@VooP honestly, i completely disagree, just because i cannot have cats cuz my mother is allergic and i do not think this is fair. i love dogs and cats but because of the above reason i simply cannot like cats more than dogs.
Dogs have owners, cats have staff
@ash4u You are looking beautiful dear
@ash4u heyyoo
@ash4u agreed with title 😂😂
@LegEndReeeee33 I prefer cats over humans simply because cats are jerks but at least they don't hide it
@ash4u yeah they r mean too 😥😥
@ash4u cats are awesome! I love my cat. Something about their purr that's just amazing
that's the truest thing anyone has ever said. btw, cute cat! -
@sarah_the_magpie thank you
@ted-logan i too love my cat, but sometimes they can be a bit cranky
@ash4u the bigboss cat hahaha
@right exactly
@ash4u You hit the nail on the head with this one, that's for sure. Nice pic, lucky cat
@ash4u A bossy lil cat but oftentimes sweet
@right the cat is the bigboss always
@Superman135 Yes they are haha and they're cute too 😂
@right yah they are cutie pies
@ash4u that's what makes them so much fun lol. They need us but are masters at acting like they don't.
@ash4u Is that you in picture?
@ash4u Awwww So cuteeeee :blush: