• Are you familiar with the five languages of love by Chapman ? ๐Ÿ™‚ it's pretty amazing.. so, I'll be posting them here.

    1.Words of Affirmation: Expressing affection through spoken affection, praise, or appreciation. Except ofcourse saying I love you if you want to exclude it here.

    2.Acts of Service: Actions, rather than words, are used to show and receive love.

    3.Receiving Gifts: Gifting is symbolic of love and affection.

    4.Quality Time: Expressing affection with undivided, undistracted attention.

    5.Physical Touch: It can be intimate activity or holding hands. With this love language, the speaker feels affection through physical touch.

    You can relate to a few of these . Maybe you relate to all of them. But most of us have one or two that are much more important to us than the others, and itโ€™s different for everyone.Itโ€™s obvious that we all show affection in different ways. These โ€œlanguagesโ€ simply label those ways so you can understand people a little better.

    If you ask me which language I can relate with, it's a mixed of 2,4 and 3. Although , I don't care much in receiving something , I express it through gifting. ๐Ÿ™‚

    How about you ?

  • @cjko
    Damn. You're quite knowledgeable in the subject of love.
    Now going by my personality of being a man of few words and a principle of "Not Accepting Gifts", I think I can relate the most to the Acts Of Service and Quality Time. I think Physical Touch is a complimentary act to the points 2 & 4.

  • @Wolfie_11 haha nah. I just learned something .. I'm still fool in love. :D

  • @DIV hmm I can relate with that. I can't express much through words

  • @cjko said in Five Languages of Love (Chapman's Theory):

    @Wolfie_11 I'm still fool in love. :D

    That shows. :p
    Just kidding.

  • @cjko

    I am an addept of all 5 of those, but people often overlook the "gifting" one. It doesnt have to be expensive, like a perfume, flowers, chocolate, a piece of clothes, jewelry, etc... When I used to live with one of my exs, I'd write small cute notes, and would leave them scattered around the house, where I know she'd find them so she would start her day with a smile on her face :)

  • @Wolfie_11 haha wow. That stings! :D

  • @Lurker yeah you are right about the gifts.. it's always the thought that counts. That thing you did with your ex was sooo cute <3
