Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • hey guys! islam is not a religion of terrorism ok if ur saying it is then i can also start a topic as christanity is religion of terrorism??

  • @devil-sangel the majority of muslims are terrorists but the majority of terrorists are muslim. Not Christian. All religions are bad but the worst one is Islam

  • @thestrangest Thanks for the videos. I watched them. You're taking everything literally, as the people are in the videos, and verse by verse reading will always give you a misconception of the meaning. May i suggest you to do some research of your own ? Forget about the internet, go someplace quiet read the Qur'aan by yourself and the authentic Hadiths. ( btw i heard there are modern versions of the Qur'aan as well so be careful as to what you are using for research - meanings may be distorted ) You don't have to agree with me at the end don't worry, but atleast you can input your own references from your own understanding.
    It would indeed be nice to slice off your fingers, as it's what you are using to spread these idk what to call them, but then again please do not take me literally.

  • @thestrangest just something else i'd like to add to make you understand, the Qur'aan is beautifully written, poetic to say the least when you read it in Arabic. Now, you ever read one of those poems in which the author says something like " the room suddenly turned blue " you do realise the walls of the room didn't suddenly change color and turn blue by magic right ?
    There's another meaning that YOU need to SEARCH for. I'll end this here.

  • @r_dx said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @thestrangest Thanks for the videos. I watched them. You're taking everything literally

    Ok I'll stop you there. You don't get to decide what's literal and what's figurative just to backup your point.

    Here's the correct logical thinking.

    God created a perfect book : Quran

    it is perfect : it should be clear in it what's literal and what's figurative

    No book should be so ambiguous that 1 person who reads it becomes an ISIS member, another becames a loving ans kind person

    The default is that something should be taken literally if the quran doesn't say that it should be taken figuratively

    as the people are in the videos, and verse by verse reading will always give you a misconception of the meaning.

    Definition of a misconception:

    "a view or opinion that is incorrect because based on faulty thinking or understanding."

    Their thinking isn't fauly as i explained so they are not making misconceptions

    May i suggest you to do some research of your own ?Forget about the internet, go someplace quiet read the Qur'aan by yourself and the authentic Hadiths. ( btw i heard there are modern versions of the Qur'aan as well so be careful as to what you are using for research - meanings may be distorted )

    I'm an ex-muslim. I've likely read the Quran more than you. I'm a Palestinian who was born in Syria and i speak fluent Arabic

    You don't have to agree with me at the end don't worry, but atleast you can input your own references from your own understanding.

    I usually do that but this time it would have wasted too much time

    It would indeed be nice to slice off your fingers, as it's what you are using to spread these idk what to call them, but then again please do not take me literally.

    You just said that it would be nice for me to slice off my fingers but i shouldn't take that literally. Welllll. Go fuck yourself

  • @r_dx said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @thestrangest just something else i'd like to add to make you understand, the Qur'aan is beautifully written, poetic to say the least when you read it in Arabic.

    Well i did read it in Arabic as i said and i fond it extremely purely written. There are more plot holes/loop holes in this fantasy book than there are in all books written in the past 10 years and the sexism, violence, homophobia, sadomasochism and support of slavery isn't nice either

    Now, you ever read one of those poems in which the author says something like " the room suddenly turned blue " you do realise the walls of the room didn't suddenly change color and turn blue by magic right ?
    There's another meaning that YOU need to SEARCH for. I'll end this here.

    Well. It could mean both. Unless you read the context you are right to take it as it is written. If there is no context that explains the meaning then the book is flaud because it doesn't clarify what it says. I already said this

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @r_dx and by the way i am 90% sure that you didn't FINISH a single one of those videos

  • @thestrangest haha brilliant.

  • @thestrangest you know it's funny, you base everything on Qur'aan. If you were a muslim, you would've known better. I can be anyone from behind my screen too. And why so angry ? Just like @Guest who can take a picture with the Qur'aan after using so many foul words and yet claim to be a muslim. You know what this means right ? Or are you going to google it then tell me ?

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @r_dx said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @thestrangest you know it's funny, you base everything on Qur'aan.

    I don't base anything in my life on the quran

    If you were a muslim, you would've known better.

    I'm not a Muslim. I'm an atheist, I'm an EX-muslim which means that i used to be muslim

    I can be anyone from behind my screen too. And why so angry ? Just like @Guest who can take a picture with the Qur'aan after using so many foul words and yet claim to be a muslim.

    He didn't claim to be a muslim. He's also an ex-muslim. P.S. I'm @Guest. I deleted my account and made a new one and this is it

    You know what this means right ? Or are you going to google it then tell me ?

    I don't understand whay you're saying

  • @thestrangest ou are 14 years old kid . go drink some milk and have a sleep beside your mumy ... u know shit

  • @muslim said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @thestrangest ou are 14 years old kid . go drink some milk and have a sleep beside your mumy ... u know shit

    1st my age has nothing to do with the validity of what i say

    2nd yes, i know a lot of shit

  • @thestrangest i can post the hole conversation between us if yu want . i dont mind .... i want it to be secret but u seemes to be going far.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @muslim The only thing it would show is that your English sucks

  • ISLAM Well its an acronym for I Suck Local American Men. You have been fighting amoung yourselves for over 5000 years. Its obviouse you cant get it right. Plus you still live in a frickin desert. Your not to bright.

  • Absolutely Not!!! It's even not a matter to discuss about.. Cuz the main view of all the religion is same and that is PEACE... It's the people who made it look like the way it is right now....

  • @letsgetnaked said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    ISLAM Well its an acronym for I Suck Local American Men. You have been fighting amoung yourselves for over 5000 years. Its obviouse you cant get it right. Plus you still live in a frickin desert. Your not to bright.

    Hey. Don't generalise. I hate the existence of all religions but you don't blame a cancer patient for having cancer

  • @itachi said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    Absolutely Not!!! It's even not a matter to discuss about.. Cuz the main view of all the religion is same and that is PEACE...

    Of course it is a religion of peace... a peace of you on the roof, some on the ground, some on the wall and the rest is missing

    It's the people who made it look like the way it is right now....

    Or maybe that it literally says in the Quran to cut off non-believers fingers and heads

  • "See, the day of the Lord is comingā€”a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger. . . . I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty. . . . Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated". (Isaiah 13:9ā€“16 NIV)

    Quote from the Bible. Doesn't mean my Christian neighbours are bad people.

  • @ze well said ^^