What is one thing you would like to change about yourself.
If you could change anything about yourself, what. Would. You. Choose.?
For me its probably the fact that i can never keep my mouth shut. Ever. I think something and i say it. Sometimes it helps. Others.....yeah not so much -
im 7'3, 306 pounds, 13 inch cock, have a net worth of 1.6 million dollars, and im only 37
@Vanie Nothing. Because in my opinion every thing is different and special in a good way. So be proud of who you are! Especially you, Vanessa! ❤
@Nike711 Damn you males and your compliments lol. Thanks tho. That was sweet and made me smile.
@Vanie i wanna change ur age coz ...u know 😉lol
@Gsel lmao gsel. Its about YOUUUU. Not me sis
@Vanie lol i thought i was vanie 👽
@Vanie said in What is one thing you would like to change about yourself.:
If you could change anything about yourself, what. Would. You. Choose.?
For me its probably the fact that i can never keep my mouth shut. Ever. I think something and i say it. Sometimes it helps. Others.....yeah not so muchTo easily forgive people and forget 😁
But that is hard af tho :( -
I'm very lazy . n wanna change it -
absolutely everything about me honestly
@Gsel lol just because we are both martians, doesn't mean we the the same martian lok
@ADeadGhost i know. I'm getting better at it but, lets just say if some certain people talk to me, this ain't gonna be pretty xD
@A-P hey hey hey, dude i am sure you are amazing. Some of the most amazing people on here that i know, have no clue they are amazing, but all of you guys are.
@Vanie I'm really honestly not
@A-P you are. Believe me. I don't know you, but i know you are pretty damn amazing
@Vanie what makes you think I am
@A-P the way that you think you aren't. That is how i can tell. You think you are nothing special when really, everybody that knows you can see that you are pretty spectacular.
@Vanie could you pm me to talk bout this a bit
Id definitely want to be able to understand others. U know to know if im doing ok and to be able to help in times of need i guess...
@Vanie I'd like a whole new body. Adult size, but without any aches, pains, etc. I'd keep my mind though, as that would be a terrible thing to lose.