

    huh.that also explains why you hardly able to communicate in english,eh?

    well,im gonna go now.ive got a hot date tonight.

    have fun getting your dick stepped on or whatever.just promise me that you wont go overboard,ok?

    :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face: :grinning_squinting_face:
