• @sarah_the_magpie wow sarah we need to talk, you actually know about this stuff... do you know about the stuff they publish in their magazines that subliminally brainwash their followers, I showed my nan one piece today and she said "ive read that one but I never noticed that" I said you know what that symbol is right? she said no, so I explained that it is: The triangle pendant on the necklace carried by the thief clearly contains a round
    seal Satanic symbol from the textbook of witchcraft "The Grimoire of Honorius".
    The triangle contains a black disc with a white crescent moon inset. When the
    crescent moon is facing the left (as depicted in the thief's hand), it is facing the
    direction of Lucifer.
    also that particular image/magazine was titled "you can live forever on paradise earth"
    bit weird.

  • @Vanie Someone's at the door. Who is it?

  • @Lazz haha lol what?

  • @Vanie Someone in a white shirt and tie, with interesting pamphlets

  • @Lazz lol.

  • @Lazz said in Religion, this one is weird.:

    @Vanie Someone in a white shirt and tie, with interesting pamphlets
    alt text

  • Interesting Topic. What strikes me about the responses I read through is nothing sourced to actually knowing or sharing what they believe or why they believe it. Or it never occurred to anyone to just google them or Wiki them for some basic information about them to post a comment that says something factual about them. I could, but I don't really think anyone here who posted actually cares enough to bother.
    Here is something about them I know from speaking to them at my door; They seldom are without answers to questions, so I have to wonder what questions jaeh asked her nan? If they don't know the answer, they always come back with one. Oh, and nobody has ever noticed that everything they talk about using their Bible to show you whatever scriptures thay know to make that point with?
    As to the brainwashing; couldn't we say the same about what any group belives? I mean like, come on, there are so many different religions in the world. Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones brainwashed? or are all believing in what their religion specifically teaches and they believe are brainwashed?
    If Jesus was a real person in history and his father is a almighty God and you believe in the Adam and Eve story, then Satan would have to also be a real person in human history.

  • What I know from them coming to my door; They always have an answer to the questions and if they don't know something, they absolutely will come back with one! I don't know what questions jeah asked her nan, but I find it hard to believe she didn't or couldn't give her answers. Maybe they just weren't the answers she wanted to hear?

  • I know some Jehovahs, and they're people just like anyone else. Viz-a-viz the brainwashing, what I always say: I'd sooner get brainwashed into the darkest cult you can imagine --y'know, I'd personally lure Woodward into that Wicker Man-- than put my name to race-to-the-bottom capitalism, which is something a lot more dangerous and something we're all implicated in by default. Also,

    @jaeh said in Religion, this one is weird.:

    jesus might actually be the devil in disguise and that's who they are really worshipping


  • @jaeh
    um... i don't personally think that the jehovas's witnesses are satanic, or anything like that. they're just a pseudo-christian sect who really love to scam their followers for money & time, i don't really think that they worship the devil or anything like that :D

  • @sarah_the_magpie That's a fair assessment, except for the money part. Jesus was pretty emphatic about cash shinanegans. Personally? I don't think twenty-first-century Western man is so tied up in important business that it really matters if we get our time wasted.

  • @jaeh hmm man, this is an advice from me, you can pay attention politely but you should not easily believe everything 😏

  • @SeannaNikita so firstly im a guy (not judging or nothing) secondly - yes most of the time they will give you a answer, but I am very intellectual and mature for my age and happen to have a way with words, most of the questions I asked he had her so confused and slightly questioning her own faith... I could have posted a link that would show you proof of the freemason symbols, witch craft symbols and satanic symbol/ referances but I wanted a discussion apon this rather than a (court case) if you want to call it that lol... also I spoke to someone who was a former jehovahs witness elder and he confirmed a lot of stuff ie; child abuse, Satanism, brainwashing ect, and said when he mentioned this stuff to another elder he was disfellowshipped and banned from contacting the congregation.

  • Lol I know for sure jesus isn't the devil l, there is A god and then his son jesus and then there is satan the devil, my grandparents are also Jehovah witnesses and I don't think god would allow abusing either, but I think satan would... thats just my opinion

  • @SeannaNikita you're right we didnt Google for factual information, but I hadn't really thought of that at 3am lol. It didn't seem important for the conversation we had at that point in my opinion. As to my own experiences, I don't have any. I have never spoken to a Jehovah's in person, all I know are rumours. I'm not saying every religion is like a cult either, but I think Jehovah's definitely could be called a cult. Like scientology for example. We know those are REAL things. Illuminati are a myth, satanic shenanigans are a myth, witches, ghosts,... I don't believe in those. I don't believe that a magical God creature made earth and he made humans. We are 100 per cent sure we are a product of evolution. We can argue about Jesus, but in my eyes, the stories around his persona are based on real events. Not that it matters to me, I couldn't care less whether Jesus existed or not, but it is a good thinking exercise.

  • Guest said in Religion, this one is weird.:

    @SeannaNikita you're right we didnt Google for factual information, but I hadn't really thought of that at 3am lol. It didn't seem important for the conversation we had at that point in my opinion. As to my own experiences, I don't have any. I have never spoken to a Jehovah's in person, all I know are rumours. I'm not saying every religion is like a cult either, but I think Jehovah's definitely could be called a cult. Like scientology for example. We know those are REAL things. Illuminati are a myth, satanic shenanigans are a myth, witches, ghosts,... I don't believe in those. I don't believe that a magical God creature made earth and he made humans. We are 100 per cent sure we are a product of evolution. We can argue about Jesus, but in my eyes, the stories around his persona are based on real events. Not that it matters to me, I couldn't care less whether Jesus existed or not, but it is a good thinking exercise.

    It's SomeBelgianKid. I'm too lazy to log in.

  • sarah, you post saying you don't think they are Satanic or anything like that. Then you post they are a cult and a very very evil cult. Huh? How are they an evil cult? Evidently evil has a wide range of interpretation to some. They can can be evil, but not necessarily related to evil like the Devil evil is?
    Chat rooms are not really all that different from Facebook. People posting mostly opinions to try to evoke reaction from others. Others then post opinions without facts. It's all very interesting.

  • To Guest; evolution as a factual reality? Uh sure, whatever you say because like there is an abundance of proof to support that hypothesis. If evolution was true, then why would anyone need to search for proof and a missing link? Wouldn't it be like uh self-evident all around us everywhere in everything? Why wouldn't there still be the things changing from one thing to another still around to see or find? I'm just saying I think evolution is ever further out there than the God creation idea.

  • Jaeh, sorry I hadn't looked close at your picture. I get people don't like Jehovah people and like to bash them as with anything else different than the norm. You say you are intellectual and have a way with words. I always thought intellectuals liked to speak with facts, statistics and with the knowledge of things they have. But this is just Chat Room and a topic for us to kick around as we please, so carry on. We don't need no stinking facts! Opinions will do just fine.

  • Guest said in Religion, this one is weird.:

    To Guest; evolution as a factual reality?

    Yeah, it is. A scientific theory is made of many empirical verifiable evidences. I can prove evolution in a science lab through artificial selection. It is not your religious psuedoscience.

    alt text

    Uh sure, whatever you say because like there is an abundance of proof to support that hypothesis.

    The main evidence of evolution is you look like your parents and siblings. It is not a hypothesis. Science examines a hypothesis with several probabilities. And then it looks for claims against it.
    alt text

    If evolution was true, then why would anyone need to search for proof and a missing link?

    One more proof is behaviour of animals and humans, stones, footprints and paintings. You cannot fill this gap with a batman lmfao.

    Wouldn't it be like uh self-evident all around us everywhere in everything? Why wouldn't there still be the things changing from one thing to another still around to see or find?

    Things do not change but living creatures change through struggle for survival. You are fucking stupid that you think things change themselves. Moreover, read quantum mechanics for randomness of nature.

    I'm just saying I think evolution is ever further out there than the God creation idea.

    The creation is failed hypothesis. Your God cannot make even a stone, nor a human can make it.