Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • islam is a religion
    n a right one

  • @ali1900 true bro

  • @muslim
    anyone say that the islam is bad just talk with me and let's discuss this sub.
    if u say there is a violence in quran yes there is but just serch in The Bible and other books have more
    . i'm muslim not bcz i corn like a muslim but bcz i serch n read many things to be a real muslim to what i really want . if u think another things wbout islam just be equitable . if u know the real i think every thing in ur life will change . to peaple who thing islam is terrorism why u think islam is like that cause the mying media ? r u serious? just serch dont be a copy from them

  • @alwaysstranger omg
    really ? that is great serch n lesten from the two not be like that
    .. what is ur rel ? serch in the another books n watch in youtube n u will see There is violence in the gospel but all of just talk wbout us n u forget ur rel n ur act . ii want to talk with u more if u can message me n if u make me sure i will change my rel i promice but just let's do it sis or bro peace

  • @thatguy05 right if she serch she or he will find every thing but she just lesten from one she dont care about the another side

  • @alwaysstranger i do n i think if i talk with u i will change ur opinion not u let's talk

  • @skrrrtking really ?
    we r good n our islam is a great if u think all of us we r bad this is false
    we _the real muslims - hate hate hate the terrorism n they use our rel to do what they want if i can change something in this world i will delete them but i can't now n im sure allah see how we live n how we feel u thin it is easy ? noooo it is not when u r the victim n alla the world say u The Offender
    i can change my rel n live a normal life but noooo i now thet my rel is the right one n all of what we live now will go n in the end all of u will see the reality . we die every day if u just try to live like us i m sure u cant live this day it is really hardd but now pro there allah evey moment with us just our gos make us stronger . the best thing in my life im muslim bcz i know the complete reality . bro i dont hate u i just tell u to serch n dont say things u r not sure for if if u want to know the reality of islam serch a llot bcz there is many n manyyyyyyy peaple hate us so they always make us the worst . our poth are the strongest person in this world i dont say that who say that is writer non muslim

  • This post is deleted!

  • @ostora-ostora your grammer sucks. And i am not patient enough to try and understand what you're writing. Your comments are disgustingly painful to read

  • @ostora-ostora and i do not have the strength to talk to you for even 5 seconds because of how much your English sucks. So don't try to talk to me

  • I just know they force their children to be a muslim instead of give them own chance to choose.

  • @alwaysstranger sure
    i know that my english is bad but i tr to make it better . u can speak frensh or arabic ? thank u bcz u r cool . u r a good picture of your hatred us without reason . i know if i tlk with u in arabic or french u will never und me . if u hate us no poblem bcz we r always right n we r proud n we dont care about what u think wbout us bcz we know ourselves .

  • @ostora-ostora i speak french, arabic, Bulgarian and English fluently. But i don't want to talk to you, i can't handle reading your comments for a long time because if i did i would die from a heart attack

    if u hate us no poblem bcz we r always right n we r proud n we dont care about what u think wbout us bcz we know ourselves .

    I don't think there's a point in speaking with you, you seem to be 3Ɨ times more radical than isis. I'm tired of these conversation. And i don't think you really don't care what i think because if you didn't care then you wouldn't want to change my "opinion". Other people have told me that i taught them something new or whatever so it doesn't seem that everyone doesn't care about what i think. I will no longer be responding to your disgusting comments. Pick up a dictionary, you made 11 grammatical mistakes only in "if u hate us no poblem bcz we r always right n we r proud n we dont care about what u think wbout us bcz we know ourselves ." You have 11 words wrong and 16 right, wtf. Your comments are cancer and I'm not responding to you anymore.

  • all muslims are not terrorist those who do we also condem them

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  • @oldisgold that's great. I wish all Muslims were like you but around one fifth are not

  • @alwaysstranger atheist bible. was confused, may still be. but if what you meant was science, then, yes, of course. You're right, I didn't read everything. I did now, though. I think most muslims, the educated, acknowledge the misogynistic, homophobic, and intolerant verses that the Koran has. If they don't, they're just being ignorant. I googled the survey you cited. and it is very disturbing. If I asserted that the muslim majority hold backward views it wouldn't be a generalization. that is if I trusted the survey. I don't though. it's not that I think it isn't factual or question the method used, but rather the answers provided by the people. It should be taken into account factors that influence answers. a country's official religion being muslim can have a lot of influence, a country where criticizing the religion is a crime, where the education system and media also influence a lot. wrong answers could get you in trouble. picking a safe and consistent answer is the best answer.

  • @jhonsnow ALL religions are force-fed to children. not just islam.

  • If someone is insanely religious. Yes, it is more likely to turn him/her into sort of a terrorist as compared to other religion if it has to. A lot also depends on the surrounding and kind of community one lives in. When I say lot...really a lot, so don't try to make every muslim feel belittle because of this. Many are very humanistic also.
    But most of them hail their religion dearly.. because of that it becomes difficult to differentiate.

  • @luciferr Soooooorry. It was a mental typo in some sortes. I meant that the satanic bible is 10 times more peaceful than the real bible. Got it?
