• Let me share ,
    I could not propose my crush on time when i was at college.

    i started follow each instruction of my family member (biggest mistake i can't roll back those days)

    I again fall in Love(one way hahaha), I know I punishing myself but i can't leave can't stay. Very tough situation. What should I do I don't know. :(

    I am still not sure whether 3rd one is my mistake or what ? I m not wrong and she is also right their side.

    Guys now your turn to share your mistakes. Awaiting

  • @_ajay_

    1. I tend to talk to much .... so much that I talk myself and others out of things (this is not one mistake, but a life long continuation)

    2. I let my first (* & only true) love get away ..... been a long ass section a me life since then :/

    3. I suppose choosing Life over Career would be my final big mistake .... you get it if you could see me now ...

    That said, I don't do mistakes, and what has happened in my life has made me the person I am today, if it had happened any other way.... I would not be the me I know now

    Live Life with No Regrets

    Take note peeps ;)

  • @_ajay_
    1.Trusting people I should have never trusted 2. Falling in love with someone who can NEVER like me back. :( 3. Never telling my bestie how much I loved her when she was with me <3.
    Anyways, although I have many regrets about life, I live my life without caring about them.N that's how I enjoy life.. ;)

    1. Too trusting to those people unworthy of my trust
      2.Too kind and let others abuse that kindness
    2. Too stupid to believe something is real

  • @cjko said in What are your 3 biggest mistakes?:

    1. Too trusting to those people unworthy of my trust
      2.Too kind and let others abuse that kindness
    2. Too stupid to believe something is real

    Thanks for your reply Ms... :)
    didn't expect one lol :smirk:

  • @shaun-durwin you're welcome

  • @_ajay_

    1. Catch feelings too quick

    2. Trust people that I should not have trusted

    3. Use my heart when I should have used my brain

    I am a sappy romantic :p

    1. I abbandoned my crush although we could have a relationship only because I was shy
    2. Trusting people too much
    3. Being too kind

  • @PINTU uh falling in love with guys who are out my leage

  • still trying to figure out how i let my life crumble like this
