@Scottish facts😂
Thoughts in the mind? Or am I releasing something new?
She smiled softly, but this time it was different. Her face smiled but her eyes didn't.
Silence is an answer too.
Tell me about your heart, how it stole breath from my lungs and still warmed my veins.
Take every chance. Drop every fear.
There's always a little truth behind every "Just Kidding"
A little Knowledge behind every "I don't know"
A little emotion behind every "I don't care"
A little pain behind every "It's okay"She wasn't waiting for a knight,
She was waiting for a sword. -
@hales17 It's a secret. :)
@hales17 you hun are what they call great with words.
I’m no critique but I thought that was deep. Nice one :) -
You should join Hello Poetry. I think everyone there would love your poems :)
@justchatamy How do I do that?
@hales17 Here's the direct register link. :)
@justchatamy I'm on pending now!
@hales17 that. Is. Beautiful.