• @Lazz
    I am safe, will be in future no one created me no one can destroy too I am a energy and I don't know about my human body and I don't give a dam for human race.
    Birth rate of human are high and death rates are low in this planet, Because of science and technology and attachments to materialism and orgasm show,being selfish and hurting our mother Earth.
    destroying the natural resources and other species not being aware of Thier existent.
    who the fuck we are? we humans think we need to be protected for ever,lots of species existed extinct before us.
    We humans most populated species in this earth and she will restore the balance to survive herself, mother earth can hold all the Energies and give life support sacrificing herself, still we are in greed to survive instead living with it as it is .
    I observed that people didn't die much on this pandemic what suppose to die, what we heard before in our past history, bcoz of advancement.
    We will be extinct for sure for next coming pandemic and there will no stopping from genocide for ourself, if we don't look at our environment, we have to take strict action, precautions to clean the clutter what we dumped in this beautiful paradise..
    We consider superior species, we have awareness and consciousness..to respond and create things with other species couldn't do.
    Funny isn't it? That we do not think to create better,we should be lucky this isn't a war created by some crazy evil fellow with agenda ..we should be thank full nature is taking it on its hand
    would be very selfcentered lot of negativity if man would do it,pure sense for mother earth to destroy every thing for better tomorrow.
    Save Earth all will be saved !!
    This what I think

  • Am I scared of this virus 😳.... My answer is probably no I am not scared and why to get scared from it. You can't travel in a plane when you constantly have thoughts that it will crash soon .

  • @Xavier Right on, right on, you know it

  • @Darkness_ Every night I say "Stay safe!" and mean it, and I know you do. But you've got a point, there have been a lot of stupid people out there, doing stupid things. If it comes to that I'm gonna ask Scottish if I can crash at his place. LOL Wonder if he'd mind a couple house-guests? :thinking:

  • @Darkness_ Virus be like "DAYUM!!: LOL :grin:

  • @baldshinobi I agree. I like that things here are starting to open, BUT people gotta be safe, and my worry is that many many are NOT :clap:

  • @Bonnibel I'm with you, there. Trying to stay positive, and at times that's not the easiest thing to do. But, like they say, it is what it is, eh? :star:

  • @knownsense I get where you're coming from, and though a tad dark, and dystopian I think you've got some good points. Philosophy and physics, and some spirituality in the mix. Good to know there are still thinkers out there. On a positive note, it was reported, recently, that due to the lock-down conditions in certain areas of California (L.A and surrounding) the pollution level has dropped by nearly 50%!! Other places have been reporting similar results, so even in these trying times, seems something positive is happening. Stay strong!

  • @Lazz strange things are happening Lazz, there's a town in Wales here where the streets have been so free of humans that all the goats have come down from the hills and are having a ball, incredible how quickly nature can reclaim civilisation

  • @Scottish Goats are fine, yeah. It's those DAMN DIRTY APES you gotta keep an eye on, eh? :smile:

  • @Lazz they are barely discernible from the humans in certain quarters here man 😁

  • @Scottish LOL you mean the GOATS???

  • LurkersForLife

    I feel safe enough to not worry about if i'm gonna survive till next year but I am afraid my parents won't make it. :( but my mom and dad r fighters so

  • @Lazz i feel safe enough cuz i stay indoors 24/7 .but i feel scared for my parents who go out for essential things

  • @Rissa_TheBest Hang onto hope, and pray, if that's your thing. We're all in this together, stay strong!

  • @Lazz Thanks your very comforting and sweet I am not strong though lol I am weak. lol

  • @17katie We can hope they're going to be safe, and well. I'll send good thoughts your way. For them as well as for YOU :grin:

  • @Lazz thank you ☺️

  • @Rissa_TheBest Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. I'm sure you have a bit of both. Stay positive! Glalss can be half full, you know :grin:

  • @17katie You're more than welcome, Miss K :grin: