Would you marry someone that your parents didn't like?

  • U hv to spend ur remaining life wid that person.. so d decision is urs...
    Parents ultimately want their kids to have a good life...
    So if u r happy wid that person.. then.. they'll have np

  • @sammy said in Would you marry someone that your parents didn't like?:

    U hv to spend ur remaining life wid that person.. so d decision is urs...
    Parents ultimately want their kids to have a good life...
    So if u r happy wid that person.. then.. they'll have np

    What if they have any doubt with that person which makes them to not like him/her?

  • Music Lovers

    @sammy right but ther was reason behind that why they didn't like him/her..!

  • Music Lovers

    Upcorse not bruh caz my parents r everything for me I don't wana hurt them by doing that..!

  • @one said in Would you marry someone that your parents didn't like?:

    Definitely upcorse not bruh caz my parents r everything for me I don't wana hurt them by doing that..!

    Then that means you will leave the person you love for the sake of your parents? Thats cool, what if they are wrong about him /her? What if the person you choose was better for you? What if you could be a reason for your patner to change if he was once a bad person?

  • Music Lovers

    @ragnar-lothbrok well in that situation I ll trying to convince my parents I'll tell them reality if they had miss understandings about her ...I definitely knows that they aren't refuse my decision caz they loves me a lot...😊

  • Gamers

    Yes, it's my decision. They're welcome to advise all they want, but it's me marrying them, not my parents. They never asked me if they could get married!

  • @bushmurry said in Would you marry someone that your parents didn't like?:

    Yes, it's my decision. They're welcome to advise all they want, but it's me marrying them, not my parents. They never asked me if they could get married!

    What if they saw something from your patner that is why they dont like her?

  • Music Lovers

    If they had a legitimate concern then im not going to marry the person because honestly I know my parents only looking out for my best intrest. On the other hand if its just some we don't like how she dresses or talks type of thing then its whatever imma marry her and they gunna learn to love her to. At the end of the day we all going to be a family if the marriages does go through so you never want bad blood with you wife and parents.

  • Music Lovers

    @lasttrain94 best answer my friend except some points ..☝🏻☝🏻

  • Music Lovers

    जिनके बजेसे जिंदगी मिली जिनके बजेसे सब मिला जिन्होने हमे बेशुमार प्यार दिया बिना किसी स्वार्थ के जिनके इतने उपकार है के सात जन्म उनकी सेवा करे तो भी ना मिटे उन भगवान जैसे मीता पिता को कल की आयी लडकी की बजह से दुःख दे ये नामुन्कीन है..!

  • nope,why because you cant just blantly dismiss someone who looked after you,loved you ,cared for you and nurtured you all your life to be with someone whom u perceive will nurture you and love you the rest of your lives...
    I don't think thats fair to your parents because my parents did sacrifice a lot for my wishes.

    and also I wouldn't want my child who I cared and loved and looked after all my life to reject me and go after someone they just met and think they love...I would want them to conveince me..that its all worth it...

    the same way I'm never going to marry someone against their wished..instead we will try our very best to conveince our parents and then if they agree get married..or else no....

    if my parents think that being unhappy is the way their child should live..who am I to stop them...ill live in front of them with all the unhappiness..making them watch..until they will be like..my child please go forward and marry your love..pls be happy..u have our blessings..hahaha..now who wouldn't call me a genius...hahaa

  • Yes, my parents should respect my decision, they cant control me my entire life. It's your choice not theirs.

  • Gamers

    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Would you marry someone that your parents didn't like?:

    @bushmurry said in Would you marry someone that your parents didn't like?:

    Yes, it's my decision. They're welcome to advise all they want, but it's me marrying them, not my parents. They never asked me if they could get married!

    What if they saw something from your patner that is why they dont like her?

    Sorry, I read the question as "Would you marry someone that your parents don't LIKE", not someone who has something wrong with them that you didn't notice

  • @bushmurry said in Would you marry someone that your parents didn't like?:

    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Would you marry someone that your parents didn't like?:

    @bushmurry said in Would you marry someone that your parents didn't like?:

    Yes, it's my decision. They're welcome to advise all they want, but it's me marrying them, not my parents. They never asked me if they could get married!

    What if they saw something from your patner that is why they dont like her?

    Sorry, I read the question as "Would you marry someone that your parents don't LIKE", not someone who has something wrong with them that you didn't notice

    That is the Question. What am trying to ask here is that,, what if your parents didnt like your patner for a specific reason? It might be any reason, mybe they saw something bad from your patner that is why they dont like her.

  • @khaleezi91 What if they marry you off to some other idiot they think you'll be happy with. How do you plan on torturing them then?

  • @lucifer_ firstly they cant marry me off without my consent ..im a grown woman..
    secondly if they do that i could tell them something like..u guys are going to be responsible for the extra marital affair im going to have..hahaha ill tell the same thing to the bridegroom...which guy would marry a girl who openly proclaims she is going to cheat on him.

  • @khaleezi91 Second part could work...
    Don't know about the first one though. Parents especially moms can be pretty persuasive with those emotional blackmail techniques.

  • Gamers

    Yes, because its not your parents decision to choose who you be with for the rest of your life. Yes, they can give you advice on why you should not marry that someone, but the person making the decision is you and the person u want to marry.

  • @lucifer_ all my life there is one thing that i blindly believe in

    if something is meant to be ..its going to be yours no matter what and nothing can stop it

    and if something isnt meant to be..no matter how hard you try ,at the end of all that sadness heart break and hardwork you are still not going to get it

    im a believer and i believer man makes plans and they are limited to his views and insights and God makes better plan for him which he might not think is the best at that moment but will realise it eventually.