• "Now now now let me just talk about something stupid that I have done when I was 16 years old.
    I was on a day trip to my grandma's house no this is not a fake story. Let me start at the beginning. I was driving with my mom & dad when all around me the road seemed so still.
    I asked my mom what plans grandma had.
    Mom said, " Emma I told you me & your father are helping with the yard so it's nice."I of course forgot I had asked that my mom the same dumb question. Spack my head ha. We soon arrived.
    There was a wooden bench that was held up by metal chains.
    There was brick around the house with a few windows.
    A lovely back yard with paths that led further. Tons of nature covered the sky within the slow-moving trees. As my parents got out of the parked car they grabbed supplies for the yard.
    As I went exploring. I saw squirrels nibbling on seeds. I saw birds flying tweet tweet. I went inside gave my Grandma a big hug. The smell was strong of baked cookies. I asked if I could have oneπŸ˜‰or more. I had a sweet tooth. My Grandpa was sitting in a small room from the kitchen. He looked like he had a haircut. He was handsome. His smile made me happy. He let me play with his money toys. If you don't know what that is well look it up. Nah kidding. My first penny toy that ate the money then licked its lips as he slowly swallowed each amount I put on its hand as it closed its eyes. My Grandpa told me that he was saving pennies for something special but didn't say what.
    Anywho... I went back outside when I heard a ribbit sound.
    A fast hopping tode flew from the brush as it made its way to the other side. I ran to hold it in my hand. I missed a few times. I giggled as I felt warmth on my hand. I was holding the tode in my hand as it peed all over my hand. I blushed and put the lil guy down. One after another I had held tode after tode. I wanted to keep one so bad. So me being stupid grabbed one before it was time to go. It had made it home safe thank goodness. I had let it go to explore my house yard. I felt weird like I had grabbed more than just one... I had brought my bag with flowers on it. It had snacks and grass and dirt.. I should have checked my bag before I left. I ran up to my room just to find several todes on my bed. Under my bed. Every direction tode after tode. Soon my mom found me by the window playing with the todes. She was NOT happy with me. I explained It was only supposed to be one. We let them go I had told my Grandma all about it. We both told each other to just try to laugh through it all just watch out the next time.
