• @cjko
    I'm sorry to hear that and admire your braveness to seek help

    Keep remembering that he is in a better place and that you will meet him there where you will then be free from all pain of loss - as the person you lost, you will find there. Till then, remember him for who he was- a kind loving uncle - and remember that you know exactly where he is and that you will be destined to meet him again.

    These feelings bring tears to my eyes!
    To see you leave my world, leave my side!
    Hear the angels sing!
    As they embrace you with a warm; "Welcome home!"
    With a warm "Welcome home!"
    Hear the angels sing!
    One morning I'll wake up to you,
    One morning I'll hear the angels sing.
    On that morning we won't be worried about the weather
    Nor will we might wither his life
    While the clocks alarm.- Jake Luhrs

  • @cjko

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
    But as many said, death is part of life. It's the "conclusion" of our time here, and wherever he is, he certainly doesn't want to see you sad. So you gotta be a little strong and get better soon, tho don't hold back or hide your sorrow. It's ok to feel sad, we are only humans, we feel... really much.
    If you ever need someone to speak too, count me in!
