Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?

  • @ragnar-lothbrok First law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created.
    It weakens your argument more than it does with @AlwaysStranger .
    try to use the second law of thermodynamics it works better with the creationist theory.

  • Music Lovers

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    Good question but for answer u hav to answer my question first hav you ever seen air?

    I can prove airs existence in a lot of ways, by blowing a baloon for example.

    Have you ever seen our live means do u know how we alive..?

    I really don't give a shit i just know you're a sexist homophobe anti-women piece of shit but that's for another day

    I'm asked for show me air u bull..
    Hey u evil gay bull don't call me again that either u know me u just copy paste from from net an u debating with me shut up an talk in manners or I'll teach you th manners...

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @ragnar-lothbrok wrong bruh everyone can see god but first you have to make urself able capable to see an meet god...!

    Can you scientifically prove a method that makes people able to observe and document the existence of god. Nope you can't so I'll just do the same as i stated before

    You have no prove to provide therefore I'll just take the hitchens razor


    Yes I can prove u bull evil bull listen me carefully science is not able to what god is god an science accept that thing all time I want to tell you here one incident as a proof once in Mumbai city at one colony a couple lived they has child 4,5 years child he was innocent he was playing at 15 th foor an something happnd an he slipped an falled down to ground every person shouted who seen .. every one thought that he was no more but miracle happened he's alive totally alive except some bones cracked of his leg an hand doctors said how is it possible they also called it miracle they said it's not possible falled from 15 th floor person remained alive science can't be able to answer that science pulled up their hands In air for that then tell who saved him it's god... u bull i had many proofs like this you can meet those ppl an I also had media clips you want see then you hav to come here we can ask for media clips to media persons... u r nothing man ur not able to handle urself bull and u challenge th god exists shut up u bull who th fuck u r..!

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger then tell me how you alive which thing make u alive..!

    Here's the definition:

    "noun, plural: lives. (1) A distinctive characteristic of a living organism from dead organism or non-living thing, as specifically distinguished by the capacity to grow, metabolize, respond (to stimuli), adapt, and reproduce."

    Haha then tell me who made ur soul who made ur total body who filled live in ur baby body when ur in ur mom's stomach how whole universe works tell me how big is universe tell me how many solar systems we had in universe exactly can you tell me confirm ther is only one earth in universe naah u can't be able to answer an ur so called science also u bull scientists also accept the gods existence an who th bull ur... ur nothing ur not scientist an not doctor u just foolish kid who copy paste data from net an debates..!

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @lasttrain94 right bro but except one thing we can see god

    Next time you see him take a photo, if you don't take a photo then i won't believe it happened

    Haha seriously ur totally halfmad stranger I mean first read carefully my posts I said u bull you can see god every one can see god but first for that you hav to make urself able an capable for see an meet god....
    ur such a bull who don't have brain u gay first read my posts an then talk....

  • Music Lovers

    No seriously I want to tell you all who won't believe in god an foolishly Asking for gods pic...!
    Guys it's really good you guys are not asking for your birth pic to your mom dad it's really appreciative thing..you foolish western ppl...

    You guys heard about Swami vivekanandji... search his material an you gat some helpful information for you guys an stranger you also..!

    Everyday god shows his existence but for understanding that you have to make yourself able to understand that... behind every miracle is god an You guys don't refuse miracles caz whole world heard an seen that..ur ppl not genius more than Doctors, scientist an even don't have information more than media, newspaper ... u guys r just foolish ppl who don't respect ur own parents how could you respect god...!

  • Music Lovers

    An one more if anyone very excited to meet god then come here I'll definitely show you god it's promise...!

  • yes i saw him not personality but in my life ,like when i pray to him for something he give me what i want but not every time no he will test you sometimes to see how long is ur love to him ,but to see him personality we should wait to end of world ,one more thing when u pray .pray from ur heart and be faithful and do what god love and u will see him in ur life like i see him . :) god bless u

  • logically the only place where god can be is within you...be a watcher....try to watch abd observe your own thoughts and actions. try to be vigilant all the time and one day hopefully u will find meaning of the term God. Yes it is just a term, nothing more. there is no seeing only understanding. My understanding is that whenever anyone understands this concept he wont be able to explain it because our language is finite. God as a principle will probably be beyond our speech and language----> coming from a man in existential crisis.

  • Music Lovers

    @siddhartha-trigunayat well said sidd..!šŸ‘šŸ»ā˜šŸ»

  • @angelsareforreal said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger some people can dismiss it yes. It's up to what you believe in based on your experiences. I have my own experiences which make what I believe in. The truth though will be known no matter what and it's possible you could be wrong as well about there not being a God, you see, science has not discovered everything there is to know about the universe, therefore, they don't know it all either.

    1st EVERYTHING you said here is 100% percent true but i have to remind you something, I'm an agnostic atheist just like Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins...

    Agnostic = Means without knowledge

    Atheist = lack of belief in a god/gods

    Which means i don't know if there's a god or not but until someone proves his existence i won't believe them when they say there's a god

    2nd science is the best method we have of studying and explaining reality and in 2nd place there's logic so if science hasn't discovered something then you have no right to claim you KNOW it exists, you can believe but if you want to say and explain that exists you'll have to justify your belief using logic and day that you don't know if you're belief is true or not until you yourself scientifically prove it or scientists scientifically prove it

    They know some, and other things are theory based. We will know the truth once we pass away (because we will eventually) we are not immortal as you know.

    Yeah. If there's an afterlife I'll be pleasantly surprised

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    Good question but for answer u hav to answer my question first hav you ever seen air?

    I can prove airs existence in a lot of ways, by blowing a baloon for example.

    Have you ever seen our live means do u know how we alive..?

    I really don't give a shit i just know you're a sexist homophobe anti-women piece of shit but that's for another day

    I'm asked for show me air u bull..
    Hey u evil gay bull

    Dude. I'm a good person, why do think I'm not

    don't call me again that neither u know me u just copy paste from from net an u debating with me shut up an talk in manners nor I'll teach you th manners...

    Dude. Those things are true by definition. At least i can prove what i say so don't just come at me with things that are just attacks on character.

    And by the way the things i say might have been said somewhere else but that doesn't make them wrong

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @ragnar-lothbrok wrong bruh everyone can see god but first you have to make urself able capable to see an meet god...!

    Can you scientifically prove a method that makes people able to observe and document the existence of god. Nope you can't so I'll just do the same as i stated before

    You have no prove to provide therefore I'll just take the hitchens razor


    Yes I can prove u bull evil bull listen me carefully science is not able to what god is god an science accept that thing all time

    Is that why 62% of all scientists don't believe in god


    Is that why 93% of biologists and astrophysicists don't believe in god

    I want to tell you here one incident as a proof once in Mumbai city at one colony a couple lived they has child 4,5 years child he was innocent he was playing at 15 th foor an something happnd an he slipped an falled down to ground every person shouted who seen .. every one thought that he was no more but miracle happened he's alive totally alive except some bones cracked of his leg an hand doctors said how is it possible they also called it miracle they said it's not possible falled from 15 th floor person remained alive science can't be able to answer that science pulled up their hands In air for that then tell who saved him it's god...

    Ok. So when somebody has a high chance of dying you but survives an invisible man in the sky saved him but when somebody is completely healthy and dies for no reason it's just a highly unlikely coincidence. Why isn't the survivor just a highly unlikely coincidence too?

    Here's a song to answer you:

    And if you're can't understand the song that well then here's other explanations to why that isn't a miracle:

    Here's another good one:

    u bull i had many proofs like this you can meet those ppl an I also had media clips you want see then you hav to come here we can ask for media clips to media persons...

    Dude. If there was one documented miracle then all scientists would become believers but because there isn't that's so there still so many atheists in science

    u r nothing man ur not able to handle urself bull and u challenge th god exists shut up u bull who th fuck u r..!

    Please show some respect. Damn. And last time i checked i was a human being not a bull

    Here's proof:

    How can a bull type on a YWS comment with his giant rigid hands. He can't

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger then tell me how you alive which thing make u alive..!

    Here's the definition:

    "noun, plural: lives. (1) A distinctive characteristic of a living organism from dead organism or non-living thing, as specifically distinguished by the capacity to grow, metabolize, respond (to stimuli), adapt, and reproduce."

    Haha then tell me who made ur soul who made ur total body who filled live in ur baby body when ur in ur mom's stomach


    Conception to Birth: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEEKp8vDdRt9xjgz8gEZx3mkXm3ckqxXS

    Dude it's all biological processes which can are already understood. We don't need the concept of an invisible man in the sky to understand how babies are made

    how whole universe works tell me how big is universe tell me how many solar systems we had in universe exactly can you tell me confirm ther is only one earth in universe naah u can't be able to answer an ur so called science also u bull scientists also accept the gods existence an who th bull ur...

    1st be respectful. Jeez

    2nd as i already explained most scientists are atheist

    3rd scientistsdo know the answers to most of those questions but this doesn't have anything to do with god, this is just science so I'll explain this separately if you want.

    Here's some vids, ask me if you want more:

    ur nothing ur not scientist an not doctor u just foolish kid who copy paste data from net an debates..!

    1st be respectful

    2nd why do i have to be a scientists/doctor to be right? So if i were older, a scientist or a doctor would that make the stuff I'm saying less or more true

    3rd I can explain without copy pasting but it's just faster and i don't even do it that much but come on, this is the Internet and you're allowed to share links. How does any of this disprove anything I'm saying

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @lasttrain94 right bro but except one thing we can see god

    Next time you see him take a photo, if you don't take a photo then i won't believe it happened

    Haha seriously ur totally halfmad stranger I mean first read carefully my posts I said u bull you can see god every one can see god but first for that you hav to make urself able an capable for see an meet god....
    ur such a bull who don't have brain u gay first read my posts an then talk....

    1st you're a disrespectful person

    2nd i don't understand howww you ldt yourself see god. It's not like I'm covering my eyes everytime he comes around

    3rd apparentlyyou can see him so next time take a pic or it didn't happen

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    No seriously I want to tell you all who won't believe in god an foolishly Asking for gods pic...!
    Guys it's really good you guys are not asking for your birth pic to your mom dad it's really appreciative thing..you foolish western ppl...

    1st don't be so racist to think only westerns are atheist. I'm Palestinian man


    You don't understand the concept of evidence

    Here's a fact : "you can't disproportionately the idea that everything was created 5 sec ago along with all your memory"

    So anything can be wrong. Maybe your last comment wasn't even written by you but after the universe was created you had the memory of writing it put in your head.

    You can't know anything for 100% but we know that belief that you wrote your comment is justifiable because your comment..

    1. Exists on a server

    2. We can all see it at the same time

    3. The site knows where and when you wrote it

    We have a lot of proof like that for our births like...

    1. Shared experience

    2. Scientifically documented events

    3. The photos of your mom pregnant (Not necessary

    4. Test results that mean that your mom was tested to see if she's pregnant
      There's nothing like that for god

    You guys heard about Swami vivekanandji... search his material an you gat some helpful information for you guys an stranger you also..!

    Dude. He wasn't even muslim so he didn't believe in your god either

    Everyday god shows his existence but for understanding that you have to make yourself able to understand that... behind every miracle is god an You guys don't refuse miracles caz whole world heard an seen that..ur ppl not genius more than Doctors, scientist an even don't have information more than media, newspaper ... u guys r just foolish ppl who don't respect ur own parents how could you respect god...!

    1st your grammar is bad

    2nd there have been no scientifically documented miracles

    Here's my answer again:

    Ok. So when somebody has a high chance of dying you but survives an invisible man in the sky saved him but when somebody is completely healthy and dies for no reason it's just a highly unlikely coincidence. Why isn't the survivor just a highly unlikely coincidence too?

    Here's a song to answer you:

    And if you're can't understand the song that well then here's other explanations to why that isn't a miracle:

    Here's another good one:

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    Good question but for answer u hav to answer my question first hav you ever seen air?

    I can prove airs existence in a lot of ways, by blowing a baloon for example.

    Have you ever seen our live means do u know how we alive..?

    I really don't give a shit i just know you're a sexist homophobe anti-women piece of shit but that's for another day

    I'm asked for show me air u bull..
    Hey u evil gay bull

    Dude. I'm a good person, why do think I'm not

    don't call me again that neither u know me u just copy paste from from net an u debating with me shut up an talk in manners nor I'll teach you th manners...

    Dude. Those things are true by definition. At least i can prove what i say so don't just come at me with things that are just attacks on character.

    And by the way the things i say might have been said somewhere else but that doesn't make them wrong

    Dude that's exactly what I'm saying why we attacking each other personally you me just stop it from now it's debate only ok..!
    You didn't proved anything naa who said to you..

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    Good question but for answer u hav to answer my question first hav you ever seen air?

    I can prove airs existence in a lot of ways, by blowing a baloon for example.

    Have you ever seen our live means do u know how we alive..?

    I really don't give a shit i just know you're a sexist homophobe anti-women piece of shit but that's for another day

    I'm asked for show me air u bull..
    Hey u evil gay bull

    Dude. I'm a good person, why do think I'm not

    don't call me again that neither u know me u just copy paste from from net an u debating with me shut up an talk in manners nor I'll teach you th manners...

    Dude. Those things are true by definition. At least i can prove what i say so don't just come at me with things that are just attacks on character.

    And by the way the things i say might have been said somewhere else but that doesn't make them wrong

    Dude that's exactly what I'm saying why we attacking each other personally you me just stop it from now it's debate only ok..!
    You didn't proved anything naa who said to you..

    Dude. Where did i ever attack you personally? I never said anything about you which i can't prove.

  • @alwaysstranger experience is knowledge wouldn't you agree? for example, when you where little you learn to walk up and down the stairs, maybe fell? but learned that you couldn't run down the stairs and walking and holding on to someone or something helped you? that to me is gaining knowledge from experiences. Maybe as you got older you were able to run but you wouldn't have learned that right away it took time. We each have our own different experiences like I previously said. I'm not trying to convince you to believe in mine. Just answering the questions that come up on here based on my experiences.

  • @angelsareforreal said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger experience is knowledge wouldn't you agree? for example, when you where little you learn to walk up and down the stairs, maybe fell? but learned that you couldn't run down the stairs and walking and holding on to someone or something helped you?
    that to me is gaining knowledge from experiences. Maybe as you got older you were able to run but you wouldn't have learned that right away it took time.

    True. Now let's see what irrationality you're going to use to use this info to attempt tojustify belief in god

    We each have our own different experiences like I previously said. I'm not trying to convince you to believe in mine. Just answering the questions that come up on here based on my experiences.

    Oh wow. Ok. But you do realise that personal experience no matter how high it is held in the court of law is the lowest form of evidence in science, right?