Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • For non-muslim, plz listen! We(muslim) will never start to war when there is no threat from you. Please read our belief about moderation in Surah Al-Kafeerun 1-7, the main points of that is
    we(muslim) do not try to disturb other religion y'll should know why Osama bin laden bombed WTC, it's cuased of U.S.A supporting to non-muslim part in muslim-non muslim conflicts.

    Also please look at indonesia, we(indonesian) have many religion but we can stay life peacefully , YOU KNOW! when christian had activity in the church(Katedral church at Jakarta city, indonesia) we are muslim served a field of our mosque (accross side of the church) to be parking lot of christian's cars

    You know i'm as great muslim also not totally agree to ISIS.

  • Are you retarded?

  • Islam is not terriorism some People just have a tendency for violence.

  • I am a Catholic and i love Islam. People who call it a religion of terrorism either haven't read Qur'an or take everything written in Qur'an literally.

  • there is no such thing as religion of terorrism, all relegions teaching mostly all about peace, loving life and so on. it is like the handbook of human beings here on earth, a guidance that tells you the does and donts of a true follower. terorrists could be anyone, christians, jews, muslims, atheist. those terorrist we often see on the media responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, claiming themselves as muslims are not actually muslims at all. there are 1.9 billion muslims in the world according to the worldpopulation, second largest religion in the world next to christianity and still growing. and muslims are scattered all over the globe. so, if Islam is a religion of terorrism then we're be dead by now.

  • @kerz-miat Could not Agree more

  • All enlightened spread the knowledge which is universal truth , all relegion exist in this earth thought universal love compassion and empathy, and peace ..
    There are two types of knowledge
    Experienced knowledge,
    Borrowed knowledge,
    For example reading autobiography book, I do understand what writer is writing it and I will gain information not knowledge what writer gained I only gain informative knowledge.
    Having a debate with information which is borrowed knowledge do not make sense..
    need to understand Islam not Muslims, Muslim are followers and it changed in favour of like and dislikes.. you need to gain experience in Islam then you can ask all these questions if you have any universal truth to say brother or else do not spoil your head without gaining experienced knowledge

  • "Lakum deenukum waliya deen" do you know what this means .. this what prophet Muhammed gave a statement just before realising his DMT in his head in death bed, So all enlightened fellow has spoken and preached universal truth oneness with empathy sympathy and love to make the surrounding a better stracrure to society, all the preaching became rules and regulations of KSA and now it's a law..
    Muhammed was uneducated fellow do not know to read and write.. now think about it the book you consider as holy is recited by gaberiel jibreal (a.s).. I think he is tripping prophet is Shepard and all sheprad has knowledge of psylosilibis I think he was tripping balls of hallucinating visualing and vocalising as gabriel (a.s) and his deciple sawabas wrote what ever Muhammed told to sawabas who are his followers as holy book as Qur'an ,
    Think about it prophet do not know to read now how he can read it to the re check it's written perfectly as word to word, or adulterated by sawabas with Thier perception,
    For example Socrates and Aristotle philosophy no one can can tell or prove that Socrates words because it's written by Aristotle..
    U need to belive in all 4 holy book before Qur'an thats The Scrolls/Suhuf of Abraham/Ibrahim (a.s). The Torah/Taurat of Moses/Musa (a.s). The Zabur/Psalm of David/Dawud (a.s).
    Engil bible isa /jesus Christ (a.s)
    Nearly more than 1,60,000 prophet sent by Allah in the history of this earth since Adam (a.s) so you have to respect that can't mock or call names yeah..
    Experience Islam and don't follow as Muslim be true Islam.. sending some stupid picture reading Qur'an and pretending to have a experienced knowledge of Islam , you have only informative knowledge of Islam which is borrowed or told by some one with greed of having a 40 virgin in heaven man's fantasy not by your Allah so get a fix in your brain and we talk yeah more .. I did studied and followed for 14 years and did went to Islamic class for 8 years one year to study Hafiz.. and meaning of Qur'an.dont be young dumb full of cum

  • Assalam alaikum to all happy being,
    Holy Qur'an wonderful information can't be denied, Well reading a same book again and again trying to make a different sense of it called madness.
    dealing a same dealt part and preaching past memories of prophets , and giving advice to live life for future from past memories of some one else is insanity .
    One more thing if Allah exist after I die , I will jump myself to hell and ask Allah a permanent job as a punisher..
    I will show some sympathy , empathy not to give a hard punishment for you or to your loved one.. I will be there not to worry folks !!
    I would be so bored fucking that same virgin and living in same as yesterday's for eternal life in heaven do not sound interesting to me as
    hell sound very interesting and fascinating to me and all the crazy funny people is sinners, will rocking more than heaven so I accept and choose hell with my Consciousness and awareness.. if Allah exist so ??

  • @Muslim Mr Muslim do you know prophet Muhammad is a Jew before he claimed himself as prophet of Allah uncle was Jew and died as a Jew , Abu talib leader of quraishi clan and these are Jewish tribe Shepard

  • @HOS respectπŸ‘ŠπŸŒΉ, i'm muslim but i love either christian or catholic, Religion is enough in heart and how to nice behave not insult to other..

  • @Muslim well yes but no

  • @Emily ok Budha known fellow enlightened one like prophet Muhammad and he spoke about atoms and sub atomic particle 2500 years ago older than Islam , Egyptian collected natural energy in blue tooth mode what Necola tests wanted to give the word AC free clean what you talking about dearie .. don't hold one information and say it's an ultimate one .. please experience and don't go to a arguement or debate with informative knowledge borrowed it's not your so

  • @AllAboutGay, to accept islam, you need to belive in prophets before Muhammad who weren't successful, and it says 1,67,000 more prophet sent by Allah to restore order to this earth for man kind to Thier perticular time and period, yakub (a.s) mention about gay or lesbian times ..which no one speak much about it .. and Allah do not care who you are what you are? Muslims followers of Islam made rules and regulations prophet didn't made it he preached like Socrates and Aristotle was a fellow told Socrates existed and his idea through his perspective , not Socrates.
    Sawabas had own ideology and perspective in the name of Muhammed because they are sawabsd had their own agenda brought a sect in Islam ambali , Maliki, shafi , Sunni, and there are two more sect Muslim do not consider they are Islam that's Shia , Sufi, zorastra, zastura was just in time of Islam started spreading could say .. funny but all follow quran,understanding in Thier perspective and made different sect..
    So don't follow prophet be like one .. that's message all known prophet gave universal knowledge..

  • Iam hindu and i think there should be only one religion thats humanity which this world needs. god has made us similar but we human are separated in the name of allah, jesus and ram...

  • Not all .no religion teaches to kill..its just their wrong interpretation

  • @devstranger first of all hindhu is not a religion it teachings 5 Vedas and Mahabharata Ramayana is a epic battle, bagwathgeeta is collective information of Vedas..
    So please experience your own relegion which is not nut say it is so study well and experience is important.. follow we shall speak do noy give borrowed ideas as your yeah

  • @Muslim tell me Mr did you choose Islam to follow or it's a ideology, failure ideology memories of you parents apposing as Islam to you , they had sex fun cause and you are a effect may be frustrated sex in muslim way of fun cause you are effect of that frustration, your patented feared of all gave a birth gift a name and a relegion, what is it my friend?
    now screaming and shouting to seek attention that my religion is ultimate and it truth holding a idea of past memories of prophet lived for himself how to make his life better for that perticular era of time..

  • Islam is a religion, people are terrorism.

  • @A-Former-User
    You are ex Muslim, now what are you which group you belong now?all relegion thought universal thruth it would be stupid of mine to change the relegion to learn same universal thruth , for example maths , 3+3 is 6 Arabic class Christian class Jew class hindhi class all agree it's 6 no changes , it would be funny that I think math is better in another relegion so that's universal truth
    So we'll keep it up brother u r learning and you are in first step to sort out about Islam, you need to be Muslim to hate one, question to ask you is did you followed Islam and for how long? , did you pray for 5 times ? And for how long ?
    Poeople who hate god never can come out the relegion just will be adopting different sect again god, feel better because duties are less .
    getting so personal blaming god didn't get anything in return always greed basicall to feel satisfy yourself and good I'd god doing bad is to blame god and be easy with it, never will accept it that it's your doing
    Basically untill you experience follow understand then have a chance to come out of God irelse just spit anger anf talk bull with uncertain half, half borrow knowledge told by some one else .. not you orginal idea