Sorry to whoever I posted a rude comment to or looked down upon, My reign of tyranny ends here, formal apologies.

  • @sarah_the_magpie wait a second I remember you LMAO EFWSGRDGDBFFDDFBTGFDHTGFC, I feel like you posted that intentionally so you can have a reaction from me, Thank you for making me feel like a fool.

    So you were convinced about how ugly you are and changed the profile picture ?!
    good I made you a little humble, I'll go easy on you, baby steps for a better change. I'm a handsome bastard and you don't see me show my handsome face around, how do you have the naive mentality to post your face when you have a crooked nose ?!?

  • @Addicted4life lol he'ssssss backkkkk

  • @Kahina-JBibi You a smart young woman, you understand sometimes one has to adapt to cold-blooded cruel comments like a freshmen who is new to taking cold showers, at first he hates it, then he his body adapts and the uncomfortable becomes very comfortable, I am shocked, you have evolved very fast.

    I wish those nice guys and basic bches understood me, nevertheless. Some people are meant to be on the bottom of the food chain psychologically I guess.

  • @Vanie shutup xd

  • @Addicted4life Aww thanks 😍 have a good day lol

  • @Addicted4life
    judging by your comment, you seem to have some deep-seated issues with your ego and your self-image. your keep referencing things that you refuse to prove, like your "handsomeness" and your "fancy lawyer job", which makes me think that you're the kind of person who makes up lies in order to make himself look better.

    but why? why do you feel the need to do that? i can only think of two possibilities: either you face a lot of rejection by women irl and make up for it by crafting a fictional online alter ego, or you're just a young and an insecure man who thinks that the way forwards in life is to make it look like you're a jackass.

    either way, i'm not personally offended by your comments, they're just a cry for help and/or understanding. i think that you just need someone to talk to. you're free to pm me, if that is the case

  • @sarah_the_magpie In adversity It furthers one to be persevering.

  • @sarah_the_magpie every woman who is hurt and can't score a smart guy like me types THE EXACT SAME THING YOU JUST WROTE, I understand, look... It isn't my fault if I find you ugly, okay? just accept it plz.

  • @sarah_the_magpie So, you're so obsessed with me that you had to write 100 paragraphs mhm? well...
    alt text

    Go in the corner of your house, poke your nose and cry there, stop ruining my beautiful post plz, stop the obsessions too, It's very creepy.

  • @Lazz This thot is mad, it hurts her to see a confident man, such bitterness...

  • @Vanie Don't worry about it lol, I had fun too xD

  • very cute, but now it's time for you to listen, @Addicted4life .

    the way i see it, you have two possible paths you could take. the path that you're currently on is the dark path. do you want to know what will happen if you decide to continue on this path? we'd probably continue this pointless little argument for a few more replies until i eventually block you, giving you no further attention. you'd probably move on and find other people to pick a fight with, and make everyone on this site hate you in the process. eventually, you'd piss off the wrong person and end up banned. i know that what you're really after is attention, but if you continue on this dark path, you'll end up with none. you'd be forgotten and alone, just another faceless internet troll.

    however, things don't have to be this way! you could choose another path, a better path! it would start with you replying "fuck it, we're good" and ending this thread. instead of harassing other people & being a general nuisance, you could embrace your good qualities and become an active & respected user of this site. i can already see that you're a person who has a lot to say, and you'd probably relish all the positive attention you'd get. by building up your reputation, you'd soon discover that people genuinely want to hear your thoughts on things, and you might even make a few good friends. sounds cool, right?
    and obviously, if you choose this path, i'd forget this little scuffle of ours in an instant, and there would be zero hard feelings from me.

    the choice is up to you, dude. i think that you're wise enough to choose the right path tho :)

  • Can y'all pleaseeee get along?

  • @sarah_the_magpie This is what happens when you watch too many movies, you start to think you're an antagonist and everyone around you is the enemy, chill out with the drama shows, okay dear?

    I'm glad you became mature enough to stop replying, you finally know your place. Might as well name yourself sara the madpie instead of sara the magpie, you get angry real fast, lol.

  • @Addicted4life
    Formal Apology? xD

    Dude, you are a joke lel