Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • Nope, every religion has its down falls and up sides. Terrorism is about starting war based on fear, jihad in Arabic means war, that means they believe god wants war and are looking for material in holy books that perpetuates their view. A lot of jihadists believe the verse of the sword cancels out earlier teachings but if you read the Quran you'll find it's about love and living peacefully. There are home grown terrorists every where, it has nothing to do with where your from or your religion. Also I'm Jewish and apparently we are supposed to not like muslims, but Hitler's obviously didn't like Jews, so yeah. And hitler didn't like others because there was something wrong in his brain, not because he was German or anything else. People are people and we all deserve equality.

  • @mumblebee93 Dude Jee had means to strive rather than war like to strive against injustice,illiteracy,poverty etc and like we aren't taught to kill anyone until he is responsible by law

  • @shaddy you clearly haven't read the quran


  • This post is deleted!

  • @shaddy I apologize, that was my mistake, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry

  • @mumblebee93 Well you don't have to apologize anyone can be wrong and about the Israel things lemme clear it's a political issue over the sovereignty of Jerusalam which has been turned in to a religious one.

  • @alwaysstranger Well please enlighten me where exa cam I wrong?

  • @shaddy ok. I'll enlighten you, @simplegirl95 and @mumblebee93 as an ex-muslim now radical atheist.

    Not all Muslims believe in islam at the same level. That's why not all muslims are violent. When i was a muslim i used to believe some stupid shit but i wasn't able to kill people even though I'm pretty sure if i staid in syria long enough i could have become a crazy murderer because of Islam. I have lost hope that you will doubt your beliefs, because you don't believe in evolution or the big bang even though they are facts in science, so you basically don't believe in science.
    The quran says that the world was created in 6 days, which when compared to the fact of the big bang which shows how many quadrillions of years it took for the world to be created. It Is kind of like saying that it takes 30 minutes and not 9 months for a baby to be born. (Edit: make that 30 seconds not 30 minutes)
    Let me prove to you that islam is not a religion of peace:
    Part 1. Violent verses:

    ā€œFight against those who do not obey Allah and do not believe in Allah or the Last Day and do not forbid what has been forbidden by Allah and His messenger even if they are of the People of the Book until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.ā€ 9:29

    "Fight against those who do not obey Allah and do not believe in Allah or the Last Day and do not forbid what has been forbidden by Allah and His messenger even though they are of the People of the Book until they pay the Jizya With willing submissions and feel themselves subdued" surah 9 verse 29

    ā€œWhen the sacred months have passed, then kill the Mushrikin wherever you find them. Capture them. Besiege them. Lie in wait for them in each and every ambush but if they repent, and perform the prayers, and give zacat then leave their way free.ā€ surah 9 verse 5

    ā€œThey ask you about fighting during the sacred months. Tell them, fighting therein is a great sin but a greater sin is to prevent mankind from following the way of Allah, to disbelieve in him.ā€ surah 2 verse 217

    ā€œKill them wherever you find them and drive them out from where they drove you out. Persecution is worse than slaughter.ā€ Surah 2 verse 191

    ā€œWhen you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks.ā€ Surah 47 verse 4 (smite means cut, so this means that when you will meet the unbelievers, cut their necks)

    ā€œWhen your Lord revealed to the angels, ā€˜Truly I am with you. So, keep firm those who have believed. I will strike terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved. So, strike them at the necks and cut off their fingers.ā€™ā€ Surah 8 verse 12

    ā€œOh you who believe, fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you and let them find harshness in you.ā€ surah 9 verse 123

    ā€œMuhammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow Him are merciful to one another but harsh to the disbeliever.ā€ Surah 48 verse 29

    ā€œThey wish that you would reject faith as they have rejected faith unless that you would all be equal. So, donā€™t take protectors from them unless they emigrate in the way of Allah but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them.ā€ Surah 4 verse 89

    Part 2. Verses against equality

    Sexist verses:

    ā€œMen are the protectors and maintainers of women because Allah has made one superior to the other and because they spend to support them from their means. Therefore, righteous women are obedient and they guard in the husbandā€™s absence what Allah orders them to guard. And, as to those women from whom you fear disobedience, give them a warning, send them to separate beds, and beat them.ā€ Surah 4 verse 34

    "Menstruating women are unclean, and men must stay away from them" Surah 2 verse 222

    "Women are mens "fields," and men can have sex with them whenever they want" Surah 2 verse 223

    "A woman is worth one-half of a man, and men are above women" Surah 4 verse 11, Surah 2 verse 282 ans Surah 2 verse 228

    "Muslim men may marry up to 4 wives, including prepubecent girls, and can own sex slaves" Surah 4 verse 3, Surah 65 verse 4 and surah 4 verse 24

    "Women must cover themselves and be seen only by relatives, eunuchs, slaves and children who have not yet had sex with women" Surah 24 verse 31

    Homophobic verses:

    "And (We sent) Lot when he said to his people: What! do you commit an indecency which any one in the world has not done before you? Most surely you come to males in lust besides females; nay you are an extravagant people. And the answer of his people was no other than that they said: Turn them out of your town, surely they are a people who seek to purify (themselves). So We delivered him and his followers, except his wife; she was of those who remained behind. And We rained upon them a rain; consider then what was the end of the guilty." Surah 7 verses 80-84

    "And as for those who are guilty of an indecency from among your women, call to witnesses against them four (witnesses) from among you; then if they bear witness confine them to the houses until death takes them away or Allah opens some way for them. And as for the two who are guilty of indecency from among you, give them both a punishment; then if they repent and amend, turn aside from them; surely Allah is oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful."surah 4 verse 15-16

    Now do you understand why I'm angry?
    Because muslims say that the quran and islam are perfect but look at this.

    And because research has shown (you can google this) that 88% of Muslims in Egypt and 62% of Muslims in Pakistan favor the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim religion.

    So basically a lot of Muslims want me dead.

    So don't tell me don't attack islam when a lot of Muslims want to kill me.

  • @alwaysstranger Well you have a good way of misinterpretating the verses and then misquoting them do come on a private chat i will answer your questions if you have the patience to hear them

  • @shaddy i already had this talk with other muslims. I speak fluent Arabic dude, I'm from Syria. I won't let you waste my time by doing what the other muslim did, which is just saying that I'm wrong without providing evidence and when he did provide evidence it was false but i didn't take the time to tell him hiw it's false because he didn't actually give me the false evidence directly but instead he gave it to me in the form of about 12 or 13 Internet links which made me not want to waste my time disproving every single link. So please stop wasting my time with your bullshit and get your quran and look for the verses by yourself if you think it's false or something and come back when you have a question

  • @alwaysstranger Well I am not the one to waste your time I have not once questioned your religion I am just saying prove this translation authenticity and I WIll answer your queries if you want

  • @alwaysstranger ![alt text](![image url](0_1502578244561_IMG_3019.PNG image url))

  • @shaddy dude wtf. 1st calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair style or calling dead a lifestyle 2nd I'm telling you to go read your arabic quran and check by yourself if the translation is true, how the fuck is "go prove to me that all the verses you showed are a correct translation" not a way of telling me to waste my time. I know that the verses are true because I'm arabic and i speak fluent arabic, it's you who needs to go read the verses and realise that they're true. It's not me who has to show you how the translation is correct

  • @shaddy i can't see the photo

  • @alwaysstranger Well it was a verse from Quran and from bible about what we should do with non-muslims you wanted something solid so here it it

  • @alwaysstranger Well denying any higher being itself becomes a religion

  • @alwaysstranger Dude majority of Muslims aren't Arabic and Arabic has many dilects firslty secondly Quran was bestowed at the dialect of the Quraish and if you be so kind and not be so Isis minded reader and read it's translation I WIll send you one if you want and if you find these misinterpretations then I WILL agree with you and please do read the summary so as to the situation in which a proper verse was sent

  • @shaddy 1st the photo is not fucking visible because you didn't post it correctly 2nd athiesm is not a fucking religion and when you say that, it shows how truly ignorent you are.

    3rd lol, you don't speak Arabic and you're telling me that I'm misunderstanding the verses. You're the one who needs to be asking me to explain the verses to you and not the other way around. Get your fucking quran and get over here

  • @alwaysstranger Firstly your language truely is telling me that you don't have any idea of how to debate secondly if a religion is a belief you belief in no god so it becomes a belief in nothingness so it is a religion lastly if speaking arabic makes you a great Newton of Islam then by god you seriously need to recheck The Quran has to be understood and I and many other undersood it not like your ignorance on which you are bent on declaring the faith of a billion people inhuman unjust well in my eyes this ignorance of listening is injustice