• "You" can't really kill "yourself" if "you" never existed in the first place. The real You isn't even remotely disturbed by your body-mind's struggles. If you examine your "sense of self" closely and repeatedly you will realize that the "i" who experiences suffering was never there to begin with. It was but a mere thought in the Infinite Mind, and you'll come to find that all your "worries, sorrows and pains were but a dream in the Eternity of Being.

  • @Fear-Inoculum oookay. That's either some deeply neurotic Philosopher meditation or you swiped some catnip. First, we can theoretically prove this point by mere "i is am" which is no proof. Group mind is NOT reasonable.
    There is Meeting-of-the-mind, which takes much compromise and trust and dissolves quickly. There is sensory deprivation also, it is know that the brain has no distinct self without the outside senses. Yet this says the brain is a computer without external links. This is still no vast group WE . We are connections, yes. But it is easy to say "we" and not think this wrong. A generalization, no more. Individuals, unique and different that allow us and we to agree on some things but NOT all. Ask 3 people for favorite type of pizza, get 5 different responses!

  • @Sabo-go-thud i don't know if english is your first language or not, but i don't really understand what your argument is, would you care to elaborate?

  • Guest said in Depression or not:

    I dont know if im depressed or not... im tired inside sometime i think about commiting suicide but im too afraid to do it...

    Doing suicide is not work of cowards. You should have enough dare to suicide. If you really feel suicidal, you can consult your parent, real life friends or psychologist. Nobody can help you online. No need to beg for attention here !

  • @Fear-Inoculum English is not the best language, even here in the American Southwest. I found myself getting long winded and likely to to bore. If you thought there was a mass WE, Mr. Fear...you would not ask "care to elaborate" because the mass WE would already Know!

    Mass thought is too Easy an answer. You can say "we are" and nobody will doubt the words. It is easy to say that "the individual does not matter, for it is a part of the WE, US, the mass." Break the words down; If the "mass" already exists, there would be no need to ask..as "we" would already know. Just like a computer "knows" where the info exists without having to research for hours to find the answer.

  • I don't think you've understood my argument, I didn't say anything about "mass thought". What i am saying is that the Individual is the one taking all of these varied forms and opinions. That "knowing" which sees through the eyes of every body-mind

  • @Robin-F_666 hey robin

  • Hey pm me

  • yessss depressionnnn

  • @Robin-F_666 quick it's me James. Message me

  • @Robin-F_666 pm me, I can't pm you

  • I struggled with depression, it eats u, shes always watching, hungry, trying to take all of u, only when u sleep she is still, she cant harm u.. I know how u feel. I started to going into therapy it really helped me so, maybe u should 2.

  • ♡ soul searchers ♡ Music Lovers

    Feeling low n shit see a phycologist, talk
    Life's being ruined see a shrink, drugs

    Just caught this thread. There's a big difference between clinical depression and and feeling low, being run down, and generally having that I give up feeling.
    As long as you got routine in your life you can bet your not depressed yet, sure doctors are running around with Prozac, Zoloft, valaflaxien(sp) and handing them out like candy but there is a diffrence,. In the last revision of the big book of crazy the changed the definition of depression to a low feeling that last more than 2 weeks, I think it's a joke, somebody died close to you, marriage break up things like that leave you feeling like shit for ages but that perfectly natural, not depression imo.
    When you loose routine then your depressed. When you don't get up, don't shower, don't eat etc etc because you basically the living dead then your depressed and need real assistance.
    If your feeling down go talk to a phycologist, it can help, well it does a lot of people but I doubt it's a chemical imbalance that's the root of it.
    I'm currently bitching at my shrink cause the dumb fuck has me on Prozac again and it has no effect, antidepressants have never had any effect on me because I'm not depressed. The antipsychotic and mood stabilisers have an effect so I begrudgingly take them (half what they want me too because I like the voices and too much turns you into a zombie) but she is insistent that I take all 3 due to the scitzoaffective disorder diagnosis they gave me.
    Shits over prescribed and it needs to stop oi Hu

  • I'm certain God didn't give you this disease unless your boyfriend is God, which isn't likely. I'm also certain everyone would agree you certainly have a valid reason to be depressed. What happened to you was the fault of your unfaithful boyfriend, who obviously didn't deserve your loyalty. It's completely on him and what he did was truly selfish, thoughtless and he clearly thinks more of himself than is necessary. Some posted good advice was to get some professional help or therapy to help you through this and to allow time for you to get your perspective back. What he did can make you feel bad and worthless, but only if you let it. What he did was about his lack of self-control and not about you.