@StOrTStACcK draw me something you like, from your heart :) show me that things later.
Here is what i drew, around October 2020 when i argued with her :) then i'd rather to lose my ego than lose her.
A Silver Eagle and A Green Dragon-1.jpg
Make a wish! :)
@cjko hmm..it kinda looks like this.
@liliputian1 hahhahha yeah I thought so.. well, I did it within 1 minute :)
@cjko I wish... I wish ... I wish to keep it to me lol :P
@mr_peanut haha your wish will be granted soon. Said she ( the fairy )
@cjko furries are real
@cjko Wish my wish came true!
@barton yes, she will grant your wishes soon. :)
@rabbitboy furries or fairies? hehhe if fairies are real, where can I find them? :)
@cjko furries as the wish I wished for
at the bottom of a garden in the south coast of England,
live the fairies and creatures that need no sand,
For they flutter and fly all through the sky...
and if your lucky they sit in your hand !
@cjko no she wont. :( she was always cruel to me. :'(
@barton ooh, you're so pessimistic.. change that now. :)
She will. Just be patient :)
@cjko i really should stop saying negative things! 😂😂😂
@barton yeah you should.. don't be an enemy to yourself :)
@cjko hmm
@mr_peanut I wish to see them and hold them :)