• @cjko What? Idk

  • @cjko Then don't follow if you don't like to follow

  • @casualboy that won't hurt my tummy. :)

  • @cjko OK. See ya.

  • @cjko Lol. If you want to know me then follow otherwise don't after me...

  • While explaining colors and how they look might be very difficult, you can help them understand colors using their other senses.

    Using touch to describe colors.

    Have the person hold certain objects while you tell them what color it is.
    It might be helpful to consider using objects that are almost always a certain color.
    Have the person hold different pieces of wood, touch the bark of a tree, or touch dirt on the ground, and explain that these things are all brown.
    Give the person some leaves or blades of grass to hold, and explain that these are green.
    Green feels like the alive parts of plants, because when plants are green that means they are alive.
    You can even give some dead leaves and explain the difference between green and brown.

    Using sounds could describe colors.

    Certain sounds can definitely be associated with certain colors.
    Explain that sirens should make them think of red, because red is a color used to get people’s attention and many fire trucks and police and ambulance lights are red.
    The sound of running water, especially a stream bubbling or the ocean waves crashing, should make them think of blue.
    A sound for green could be the rustling of leaves.

    You can also try to describe how the colors make you feel emotionally.

    If they are blind from birth they won't be able to see the color in their head, however it gives them associations to use for when someone uses the name of the color.

    Hope it helped.

    P.S: I totally got help from the Internet for this answer!

  • @cjko @ObviouslyLucifer
    I would tend try to use Luci's suggestion. I would also add to that different temperatures. You know, like red would be a very hot colour, bright and vibrant.
    I did wander are you talking about a 'blind from birth' person, or someone that has been blind for many years, so much maybe the memory of colours has faded ?

  • @obviouslylucifer thanks for sharing this..I appreciate it. :) well, we are still so blessed in spite of all the things that make us frown or feel like the world is against us, we should consider these people that can't normally see or do things we took for granted.

  • @mr_peanut in general. :)

    Well , yeah thanks for sharing your ideas about it. I appreciate it.. Imagine how colorful they think the world is.. :)

  • @obviouslylucifer nice answer.